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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. well done good job and right nice pics. I did um on a Jota years ago under the bucket shims a right pain in the ass
  2. looking at the list there 16 parts to this race thats me sorted for the night!
  3. After many hours of fiddling about the above sorted it out thank you all very much for your help regards Gaz
  4. after a full AVG scan and the fact it pulled up a trojan, No differnce what so ever !!!!! outstanding ! next Antispyware..this is doing my head in 4 hours and sod all progress!
  5. Nowt to do with me! I am sat here watching a some scanner and a load of weirdo numbers flicker by wile getting high on caffeine overdose
  6. AVG as just pulled a Trojan horse dropper genetric c.....10% left on the scan I will come back in abit cheers for that gaz
  7. well in between swilling down shed loads of tea that will be next cheers
  8. Dave have a great day Gaz & Anne xx
  9. yep done all that been on it from 6.00 till now had enough.Nice Dell Studio runing vista and its toasted
  10. Dose any any one know how to get rid of this Trojan other than this rubbish site. http://trojan-killer.net/remove-system-fix-virus-video-guide/ I am infected with this well my daughters lap top is and I have the grand ol job of sorting it out. I ran the Malware site to no avail. she as zero anti virus my fault tight! untill I can get to a kasparsky shop sunday .cheers Gaz
  11. Warning: Video contains a modern bike being ridden in a non-sensible manner.
  12. Great! them beasts kicked out 100bhp though that skiny rear tyre and the frame must have flexed like hell great fun to ride me thinks! listern to the Z1 power though
  13. Great clip,I love riding them roads I find them a great challenge and bring out yer riding skills,That's the type of road I like to find when I am in Mid Wales narrow twisty serious steep hairpins and loads of loose stuff piled up in the middle add some rain and a few loose sheep.... Any one can go fast in a straight line how slow can you go with out puting yer feet down.
  14. Nice bit of kit but that motor looks very Honda CB750 don't yer think?
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