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How do you like the update?

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I :valentine: the update. EAsier to see new Items. And love the picture. And there will be more, probably. I think they will be representing famous pictures. How do like the new items?

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I love the diary I'm so glad it tells me my pets birthday. But it also tells me Im male which I never knew my pets supposed to be female congratulations

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Is it telling everyone that their pet is male? I can't believe my pet's birthday is in July I thought it was in August.

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On playfish forum it says its showing everyones pet as the wrong gender at the moment. Mine was created on october 3rd 2009 congratulations I had my old pet society on my hacked account since like early 2008ish Sad

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I like the new organized stores - not perfect - but better, and hopefully better as they add new items.

I'm happy to know my pet's actual birthday, as I couldn't remember... just knew it was early 2009. As for the 'sex change' - ShiShi knows she's a girl even if PF doesn't!

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Oh, and the hammie is pretty cute, but I'm deeply disappointed that the lamb petling is a CC item. I posted a couple weeks ago that I was hoping they'd have a lamb petling for Easter... and they did—but I just can't be spending real money right now. Waaah.

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