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Village Mayor-petsociety

Triple Paw Pounds Week

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This week we're having a massive Triple Paw Pounds event. This means you earn 3 Paw Pounds pet post instead of the usual 1 meaning you can save faster for them things you really want in Pet Society.

The Triple Paw Pounds will be available in selected forums each day of this week.

Monday - Music Club
Tuesday - Book Club
Wednesday - TV & Movies
Thursday - (Other Games) Restaurant City / Country Story & Cafe World Forums
Friday - The Cafe
Saturday - PSFC Groups (C&G, BAC, FAD, Twilight)
Sunday - Art Gallery

So make sure you get posting in them forums to earn them Pounds!, On Saturday the Triple Paw Pounds will be in the "PSFC Groups" forums, to access these forums you must be a member of our PSFC Groups, you can join each of our groups by clicking here:

BAC (Box Addicted Club) - http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/groupcp.forum?g=19
FAD (Fashion And Design) - http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/groupcp.forum?g=32
Twilight Addicts - http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/groupcp.forum?g=36
The Original C&G - http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/groupcp.forum?g=51

Please when joining these groups, don't just join for the triple points but stay and interact with all the members, they are great fun. (If you would like more information on starting you own group speak to Lea75).

So thats it, get posting and earning this week at PSFC.

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Guest Guest

Friday and Saturday are my lucky days congratulations

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Mr Mayor wrote:
glad you like it, we think it gets everyone checking out other areas that they wouldnt normally check out! congratulations

It's a fab idea - I really like it

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I love that idea cause many people will post there, probably more that usual. And most of the users will look at the forum to post something.

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Guest Guest

My favorite day congratulations

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Dont forget triple paw pounds:

Saturday - PSFC Groups (C&G, BAC, FAD, Twilight)

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