I just really need some advice So, I have a friend in my class that is really annoying. We went to the same elementary school and we became good friends. And we finally go to the same junior high scool with several other friends.. In the first semester, he still act normal like the usual,, friendly and something like that. In my class, there are some 'popular' students and he became friends with them. I'm quite shy so I made some friend about a week after I got in. After 4 months, students started asking me about my friend: "Is he really desprate for some attention?", "Is he a teacher's pet?" "Is he that annoying in elemanterary school?" And several more I also noticed that he has changes, BUT A LOT. I know that people changes, but I don't. Recognize him again. He always do weird stuff in front of the teachers and he always desprate for attention. He prefer hanging out with the 'popular' ones although they don't like him. Students from my elemamtery school avoid him. He makes dirty jokes or unfunny jokes all the time just to get attention. And In the end of the second semester, almost everybody likes to ignore him and I do sometime because even I can't stand him. He is just to annoying! He also acts that way in facebook. Everybody usually ignore him. But I think he doesn't know yet that we don't like him. What should I do? ignore him? Don't ignore him? Or tell him the truth? The truth really hurts. Even I not brave enough to tell him the truth. And I'm not sure that anybody want to to this. We can't ignore him until the 9th grade.