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My New Visiting Room and My Lovely Treehouse!

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Thank you so much to all those that helped me fulfill my wishes!! Now thanks to you all I have created these two lovely spaces Smile Hope you like how I've decorated!

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i loved the visiting room i was tempted to take a pic with my spooky w8 i ll take one

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i love the visiting room! live the front of your pretty purple house congratulations
and the treehouse - perfect for chatter with a friend congratulations

in my house, treehouse and the visiting room are my favourite rooms Smile
you an go and see them, i'm really proud of them congratulations
and my pet is always in the treehouse - i love it that i can open the presents from there!

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Awww thank you so much Ladies, I just love my rooms now congratulations

Spooky, Very cute picture! They look ready for tea and soup!

Tweet, I love your rooms sweetie, your tree house looks like so much fun and with the books, a mini fridge and the bed you could have a blast having a camp out!

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