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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Naaaaaa m8 expensive sack of shit!
  2. Thats nice usd forks and disc brakes had some gold spent on it.bet it leaks oil and jumps out of 2nd gear
  3. That really is ! my Dad had one DTL559 If you see it about
  4. I had a CX500 a million years ago who would have thought a plastic maggot could look so neat.ps great bike for wheelies!Honest
  5. http://deenotes.homestead.com/johncash.html
  6. Would look nice I call mine the Orange Blossom Special not becouse its special cus it weighs a ton and gose and handles like a trian.
  7. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B0XKCkEL5pAvNWZjMmJiZGMtYzMzYS00OWMxLTk4MGYtZmJlODExY2E5MTcz&authkey=CJe0hNQI&hl=en_GB&authkey=CJe0hNQI
  8. I never used mine this year was on SORN but am itching to drag it out the shed and ride the thing just need a new BT45 and its ready for lift off Big heavey bag of shit I love it more character than the bandido
  9. simple nice and it don't leak like the stock one cool
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