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March Chat Part 6

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ahh yes... that corn bread.. and thanks.. think I will have to make chili some day this week. Always so hard to figure out what to make. I love to cook... hate coming up with menus though

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Frannie - do you know what's happening with Elvis?
I have not seen him since we moved to this forum. He's still on my friends list but disappeared from my PS.

Maybe I should message him once I get on fb tonight.

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Frannie wrote:
ahh yes... that corn bread.. and thanks.. think I will have to make chili some day this week. Always so hard to figure out what to make. I love to cook... hate coming up with menus though

same here - I do it every few weeks when I'm organizing my grocery on-line order - I go through my magazines and the website (for slimming world)but lots of time you end up eating same stuff over and over anyway Sad

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I wrote to him last week... He said he's very very busy but will be back soon. Said he appreciated my note

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oh that's good - I was starting to worry about him - he always said he was very old Sad

maybe I should drop him a note anyway - just to let him know that he's not forgotten

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Afternoon everyone

Sorry I've not been around much...work is mental and so is home atm, Bob preparing for his Belgium trip, kids needing new cars etc etc

Anyway we went over to stay at friends on Saturday had a great time, even though it looks like I was bored stupid in the picture below

I was so asleep (the shame) fast asleep in the PUB!!!

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old???? really? I always pictured him young 20's.... or do you mean something else by old.. now *I* am old LOL

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Seems you all left Ah well, my timing is off again...must run and do some work anyways...
Laters xx

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Frannie - you are not old! Just mature

Hello Dawn - glad you had nice weekend - ready for long weekend?

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well h and bye Dawn.... been doing visits and cooking soup

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what soup? (looking for some inspiration) - when I was moving the kitchen stuff i found out I have 3 (500g) packets of soup pasta (little pasta alphabet shapes and some noodles) so I need to start making some soups to used them up

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Hi all sorry for vanishing earlier, all hell broke loose.


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My bee :love2: :lovebox:

How are you, hows it going in the new home?

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ooo nooo Pet Society soup!

but my Robin (daughter) makes an awesome beef barley soup.. and any other kind really. We make soup at least twice a week.. she and i could eat it for breakfast! Hubby likes it too!

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Grrrrrr why do I volunteer to get a load of grief, even though I have warned them for two years that staff will have to go if things do not improve Sad

I then get blammed for holding the axe, like its what I want to do, yet that is not what I want to see, but I cannot magic money out of thin air Sad

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Robin's Beef Barley Soup

1.5 lb ground beef
1 onion chopped
3 cloves garlic minced
5 ribs celery and leaves chopped
5 carrots sliced
2 cans whole peeled tomatoes
8 cups beef broth
1 cup barley
parsely and oregano to taste

1. Combine broth, celery, carrots, tomatoes with juice, and parsley and oregano. Heat to boiling.
2. Meanwhile, brown ground beef, onion and garlic. Add to broth. Return to boiling.
3. Add barley. Return to boil.
4. Reduce heat and simmer, covered for 60-80 minutes, until barley is soft and flavor is developed.
5. Use sm amt of instant potatoes (Less than 1/4 cup, added a little at a time) to thicken if desired just before serving.

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Cancel Credit Cards Prior to Death

Reported in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle recently;

A lady died last September, and MBNA bank billed her for October and November for their annual service charges on her credit card, and Then added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance that had been £0.00, now is somewhere around £60.00.

A family member placed a call to the MBNA Bank:

Family Member:
'I am calling to tell you that she died in September.'

'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member:
'Maybe, you should turn it over to collections.'

'Since it is two months past due, it already has been.'

Family Member:
So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?'

'Either report her account to the frauds division or report her to the
credit bureau, maybe both!'

Family Member:
'Do you think God will be mad at her?'

'Excuse me?'

Family Member:
'Did you just get what I was telling you . . the part about her being dead?'

'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.'

Supervisor gets on the phone

Family Member:
'I'm calling to tell you, she died in September.'

'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member:
'You mean you want to collect from her estate?'

(Stammer) 'Are you her lawyer?'

Family Member:
'No, I'm her grandson' (Lawyer info given)

'Could you fax us a certificate of death?'

Family Member:
'Sure.' ( fax number is given )

After they get the fax:

'Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.'

Family Member:
'Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don't think she will care.'

'Well, the late fees and charges do still apply.'

Family Member:
'Would you like her new billing address?'

'That might help.'

Family Member:
' Heaton Cemetary, Heaton Road , Newcastle upon Tyne Plot 1049.'

'Sir, that's a cemetery!'

Family Member:
'Well, what the f--k do you do with dead people on your planet?'

MBNA were not available for comment when a reporter from the Newcastle Evening Chronicle rang.

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oh that's just too funny... and the worst part is.. it's sad but true.. I am still getting health insurance ads for my Mom who passed in Sept 2005

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That sounds yummy congratulations

Yes, Im treasurer of the local pre-school thats a community run non profit charity.

