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Everything posted by omi23

  1. i know...u can easily sell a fox for 60x4999s...but after this week...itll be hard for every1 except for those who hav cc to trade foxes... @Foxpoly....that was funny... i just sold my last spare fox to u didn i..........
  2. aww.......go them.....yay!!!!!!!!!
  3. thanx all u beautiful ppl i had a graet time chekin out ur pics!! heres me and 2 of my dearest friends ....it was last year....it was the last day of school life im the one in the middle ive put on weight now
  4. aww....thank u..........for responding at least wid a bump...feels lot better... hopes up and finger crossed ive been posting in playfish forum as well.....they would buy the fox for 60x4999s but no ones givin any cc.
  5. i just want 24cc for it thats all....pls help me out sm1 please................havn got any 4999s
  6. need to buy the easter items...this 1 is my last fox pls offer
  7. i hav a haunted broom for 1x4999 for ya...we are already friends
  8. i hav a Dragon Doll...whats ur offer??
  9. belated haapppyyyyyy birthday to PSfc...even though i missed all the fun.....
  10. both PS and RC loaded in a minute 2day...................as smooth as butter lol same thin happenin to others....???????????????
  11. thnx dear...same goes for u.......
  12. thnx fash....................really need luck.....my year final is on april and im scared... things are gonna get dirty if i don do well...pls pray for me
  13. thnx yawll............glad to see that u missed me cuz i missed u even more......... im back here although i wont be active in PS..but its always nice to hav a chat with u all here at PSFC and ill make sure that i drop by whenevr i get time....and feel free to keep in touch with me through fb okay... <3 <3 @Fash....don get to visit my school library much and they are really strict...smtimes the librarian doesn lemme take a book if i don hav the library card....i know its crazzyy my studies are goin on....umm....really rough......exams alll the time....huge...HUGE syllabus and really LES time....need to work lot harder
  14. hiya frnds......its been more than 2 weeks ive been away frm PSFC and also frm PS...well ive missed all my PS frnds and PSFC frnds alot........so i thought id drop by to say hi.........hope u all are doin very very well... my internet is too slow these days....cant login PS at all....it stops loading aftyer loading about 10% so im unable to login although ive tried....plus since im in college.....studies are really hard these days....hard to cope up wid..... anyways...but ill surely be back in PS if i can.....and drop by here often... hope to see u all in my ps neighbourhood when i get back ...LUV U ALL :lovebox: :lovebox: :lovebox: :lovebox: :box: :love3:
  15. sorry dear im gonna be out for a while ..need to close the thread now.
  16. yes it has happened to me before..i usually get gmb out of the gmbs..... its kinda annoying when u buy a gmb and it turns out to be a rmb hehe
  17. i think i hav a pet monro poster...5x999s and its urs pink items i hav are pink scale 3x999 pink wall ribbon 1x4999 pink rose decor 2x4999
  18. sent and received thnx. reps added
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