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someone help o m g

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so i was inactive for 4 weeks bc i was gone / when i tried to get on it didnt work & ive been trying for like the past hour to get on my computer (i was on gwens yesterday lol) & its not java or wom & even without wom its not working but the forum says its up & the wom list says 3 people are on but it wont work f m l Crying or Very sad

what the poop is wrong with my computer :'c

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It won't work?

Does it show something? Errors? Sudden crash? Stopped working? Disconnected from server? Server is down?

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Sounds like Java took a dump on your computer. Imph, go here and let us know what version of Java you're running.
If you're on version 7, you'll probably have to uninstall it and reinstall version 6.

Also, try doing this for me. In the folder that you have WoM in, open up the "lib" folder and delete minecraft.jar. Now open WoM.exe again and let it re-download minecraft.jar. That might fix your problem.

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