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Everything posted by omi23

  1. pink sugar smile,blue egg ribbon,small purple ribbon,pink bunny decor,small pink ribbon.....5x999 for these 5 ??
  2. omi23

    wts a firecracker

    actually i wanned the new cc egg thingy.....but dats 15cc and dat would be too high for firecracker...so id add sm other cny items as well...perhaps a spring wall sticker ....and maybe smthin more... guardian angel...hmm i hope so too dear....... 8)
  3. omi23

    wts a firecracker

    thnx dear....im gonna need dat haha
  4. omi23

    wts a firecracker

    for cc...i know it sounds a bit wierd... pls offer. its my last firecracker free bumps are appreciated thnx
  5. Sunflowers pot for 1x999 Sunflowers hat for Scarecrow mask for Knitting basket for whole set for 8x999 Cute Mushrooms Decor for 3x999 1 egg wall decor for 1x999 yellow duck toy for 2x999 ok ill be sending 14x999s all these now no prob
  6. but im all outta 999s dear...what do i do..??????
  7. Sunflowers pot for 1x999 Sunflowers hat for Scarecrow mask for Knitting basket for whole set for 8x999 Cute Mushrooms Decor for 3x999 2 egg wall decor for 2x999 yellow duck toy for 2x999 can i hav all these for 3x4999s dear?
  8. do u want all of the items i mentioned in my posts
  9. Dracula Bed = 2x4999 i hav 1 for sale sorry for multiple posts
  10. Luminous Brain Jar = 1x4999 ive got 2
  11. @Riuna....its ok.......the fox is sold
  12. oops i just sold my 2nd last spare dragon to u as well...hehe ill add u reps
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