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Posts posted by hOppy

  1. Mangoberri wrote:
    hOppy wrote:
    Mangoberri wrote:
    hOppy wrote:
    Mangoberri wrote:
    Glad you're feeling at home h0ppy!

    MAngoberri!!!!! :friends:
    Thank you very much! Smile

    No problem! Remember to mark your calender on August 1 and second.

    Okie! alright!!!!!
    Anything good coming up that day?!

    Didn't you get the newsletter?

    erm... no! Where do i get it, in my email account or some inbox here in PSFC?!

  2. Inkllicious wrote:
    I love it.

    Do your mirrors sometimes get weirdly overlaped? (like one randomly goes infront of the other or something)

    yahan- :iagree: All the time!!
    At times we buy our mirrors/ other stuff right in the middle of the arrangement! There's maximum chance of this happening then!
    I just keep one rule of PS arrangement in mind- the newer stuff always settles behind the older one! The arrangement situation has been better now!
    The overlapping n position change is minimal now! :59:

  3. [center]Welcome to the thread, hOppy is proud to show you her home Smile
    but first, lets meet her!!!

    Oops, hops out of nowhere!!

    Frontyard, Party on!!!! :dance4:


    Living room:

    Sea side room: :tongue2:

    Cafe: :playfish:

    hOppy's fav room:

    Backyard: intended to be a flower shop, but is still not economically feasible for us!

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