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Everything posted by omi23

  1. yes i changed the siggy just now hehe luv is in the airr...
  2. hey fash i think ill make this pic my siggy for the valentine week...what say??
  3. arent they still in the store???
  4. i never got an anteater...... had to buy them from others lol
  5. oh yeah this is so cool.........PS rocks!!! 8) thnx for sharing Lea :good:
  6. i did a litl editing with my favourite animes of colourcloud palace(on animax) and my pet momi....well this was done with adobe photoshop...i did this a long time ago..before wigs were invented so my pet is bald haha...but i think she looked cute even then. pls lemme know what u think.thnx
  7. thnx chay............. i finally got my paradise room all sent and received
  8. thnx chay.......i can finally hav that paradise room...yeppee...ive sent the fox and 6x4999.....im a bit short now...but ill sent the rest 2x4999+3x999 soon...
  9. chay can u send me the rest two fairies..the fruit and tree 1 ...and i send u 8x4999s+3x999s+fox plushie??? that is 45cc for 22x4999+3x999
  10. lookin forward to vday in PS....not in Real life cuz i don hav a valentine yet hihihihi
  11. sounds great Dawn.... ok then.... Chay the fox is urs for 14x4999
  12. me too........... sold them and did a lot of shopping
  13. yeah...the tree with the koalas...my vote would go for that to
  14. pls try the gmb glitch..it helps makin coins..i hope it still works...im talkin abt the work offline glitch..hope it still works
  15. thnx Dawn....if no one offers ill sell it to u ..i hope ull buy right
  16. omi23

    what is your pet?

    my ones a bunny...hahah
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