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Posts posted by RnestseekR

  1. I would love some help with you all's thoughts on what this could mean! I have had REPEATED dream - probably approaching 20 - over the last year to 18 months, of finding extra rooms in my house. Usually, they are on the basement or foundation level. Sometimes it has been my current home, but more frequently I dream of moving to a new home where there all these extra rooms. My reaction every time I find a room that I didn't know was there, is to click into "creative mode" and think "What could I do with this room?" "How could I use it". More than once, I have thought about using it for a scrapbooking room???
    IRL - I already have a scrapbooking room/office. I have more than enough space in my current home. I have recently been called into and am pursing a new emphasis in hospice with my career. I have no desire to do anything with the scrapbooking outside of continuing to use it as an outlet for my stress and to record precious moments with my family.
    I wasn't convinced before today that these were God-given dreams. But had the dream again today while napping, and in the dream even tried to "override" the dream but telling myself, "I know this is THAT dream again. I KNOW there are no rooms in this house that I do not know about. And I made myself mentally rethink the layout of the basement that I was in at the time IRL. And then, the dream took back over and I was wondering through extra rooms in my basement.
    In the past, when I have had God-given dreams of a person's house, it has always referred to the actual person or their earthly life. No other feelings attached to these dreams, just one of, "Hmm, what could be done with the potential of this bonus room?" Would love to hear anything that comes to your mind!

  2. Hi there. I have dreamed of having breast cancer before. I saw the cancer and everything inside my breast. THE NEXT DAY, a mom I had only met once before, told me she had breast cancer. I knew exactly who Gid wanted me to serve for the time being! I wished I could report great spiritual mountains being moved, but I never told her of the dream, just watched her daughter a couple of times so she could get her chemo, and took her a few meals and prayed with her mom. That was a couple of years ago. I don't even know where that mom is now, nor the status of her cancer. BUT I know without a doubt that without that pricking of my heart with a dream, I would have been sensitive of the need to serve this member of my school community! And sometimes it's all about planting the seed, so that harvest can happen in HIS time!!!

  3. THIS IS NOT AN INTERPRETATION. Just wanted to reflect back to you some things that caught my attention: The Jeff and his wife - represent to apparently people of leadership and protection with some level of authority, but not absolute. So if you are seeing a spiritual parralel, this dream wouldn't be talking about something directly with/of God, because He has absolute authority in your life, right? The dishwater issue brings a couple of biblical principals to my mind, so pray and read in the bible on these and see what the Spirit fleshes out: A "man" doing a "woman's" work - role reversals. Also, there was assumption on your part that you knew what was going on, what needed to be done and an opinion on your part that something was either being left undone, or not done correctly. So you jumped in to correct the situation. Perhaps a usual gift of service or a leadership trait on your part is trying to usurp an authority without being sensitive to acting in both truth and LOVE. Truth and Love have to be exercised hand in hand or people do not respond the way you want them to correction or even just help. Your reaction is to say, "Fine. Whatever. you don't appreciate what I am trying to do? I'm outta' here". In the second scenario, the couple is taking a brown, plain Jane recliner on a vacation. Again, in your mind, this is a no brainer. Nobody needs a recliner attached to their back while on vacation, right? You run into another communication issue. Overall, frustration and wanting to say, "This isn't worth it", keep coming up in your dream. But the precursor each time is a communication error. I would ask the Lord if He is trying to give you wisdom about your dealings with authority or your communication with people or even an attitude that you weren't even aware of harboring, but that is undermining a flow of joy in your heart. Are you upset with other people's responses to you without even realizing you are provoking these responses??? Enjoy drawing close to His side as He shows you what this dream is about! And please post back when you have a confirmation!

  4. I saw (in a dream last night/this morning) what I thought was Maine, a town called Fredericton and a pennisula with small towns to the east of it. I got up and looked at a real life map this morning. There's no place in Main called that, but just to the north, just across the Canadian border, there is.

    In the dream, my husband and I were flying into the airport there in Fredericton to attend to legal business. After flying in, we were going to drive a little ways north and come back down in to the pennisula, across the bay from Fredericton.

    There was more to the dream (about my extended family). I don't think my dream is anything prophetic about something that is going to happen there, but I think that something going on there can help shed light on what it is that I am supposed to be praying on/for for this part of my extended family.

    Anyone up in the area know of anything significant going on there? I know nothing of the area. I'm embarrased to admit this, but I thought New Hampshire and Vermont were north of Maine, although I knew Maine was directly on the ocean. Needless to say, I am sure the dream was not of my origin as I have no previous knowledge of the things I saw on the map. And then to awaken and find the map was real - let's just say God's got my attention, although I am clueless at the moment as to what He is saying.

  5. This is not an interpretation, but something to ponder on. The green snake makes me think of hearing things/words said either to cause jealousy or that you allow to make you jealous, particularly if those around you (especially the ones you trust) don't notice the hurt or danger on your end. Questions that can help explore the possibilty of this being what the dream is about: Am I sensitive/overly to others words? Are I prone to misinterpretting what others say or overly personalizing situations? Either way, the danger is real, whether intended or a misperception.

    For me, when I am hurt I tend to strike back (again, another motion/movement associated with a snake). It is hard to control myself and ask for God to reveal the truth of a matter to me. I tend to want to nurse the hurt instead of embracing the truth b/c I am concerned about me. If I nurse the hurt, then I can continue to defend myself. If I embrace God's truth, then I must turn the situation over to Him by putting down my guard and trusting Him.

