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Serious Sexual Consent Breach

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My view on this, We shouldn't be allowing this to happen at all and I know that there is secret sex channels on IRC but they should be removed as a 14 year old can easily pretend to be 16 and we have no way to prove otherwise. I have been to a legal forum discussing this matter, as you may or not may know that exposing sexual content to a minor is illegal even if they give consent, as minors they can't give consent even if they wanted to below is what we were discussing:

I said
"well the man is in holland but the girls who at the age of 13 to 14 and they live in the US, So can you direct me to where to go?"

They said

"The US isn't going to go after him in Holland, if that's what you're asking. Where to go? First, go to the girl's PARENTS. They need to be notified that their children are at-risk so they can implement better supervision and computer control. Then, if you want to attempt to report that illegal activity is originating in Holland, you can notify authorities in Holland."

I said

"ok but does the two girls have to complain first for me to take action?"

They said

"No, you do not have to wait for the girls to complain before you report it."

"You are also free to ban him from the game/forum/irc channel."

"...and really, should have done so already. Like, the second you realized what he was doing, you should have dropped the Ban Hammer on his head. You should see to that immediately."

I said

"Yea I am just gathering evidence but it is tricky at the moment as we need logs of the incident to prove it, the 13 year old I don't really trust to supply logs as she has edited them in a previous ban of the same person, unless I alert the Texas Police Department so they can get the logs or at least look at them but I can't go to the 14 year old or the 13 year old's parents as I live in the UK and also he was unbanned as we found she edited them"

They said

"It's your organization's playground. You don't need logs. You don't need evidence. You know the guy is trouble. You don't have to unban him, regardless of what evidence is provided. I normally dislike admins/mods who perma-ban regardless of evidence but this should be a no-brainer. Perma-ban him. IP ban him. Do everything short of sending someone to his house to take his computer away to get rid of him. He could become a serious liability to you."

also I found out that kev had virtually sex with someone below 15 years old

I have heard that he was warned 10 times about this but no action?

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Be mean: Wait for more evidences and get the authorities. He totally deserves that.
or we could just ban, get more drama and move on.

I say we wait for more >_>, if we ban him, he'll just do it somewhere else.

Now, if you REALLY want to dig up some logs because you have some free-time or something, I have this:

Get notepad++ cause that thing has over 60,000 lines.
It's zipped cause the forum sucks.

It ends at the start of November, sorry. I have nothing after that.
EDIT: It's re-enabled now, as long as "Ericrb" is on IRC, everything is logged lol. I don't use it to log, it's actually my phone, but hey! there's the option to.

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Guest Snowy
I've seen this as a really bis problem as well because I've seen with with my own eyes and for one its really awkward and makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't have the logs to show because I didn't screenshot it but I've seen things like Kevin wanting to hump Luna. As well as he one time tried to get me to masturbate and offered to tell me how. I've seen quite a bit of this stuff on Irc and I really don't feel comfortably safe in those situations. I don't have those logs anymore but I've seen it with my own eyes.

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As said above, it's a problem. But as with actions, how can we gather evidence? Not like anyone who has done anything with him are willing to donate the logs or evidence for fear that everyone will think differently of them. I just think its a case of doing something asap.

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"It's your organization's playground. You don't need logs. You don't need evidence. You know the guy is trouble. You don't have to unban him, regardless of what evidence is provided.

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we would need to ban kev from classic, forums and irc.

all at the same time.

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I'm supposedly the reason that he's still around. This has gone way too far. BAN HIS ASS PERMANENTLY. I'm tired of his antics, I'm tired of our members being harassed. He's out of here.

As for the logs for evidence, I don't even want to read through it. This whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

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Alright. How much do we have on him?
We need to review what we've got.

I support this notion to act against Kev legally, but are we talking to the right authorities yet or is this just a cornerstone to the right action?

Have the IRC admins already done something about it?

Want to get a list together of girls kevs hit on together?

I'll start putting names down if need be.

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WoM - DeadlyPixel68 , Sharpy (probably more too, also sharpy's legal)
Au70 - (this is a dead end I'm afraid, unless you pursue allyson in which they've had fights before. I can't say, I haven't seen him around girls on this server.)
AITM - Ph0ebe, Lunar, Po, prettymucheverygirlontheserver
Cryptic Phoenix - OsymphonyX (except she's legal) Possibly Xiuhcoatlserpent and Wolf but I'm not sure on those two.
Fcraft - Most of the higher ranks, this is where he spends a lot of his time, i'd bet he's pretty intimate with the girls there. How old they are? No idea. they seem mature, and Fcraft doesn't take crap from kids so they probably are.

It's probably true we don't have much on Kevin, logs might not be enough.

Consider taking it to the parents of the victims or kevins parents themselves. That could be interesting to try, it might not get us as far as legal action of course, but it might get him off minecraft (if not forever, for a while)

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As to Zhuges image, becky is 13 which makes it too young to even try to 2 year rule. We probably haven't even hit the tip of iceberg for as far as this goes and I doubt we can.

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Guest Snowy
True true but how would we contact these people's parents? Even kevins? @Moufisto

I also thinks he takes it too far with only several girls that i think he talks to the most, regardless he does it to pretty much every single girl he comes across.

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I don't consider taking it to the victim's parents unless the victim accepts/agrees.

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I didn't mean the victims parents.
I meant Kevin's. - as for how, we simply ask for his home phone. And i don't mean US, i mean a girl we set out to ask or someone here's bound to have it anyway.

That or we contact their local authority and show them what we've got and possibly bring someone from there on in an undisclosed name to observe him in Minecraft or something.

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We need kev to give up the old aitm irc to keep any mischief out. Dont want to associate with something that can get us into trouble

edit- he did that this afternoon

also luna is compromised ie used by kev in the past. i am not sure what can be done.

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dunno if any of you guys know this or not, but he told phoebe & i that theres 2 girls in real life with restraining orders against him lol.

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Snowy wrote:
As well as he one time tried to get me to masturbate and offered to tell me how.

Are you kidding me? How is he not dealt with already. That kind of thing just cannot be tolerated btw, how old is kevin?

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