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Everything posted by omi23

  1. 2x2009 cake 5xRed tinsels Can it be 2x4999? all sent dear.....
  2. 2x2009 cake 5xRed tinsels Can it be 2x4999? ok ill send them over in a while
  3. sure you can have it.. I cool..2x4999 sent dear...ty
  4. Gold Star Wallpaper Holiday Candle Red Rose Basket ive these .pls offer
  5. 2 x Festive Ribbon Decor for 4x999 Snowman Carrier Decor for 1x999 santa mayor picture for 3x999 cute bowls 1x999 Mini Festive Tree Decor for 2x999 hi can i hav all of these for 2x4999 pls ??
  6. monster doll lucky cat doll leprechaun doll cupid doll rudolph 8x 4999 for all
  7. allsent and received...thnx so much..
  8. f/r accepted...will be sending ur items soon
  9. An error occured when starting the game. If this problem persists please visit our FAQ. (Error #2035)...............this is what ive been seeing for half an hour...any1 else having similar prb???
  10. omi23

    close pls.

    lol ill sell to both of u...just add me.
  11. omi23

    close pls.

    ok add me for 8cc then.sorry my firefox is down and im comin here with IE which is soooooooooo slooooowww...................just add me and ill send ur items soon...u can also hav items wid 999s but i cant login to PSFC today cuz its reallly slow and it took me half an hour just to login here..lol.add me and keep ur chat on.thnx
  12. omi23

    close pls.

    ok ill add a set of tree decors (including frost ornaments.)and a small tree if u could make it 12 cc...im out of stockins though.
  13. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! loads of best wishes for u........... :gift2: :dancing: :dancing:
  14. omi23

    close pls.

    sorry dear i was on a holiday for a week..............anyways lemme know if ur still interested cuz i still hav them and anythin else xmas ur lookin for lemme know...ty
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