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Under Rated Video Games

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Have you ever asked some friends "Hey have you ever played (game title here) before?" Then they says "Nope never heard of it". Then that game might be an under rated game! There are lots of great games that no one seem to catch on to here's my list:
Sleeping Dogs

 If you haven't heard of this game its like a sandbox fighting game with cars and all sorts of stuff. This game is a pretty decent one although it could use a little less button mashing when fighting. Literally after 1 and a half hour of playing this game my thumbs start hurting. The driving and action do make up for it though. But I'm not quite sure if this game is that under rated but its been mentioned as one numerous times and I don't know anyone who owns it.

LA Noire
LA Noire was a great 1940s detective game and one of my favorites from Rockstar Games. Some people complained that it was boring probably because you don't shoot people as much. This game lasted long it was so long that it was put on 3 discs (no joke). It really puts you into the life of a detective in the 1940s, man just driving through the old streets of LA is awesome its not a confusing one either like most detective games were. LA Noire was like a hybrid it had action with a good taste of mystery and great music.
Link's Crossbow Training

This game was most likely ignored cause of its title but heck its the first game with LINK'S NAME IN IT. Link's Crossbow Training is probably one of 2nd most forgotten games in the Legend of Zelda series (next to the Legend of Zelda CDI games). It was a good game but it wasn't like all the others. It was attempting something different.

Rayman Origins
Rayman Origins had funny moments and interesting creative levels. I've played this game with friends and its pretty fun when someones joining you on this adventure. Rayman Origins was a long game and gave you some challenge when needed, its one of my most favorite platforming games. I think it was left in the dust because more successful games overshadowed it at the time.
Max Payne 3

I actually started playing Max Payne 3 not to long ago and its great. Its a 3rd person shooter that has moments like you see in the movies were your jumping and shooting in slow motion or your dodging an explosion while shooting some guy in slow motion again. It has a good story line with funny moments. I have to admit it does get a little repetitive with all the shooting but the story keeps me attached.

If you've seen the game cover you might think its a little different than a puzzle game. But its not the game play that makes it awesome its the story that's so good! Its about this guy who is trying to juggle 2 girls at once in his life hes a good guy and didn't try to get into another relation ship. Catherine has funny scenes and is an amazing anime game. It didn't get that popular most likely because it seemed like an adult game when you look at the cover art but its faaar from that...

Yep thats some interesting cover art! ^^^
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Personally, I dont think L.A. Noire, Sleeping Dogs and MP3 (Max Payne 3 see what I did there? hur hur) should not be mentioned as Under rated games, all three are extremely popular since day 1.

However, WTF is Catherine O_O

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Zaynyboy wrote:
Personally, I dont think L.A. Noire, Sleeping Dogs and MP3 (Max Payne 3 see what I did there? hur hur) should not be mentioned as Under rated games, all three are extremely popular since day 1.

However, WTF is Catherine O_O
I wouldn't say they are extremely popular:

Copies Sold vvvvv
LA Noire: 8Million
Max Payne 3: 7Million
Sleeping Dogs: 2Million

Other Games by Rockstar:

Bully: 1.5m

Red Dead Redmption: 12.5m

Max Payne: 5m

Max Payne 2: 3m

GTA San Andreas: 21m

GTA Vice City: 17m

GTA 3: 14m

GTA 4: 24m

GTA 5: 30m

See if you compare how many were sold to other games 8 million is not that much from what I've seen sales 10 million and up are average.

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Imo, sleeping dogs was a huge dissapointment. I mean, the story was good but once you finished it there was NOTHING to do.

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Demon's Souls. My under rated game laughs at your over rated, easy, big sell number games.

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SirDoom wrote:
Demon's Souls. My under rated game laughs at your over rated, easy, big sell number games.
Something that is extremely underrated is this:


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