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PInky :)

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About PInky :)

  • Birthday 03/12/1988
  1. hi zoonie and Lady im hoping to be snowed in so much it is painful walking in the snow
  2. urgh im still aching form trekking through the snow it is so horrible
  3. awww we have more snow overnight its pretty deep but enough to be snowed in darn
  4. Happy new year zoonie im fine pretty tired.. how are you?
  5. I'm ready for a nap! Hello hon. I just hope she's okay and we catch her soon Let's just keep it at BF - Holiday plans troubles, a bit too hard to explain and am hoping we can find a solution for our problem. Other then that, I'm fine. Heard from our friend today (sister was joking he's got an eye for me LOL), making plans for our summer vacation, but that didn't work out the way I thought. First plans we had have been cancelled - way too expensive, so we have 2 options open. We're thinking of going to California for 2 weeks, stay with the friend I mentioned above instead of our travelling around. And, most important: we made our Christmas menu! Sister and I are going to cook (let's hope for the best LOL) Okey dokey then! Plans for holidays sound good! We have booked to go to Euro Disney with my sister and hre family and booked my mum and dad in too as their Christmas present! Yummy - Christmas dinner! What are you having? so funny :rudolf: dancing to it..........Hello and HUGS :friends: hello sweety Hello Gismo! Sorry to hear you are not feeling so well. Really hope you feel better soon. Thanks for that tip Zoonie - off to sort that out now. hi hi how are you i need to go feed my real animals right now hehe see you all shortly [b]
  6. hello gismo i saw booooo lol that doesnt sound to good for you zoonie we arent snowed in but do have a lot my garden spade froze to hr ground though lol
  7. ohhh are we napping i will join snooze hallooooo ya'all
  8. Jingle bells zoonie smells jose flew away lost there pants in the middle of france found them in bombay no pets where hurt in the making of this song and no offence is meant to anyone
  9. PInky :)

    Welcome to C&G

    am ok Bogie just major sleepy lol how are you?
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