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i just got home, and tiffany was crying for some food....
i gave her one bone, and....


now, 3 of you lucky people run to my profile to get a gift and post what was it, here congratulations

so, only way t oget rid of your grown up petling is selling (for 399 coins)
you can't recycle nor gift them....
so how many other petlings should join the birthday party now? congratulations

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I can`t wait for tiara to grow so I could buy another petling

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mine was all grown up this morning ...but as usual as soon as i said share it froze ...haven't been able to share anything for ages Ashamed

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Me neither. I have been having the worst luck with sharing. Sad So not fun. I think it's a Facebook thing, because I cannot do that with Petville either.

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Don't know if it was a fluke. or if they fixed it but it just let me share a story !!!!

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Can we keep our petlings in our chest?? Will they get hungry in there??XD

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pull them out (search by puppy if it's still a puppy, or dog if it grew up)
and you'll see it's hungry
they can run away, when they're in the chest too...

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hehe thanks.. lol

i just got a kitten named coco... small, brown, and hyper congratulations

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