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♦ !! MARCH chat - part 1 !! ♦

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oo sorry to have upset your tummy.. tried to keep it level

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I never saw her before this week, been watching lots of daytime stuff I haven't ever seen before.

I told Bob I might have to stay off permanently cos I'm loving it!

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OK sorry am back and have survived the move to the garage too Frannie :-)

OH is just on his way to Belgium tonight and was calling to tell me that his bonus figure just arrived and is 15% more than expected

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Wish Fairy wrote:
OK sorry am back and have survived the move to the garage too Frannie :-)

OH is just on his way to Belgium tonight and was calling to tell me that his bonus figure just arrived and is 15% more than expected

Whoot!!! Shopping???

How nice extra cash is always welcome!

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ooo 15% extra is nice!

not too cold today. Don't even have the heater on.. It's up to 30 today. went fabric shopping without a coat.I'm in training for next week!

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Oh Wish, does he have to stay long? It's pretty cold and they're giving snow this Saturday Sad

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My big ol hairy dog was trained before I got her. She was trained as a companion dog to visit nursing homes, etc. She is completely hand signal trained and I have kept her close to the task on it. Unfortunately she failed her final exam because she is too passive (as if that's a bad thing!) and is not allowed to wear the vest. But she's a good ol girl anyway.

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LOL 30 - still freezing no ? Bbbrrr - colder than here!

Yea - that extra is a BIG surprise - w never count on his bonus at all, so it's always good, but this year is quite amazing ! Now, he is left in Munich airport trying to buy perfume - lord know what I'll end up with, but it's nice to be surprised congratulations

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30 is a positive heat wave compared to what we have had... and it's sunny. They build em tough in chicago, cold does not bother me... grey skies, on the other hand make me want to slit my wrists

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Toulouse wrote:
Oh Wish, does he have to stay long? It's pretty cold and they're giving snow this Saturday Sad

In fact he's just flying in tonight and back to Uk tomorrow evening. He has to visit a customer and was in Poland anyway this week. Exeter and Finland next week (did I miss the "Roll eyes" smilie
congratulations )

Frannie wrote:
My big ol hairy dog was trained before I got her. She was trained as a companion dog to visit nursing homes, etc. She is completely hand signal trained and I have kept her close to the task on it. Unfortunately she failed her final exam because she is too passive (as if that's a bad thing!) and is not allowed to wear the vest. But she's a good ol girl anyway.

Wow - that's cool - hand signals. I remember you saying that before. My collie is pretty good on the whistle, but the older dog just does what he feels like now (mostly sleeping and eating cos he's gonna be 17 this year)

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I love surprises too Wish...Bob's quite good with perfumem, which is lucky.

BG what's it like at the beginning of April in Belgium? like Easter weekend 1st - 4th, Bob's going to a bike meet in (can't remember the naem of the place properly) something like Dehan/denan? He'l;l be camping.

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Frannie wrote:
30 is a positive heat wave compared to what we have had... and it's sunny. They build em tough in chicago, cold does not bother me... grey skies, on the other hand make me want to slit my wrists

I agree with that Frannie, give me cold days and bright skies over grey wet warm days any time.

That's why I usually hate February cos it's gloomy here, but we've done ok this year mostly frosty, snowy but not too much rain. Well that's up here anyway I think South had it worse this year.

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Wish Fairy wrote:
In fact he's just flying in tonight and back to Uk tomorrow evening. He has to visit a customer and was in Poland anyway this week. Exeter and Finland next week (did I miss the "Roll eyes" smilie congratulations )

Oh phew, so he won't be tortured with snow, that's a good thing!

DawnyDawn wrote:
BG what's it like at the beginning of April in Belgium? like Easter weekend 1st - 4th, Bob's going to a bike meet in (can't remember the naem of the place properly) something like Dehan/denan? He'l;l be camping.

Lemme think... We consider April as a very wacky month - it can be very very nice, but it could still freeze. Does he know if it's going to be near the sea? We have a place pronounced the way you've written, but that's at the sea (might be mighty cold)

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Toulouse wrote:

Lemme think... We consider April as a very wacky month - it can be very very nice, but it could still freeze. Does he know if it's going to be near the sea? We have a place pronounced the way you've written, but that's at the sea (might be mighty cold)

Sounds pretty much like here then could go either way.

