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Everything posted by inu-kijo

  1. HAHAHAHA! well will always be in good use for later I guess!! : D So funny! hehehehehehehe Trying to decide if I want to enter the magazine designing competetion or not... : /
  2. technically if you got a buddy together and sent it back and forth everyday you could both get all the chocolates for everyday with just one box, yes. Sorry, cause I had to edit that post, I posted, then deleted it, then posted it again.
  3. OH GOSh! yes you get 14 with one box K-B!! otherwise that would be an expensive amount of money!!! : O
  4. Sorry about that. Anyways, Gill, since that banner thing didn't work out I modified it to make this: Feel free to use it or not. : D
  5. that is probably a glitch, but hey, that is awesome BG!!!
  6. The other person will still get the 14 chocolates (less now, I think it goes day by day, right? or do they get 14 chocolates period?? : S )
  7. i know if you put it in a different room, you actually have to go into that room to get the chocolate that day. : D (like the advent calendars.....) you would think if it is in your house it would still happen automatically....
  8. Oh i dunno thought you just get a chocolate everyday...... you probably put it in your room or something, and got the chocolate of the day, cause i send Snorks one, and I didnt get a chocolate.
  9. I would take socks if i could. He is adorable!!!!
  10. Well I am off to b-fast (go figure after a night of being alone people show when i leave) maybe I will be really lucky and someone will be here when i get back.
  11. Hehehehehe. I meant like how many pictures to include, what kind of pictures to include, how many anatomy pages should be included, ect. : D all the good stuff inside the tiny little folder that is supposed to tell one person everything about me and who i am as an "artist" in less than 2 minutes.
  12. I dont really care for rap at all to be honest, just surprised me. I think him and Beyonce are expecting a child though.... if that means anything to anyone......
  13. hahahahaha, i am trying to research the perfect equation for a children illustration portfolio, so instead of drawing random things, I can focus on what I need to complete. : D
  14. do you guys have Jay-Z over there??? o__o
  15. Alright hun, I think i see you around the time I am dozing off in my own bed, so hopefully I will see you then.
  16. I love it so much! ; D But I didnt start until season 2, So i am online watching season 1 now... and will probably end up watching all of them again. : D
  17. I was getting worse, but then I decided i needed to stop and just watch the shows.... this will be the last one of the night, i have watched 7 now, but they are so good. I love em!!!
  18. I work form 11Pm to 7AM Right now its 3:00AM but usually there is someone online.... especially around this time. Just slow lately... : / So been catching up on some old TV shows.... cleaned my bag, and made 2 different agendas for the week.... hehehehe and yet, I am still bored!!! o__o
  19. Oh no, I always fall asleep at the computer after I get home when i can't get offline. (I lay on the bed with the computer and always fall asleep while typing....) Right now I am at work, so i am good here. : D
  20. I've been ehre all night. : D Not going anywhere.
  21. i think I may be off to b-fast with no sign of a single person.
  22. All night... no one is online..... : C
  23. :lalalalalalalala: No one ever wants to hang out wiff kijo no mores..... i am watching season one of Big Bang... gosh, so funny!!!!
  24. I know every one now a days thinks of Cupid as the cute little cheeky Cherub. But actually cupid is much closer to a Putto, (which is a fleshy baby type figure with wings that was revived by Donatello the sculptor and was used quite frequently during the Resonance ) Cherubs are generally guardian warriors that protects God's domain. Cherubims are actually noted in the bible guarding the garden of Eve with swords of flame! Don't think Cupid would be so cute holding a sword of flame, now would he? ; P
  25. Whoot, just got online... I predict another slow night... : / What to do to occupy my time tonight??
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