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Everything posted by nani_s

  1. ok, how many do you want, it is 4999 each. just f/r me with the note of your order please. thanks. can it be 5*999? can you make it 6x999 please. thanks
  2. what items that you want to buy??? you have to have a valid f/b link in order to do the trade here hun.
  3. Gaiamaiden , thanks for the payment. thanks for the trading also.
  4. You must have a valid facebook link in order to trade in PSFC, its part of our T&C's. Please add it, if you have any trouble please contact a mod or admin for assistance Gaia - Admin Thanks gaiamaiden.
  5. [quote="xolrac2294"] ok, how many do you want, it is 4999 each. just f/r me with the note of your order please. thanks. can it be 5*999?[/quote Sure, just fr me with the note of your order n your pet's name. Thanks.
  6. payment received. all items sent. thank you for the trading.
  7. all payment received. items sent. thanks for the trading hun.
  8. sure hun. coffee maker sent to you...waiting for 1x4999. thanks.
  9. sure, just f/r me with the note of your order and pet name. thanks.
  10. sure, can you please f/.r with the note of your order please. thanks.
  11. your order is, pink jello, monster doll, black cat, mummy doll and bloody mat....i give you 22x999. just send the payment first. thanks.
  12. sure. items sent, payment received. thank you again.
  13. do you want to buy a black cat? it will be 1x4999. just f/r me with note of order and the payment. thanks.
  14. payment received. all items sent. thank you.
  15. payment received. santa throne sent. thanks for the trading.
  16. sure thing. just f/r with the note of the order please. it will be 2x4999. thanks.
  17. sure, but i did not received your f/r. please f/r again with the note of your order. thanks.
  18. payment received, items sent. thanks for the trading.
  19. payment received. all items sent. adding rep for you. thanks for the trading.
  20. payment received. all items sent. thanks for the trading.
  21. Can you make it 2x4999 + 4x999 please. Please f/r with the note of your order please. Thanks. sorry I'm out of 4999. ok, just send the payment. thanks
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