I'll find out the correct spelling tonight and ask again tomorrow hunny, but thanks for helping out. He'll need to know how many blankies to take because I won't be with him this time Laughing

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how does one bike their way to Belgium from England?

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Let me know if you have the name (fun fact - ahem... De Haan translated to English is actually 'The Rooster') and let me know in time when you have to pack, I'll keep you posted about the weather and what they are forecasting?

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i have so much to learn about Europe.. just going to have to make a trip sometime

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looks like one or two more passes Dawn and we'll get it. you have time?

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Frannie wrote:
how does one bike their way to Belgium from England?

He'll travel by Euro-tunnel Frannie to France then ride on to Belgium. It's lots of fun, we did it 3 years ago and road right down to Spain to see my parents. Took us three days, I guess it's a; bit like driving to Florida from where you are except we have the channel to cross first. It's much cheaper to go by train with the bike than ferry.

Toulouse wrote:
Let me know if you have the name (fun fact - ahem... De Haan translated to English is actually 'The Rooster') and let me know in time when you have to pack, I'll keep you posted about the weather and what they are forecasting?

That's the place I think BG, it looks familiar but I will double check when he's home.

Wish Fairy wrote:
You can go by boat frannie or by Euro-tunnel to france and then onward

You beat me Wish Laughing those darn beds! Laughing

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Frannie wrote:
looks like one or two more passes Dawn and we'll get it. you have time?

Lets go for it, I'm waiting for a call from Bob to say he's on his way home as soon as I get that I will have to stop but we're ok for now hunny.

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ok will brb sugar dropping like a bomb.. let me go get a TJ!

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Okay Dawn, just let me know Smile If it is the place I mentioned, then I'm afraid it'll be pretty cold

and me three: a TJ?

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Toulouse wrote:
Okay Dawn, just let me know Smile If it is the place I mentioned, then I'm afraid it'll be pretty cold

and me three: a TJ?

I just wanted to add that it would be very helpful for him to get that information just before he's due to leave. Thank you sweetie

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Just let me know, I'm glad to help you guys out!!
And since the weather out here's always a surprise, it's easier to know beforehand so you know what to pack

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Wish Fairy wrote:
LaughingLaughingLaughing @ us Europeans lost in translation

LaughingLaughingLaughing There's a quote somewhere isn't there...something like the same language but worlds apart (I'm useless at stuff like that but I'm sure there is one somewhere)

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SOunds like it could be time for Bob to get out the thermals Dawn.

Now - where in the heck did Frannie go - I really want to know what a TJ is ?
I'm sure I'm gonna feel pretty daft when she tells what it is

ooh, ooh - Tomato Juice ??

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and actually I got a V-8 which is a vegetable juice - tomato based.. has a few more carbs than just tomato juice

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Got to make some phone calls ladies - maybe see you later

Good luck with levelling up Dawn :-)

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Yes @ Wish, thermals will be the order of the day. They went last year but it was in the Province of Luxemburg and Easter was later, I went to Spain by plane and they had better weather than me....I was really ticked off I cantell you Sad

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Thanks Wish, Later hunny have a great evening.

I have to shoot now too, just going to return these Frannie, then have to run Bob just called he's on his way and I'm starving xx
See you all nex time

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woo hooooooooo Leveled up!!!! and still have to go through one more before an extra room appears. But we are further than we were!

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bye Wish... Bye Dawn... and Bye BG... going to go wash my face so I look beautiful when Mark gets home in about 20 minutes

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Laters Wish & Dawn!!

woohoo on the levelling up Frannie!!
Did Kijo say she had to work at 3pm? (that's in 20mins right?)

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yes it's twenty to 3 here in the eastern time zone (which we are both in)

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There's a difference of six hours between you guys and me (it's 8.45pm here now) - sometimes confusing, but think I'm getting the hang of it

will check back in a bit, going to get rid of these contact lenses

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~ lurkmode ~

am watching another episode of The Vampire Diaries, but I am here!

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okies time for me to go to bed (sore throat and feeling under the weather, plus having an early class and a long day ahead)


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