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did a litl editing hehe :)

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i did a litl editing with my favourite animes of colourcloud palace(on animax)
and my pet momi....well this was done with adobe photoshop...i did this a long time ago..before wigs were invented so my pet is bald haha...but i think she looked cute even then. Smile

pls lemme know what u think.thnx Smile


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i really it!!!!!!!!!!!! love the hearts and the cherry tree !!!!!! i love anime!!!!! your pet is cute!!!!!!!

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cool!! the purple background with the red and pink hearts are too cute!! YEAH! when you do more please share with us. awesome editing Nj omi!

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hey fash i think ill make this pic my siggy for the valentine week...what say?? Smile

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yes i changed the siggy just now hehe Smile luv is in the airr...

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Guest Guest

Very creative and beautiful.. congratulations

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@Lazar..thnx Smile
@Fash...ya she is in luv...wid the anime wid the long hair..lol SmileSmile

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