Every couple of years (low birth rate years) we have to lose staff, its horrid and im always looked at like the wicked witch Sad Not my fault cannot pay un-needed staff with thin air!!!

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sorry guys - internet trouble

Hello Bogie
I'm settling in - thank you for asking

Frannie - thank you, I will save the recipe and try it sometimes *yummy*

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OMG bee that is just so funny! what is the world comming to?

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Frannie wrote:
oh that's just too funny... and the worst part is.. it's sad but true.. I am still getting health insurance ads for my Mom who passed in Sept 2005

I work for an accounting form and we are also getting tax demands for people who passed away years ago - and you call them to let them know and they say they've amended their records and next year you get same letter again

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just read back
sorry to hear you are having stress and trouble

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oh I missed you.. see you next time Bee

ahhh finally done with mark's visits. I'm finding it a real chore these days what with all the clicking and things flying around the rooms

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Sorry I missed you Frannie & bee had a call from a friend whos dad died today then the school run so had to dash Sad will try and catch up with you all later

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Hi everyone who is here. I tried to post a good morning but didn't notice I had the "new message" alert and never got to actually post.

bogie wrote:
Sorry I missed you Frannie & bee had a call from a friend whos dad died today then the school run so had to dash Sad will try and catch up with you all later

Hi Bogie. So sorry to hear about your friend's dad.

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Evening BG, is anyone else here now?

I'm just awaiting IMOM's return home, how was your day? (I saw the reports this morning of trying to fix your holiday)

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I have no idea someone else's around or not actually

My day was... strange!
I went to the first hour of statistics, only to run away after to get a new course (535 pages... not sure when I'm going to have to read all of that!) and spent my entire lunchtime in the library - I even missed Marlies because of that, she was around on campus! And after that we had presentations, so not much of a worthy class IMO.

But it felt like I had a rough day because of the phonecalls I had to make...
Long story short is that I was going to try to return a week earlier than planned, but I was really amazed by the costs! So that's a big no go. I am going to keep the trip as planned now, going to apply for a passport tomorrow and if my grades turn out to be very bad, I can still cancel (I have a certain insurance for that), if it turns out I have let's say one bad grade, I can take my books and study there a bit.

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IMOM has just come home and said to me, read the last email off my Blackberry.

Give me a while and I'll type it up for you to see.

Any change of travel already booked is ridiculously expensive!

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I didn't know that Ashamed

Only the costs to change (something we call administrative costs, not sure if the term is correct, but I hope you understand) were 180€ (about 162£), then we had other costs adding up... So that decision was quickly made. Anyways, I talked to my parents about it all and they suggested to keep everything as it is now, go look for a passport as soon as I can and if it goes bad, well, then I can still cancel.

If I work hard enough I might be able to have a great time!

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'Good Afternoon,

I have instructed all staff here to vet my calls on Thursday 1st April to avoid any issues with yourself.

If you require me, it must be a direct call to my mobile, and I will not be answering if 'withheld number' shows on the incoming display.

I have been forced to take this step after serious consideration of the things that have happened to me over the years on this date (stop laughing, and by the way, your wife is as much to blame as you are!)

I trust this wont adversely affect our trading relationship and am sure you understand why I consider this step to be both necessary and judicious.'

We get him EVERY year!
So, the thinking caps have gone on now.

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sounds like someone is going to be one step ahead this year... then again, the greatest April Foolery is played a day early or a day late

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I had a great idea Frannie, but it involves getting our ED to call him from work (London department store) saying she's from the Wedding Registry congratulations

- but I think that might cause him to have a heart attack!

How are you Frannie, and the patient?

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I'm fine thanks and the patient is doing pretty well.. He stayed home and worked from home today. Having trouble sleeping because of the incision. He can only breathe in bed when laying on his left side and of course, that's where they make the insertion. So he has spent his Thursday sleeping in his recliner.... not always the best sleep. And of course, he's griping because no shower until Saturday... he will gnore that rule shortly, I'm sure

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I have a question.... the lux store items... are they spread all over now?

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Gill, that's evil!!
(But I do love scheming for April 1st)

I think they are spread everywhere now Frannie, and I'm sorry to hear about OH, but glad he's doing okay!

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omg.. just made a visit to someone I did trades with... they have no less than 20 of those butterflies floating around. It's like something out of a horror film! Will take a pic and post

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One year IMOM (who was managing director of the firm they both worked for) rang him early and said, we're selling your car, you need to clear it out now and take it directly to the second hand car auction as they're expecting you - of course this was just a joke.

One year he was having some work done on his house and IMOM got someone to call him at the office and say they were the scaffolding firm and had taken all the scaffolding down as instructed.

What else have we done to him? oh I know, one Christmas a supplier had sent him a luxury hamper.

OH brought it home before he saw it and we replaced everything in it with fish based products (except for a bottle of the cheapest sparkling wine you can buy) - he hates fish btw!
He was totally confused, and kept going on about what a very strange hamper it was congratulations

We gave him all the thins back of course though (in the end)

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