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Expect another server shutdown.

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pothergust3000: im part of a lag test compainy and need to test
pothergust3000: ur lag
pothergust3000: and commands
Lostie: So that entails what?
pothergust3000: so is one of you the owner?
Lostie: What would you need to do exactly?
pothergust3000: test lag and commands
Lostie: How?
pothergust3000: dude im part of a lag compainy
Lostie: Dude, better grammar maybe then.
pothergust3000: but is anyone of u the owner?
Lostie: The answer is still no.
pothergust3000: o
pothergust3000: well can u promote
pothergust3000: ?
Lostie: Perhaps.
Lostie: I can also ban.
pothergust3000: i need to test cmds may i have a rank?
pothergust3000: if u bvan me i ban this server
pothergust3000: *ban
Lostie: You will ban us
pothergust3000: yep
Lostie: 5 minutes.
Lostie: Ban us.
pothergust3000: why?
Lostie: If you dont
Lostie: I ban you Smile
pothergust3000: first i need to test cmds please
Lostie: Shut us down.
Lostie: If you can.
Lostie: I want to see this.
pothergust3000: ii need to test the cmds please rank me'
Lostie: No.
pothergust3000: then im shuting the server down forever!
Lostie: Okay
Lostie: 10 seconds
Lostie: Before I ban you.
pothergust3000: FUCK YOU BITCH DIE IN HELL!go suck a vagina
pothergust3000: this server is going down!
pothergust3000: bye
Player pothergust3000 left the server.
pothergust3000* (offline) was banned by Lostie
Ban reason: Threatning to *shut us down* didnt deliver. Bye bye.

Better all get ready to wait again :/

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This be getting boring, atleast they could start using some originality for our entertainment of the very least. Instead of saying the exact same thing over and over again.

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"FUCK YOU BITCH DIE IN HELL!go suck a vagina" ~ The Lag Test Company Of Minecraft.

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11014GRF wrote:
"FUCK YOU BITCH DIE IN HELL!go suck a vagina" ~ The Lag Test Company Of Minecraft.

Reliable lag testing since 2010

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