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Does anyone know how?

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does anyone know how to change it so you can only see all pet society or farmville on the newsfeed in the new facebook layout?

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if you open up your notification page there is a list on the right that you can tick to allow notifications or not ...is that what you mean ?

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i mean so you can just see a whole page of pet society or farmville notifications, like what people where doing to get all the roses

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not too sure i've got mine set so i only get notifications from PS anyway ...cos I dont' really play any others

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Mage lvl8 wrote:
do you mind telling me what she said cuz i would like to know also congratulations

this. congratulations

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Mage lvl8 wrote:
do you mind telling me what she said cuz i would like to know also congratulations

yes me to i only now how to se one of them at the time because i now there is a link to se the one

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