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About p.u.p.u

  • Birthday 08/22/1987
  1. send me f/r and the roof will be yours. wow ur so nice f/r sent^^ Roof sent! Merry Christmas! Its such a wonderful gift i've received today^^ thanx 4 ur generousity^^ merry xmas^^
  2. send me f/r and the roof will be yours. wow ur so nice f/r sent^^
  3. sorry hun, at that time i juz received mimmim's payment after sending items to u (baby chick doll) and her (red rose bunch) I always add a post after a trade done, so i dont see in my thread our trading was completed I've juz received ur payment this morning, sorry about confusion, hopefully we can trade again in the next time thanx 4 ur trading
  4. Baby chick doll sent^^ U can send 1x4999 to me wheneva u login to PS^^ r u there? may u send me 1x4999?
  5. items received and sent it back. Rep+ for u. thanx a lot, rep added to u :snowwink:
  6. May u send 1st?^^ Could i send 6x999 to u now? do u still have it? Baby chick doll sent^^ U can send 1x4999 to me wheneva u login to PS^^ Hi. I ask to send items for Red rose bunch please, not baby chick doll. And i didn't get any items from u. Oops, really sorry 'O' it was my response for scgrandma58^^" u can items to me for red rose bunch hun^^
  7. Baby chick doll sent^^ U can send 1x4999 to me wheneva u login to PS^^
  8. May u send 1st?^^ Could i send 6x999 to u now? do u still have it? Baby chick doll sent^^ U can send 1x4999 to me wheneva u login to PS^^
  9. received n' baby chick doll sent^^ thanx 4 ur trading hun^^
  10. all received n' sent^^ thanx for ur trading n' rep added to u^^
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