    Please post back when you get an interpretation. Interesting dream. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Maybe these don't have to do with money. They might. I'm NOT giving an interpretation one way or the other. But just to think out loud with you here: What if you find something worth sharing in real life. Like knowledge or wisdom or a a spiritual gift (which technically wouldn't be finding, that'd be giving - work with me here). Are you an introvert? Would you be more likely to keep that to yourself?
    What about the person who didn't find this non-tangible thing (let's say it's something like wisdom, just for an example)? Would your natural reaction if you had something like wisdom be to keep it to youself, or to share it with someone who had just as much need, but didn't find it first?
    In regards to tithing, it sounds like you need to do a good bible study on it and firgure out between you and God what He wants from you. But as I said before, from what I know from your other postings you know that so no preaching necessary. Blessings to you as you set out to grow with God. Isn't it great that He doesn't He doesn't leave as we are?

  7. This is not an interpretation. But your dream makes me think of Matthew 13:10 - 23 when Jesus is explaining to the disciples why he speaks to people in parables. He says this, "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their hearts and turn and I would heal them."
    Sorry for the long passage. But breaking it down, it makes me think of how greedy, worldly people want some of the things that we as Christians have (power, influence, peace, etc.). They try to obtain these things without having to subject themselves to Christ's authority. I'm having a hard time spitting out this analogy. But it's like your evil scientists wanted something powerful so they tried to obtain it by stealing it. But the irony is that they were never able to see with those eyes they stole. Their hearts were still calloused.
    Obviously, this was not an interpretation of your dream, but I had just read these verses yesterday and so for me it called back up the contrast between the worldly and those who follow Christ.

  8. I don't have an interpretation to your dream, but I would like to comment on your "wonderings" about tithing. If you are wondering, then pursue more. Our dreams from God will NEVER contradict His word (I've read enough of your posts to know that you know that). So you know his word says that we should give with a generous heart.
    The only other thought I had is that the longer you held your geode and the more you inspected it (that is, held on to it to consider it's qualities), the less valuable it became. The more flawed it became. What was the other guys reaction when you gave him the other half and how did you feel when you kept the "better" half.
    Again, this was not an interpretation. Enjoy praying over thiss with Him.

  9. IRL 05/2010: My mom is putting her house on the market. They had a deposit on a 5th wheeler, but have decided not to do that. They are selling their home to get their bills paid off and monthly expenses down so she can retire. Her twin sister (also seen in this dream) just sold her house. They are renting for a while until they figure out where God is calling them next. Her husband is a pastor. My aunt would like to retire soon as well.

    I have no idea if this dream is symbolic or real life. I have been dreaming of finding additional rooms in my own home that were added in the 1950's and then sealed off. My brother and husband (who is decidedly NOT a dreamer nor necessarily open to the idea of God speaking in dreams) have also been having the same dreams. I have posted the summary of these dreams in the "need interpretation" section w/o any reply. Any thoughts???

  10. Hey gang. I would appreciate your thoughts on these summaries of a series of dreams I have been having. I just found out last night that my husband (who rarely remembers a dream and sleeps like a log) has been having dreams of the same thing. Again, this is a summary of the themes of about 10 ten dreams in the last several weeks. I have prayed about them, done the symbols dictionary here and tried the bible look-up.

    The majority of the dreams are about finding additional rooms in our own home. In my dreams, they have been either a whole wing added to the back or side of the house, or finding a whole basement running the entire length of the house of additional rooms. The rooms are always of a 1950's style finishing (paneling, older furniture). I never care. I always think they can be updated. My reaction is always, "WOW, this has all kinds of potential". In one dream, there was an elevator going down to the basement. I didn't know it was there because it had been sealed off due to radiation exposure. I have also seen in my dreams extra attic spaces turned into studio apartments. There has always been dust in the dreams and the style of the rooms is from 1950's/1960's, always furnished. I have also had dreams where the additional rooms are added to my grandparents garages attics (both sets of whom are now deceased) and my grandparents neighbors attic (also deceased). Frequently, there is a second kitchen in these additions/apartments.

    In talking w/ my husband last night, he shared he has been dreaming of finding additional rooms/stories added to the top of our house. In the most recent dream, there were 3 additional stories added to the top of our house. One story was a dusty attic. One story he cannot remember, but the 3rd story, which you could only get to by an elevator, was a combination of a resturant and a mattress/furniture store. He had the same reaction to finding this additional space that I did, "Wow, what could we do with this?" Additionally, he has had another recent dream of owning a resturant and in the back of the resturant he had a furniture store which he sold mostly matresses. His rooms are of the same decor and are dustty as well.

    One thing I have been praying about is a rental property that we own where we are having difficulties w/ the current occupant paying her rent for some time now. Once she does move out, we are not sure about whether to try to sell that house or to rent it out again. However, my husband and I both agree that these dreams have no connection to that property. We do not own a resturant or business nor are considering anything of that sort at this time. I can see the rich symbolism - the number 3, the basement, the attics, the dust, finding potential, I just can't see how they fit together. Thanks for thinking and praying about these dreams with me!

  11. Lola - Thanks! I needed your confirmation.
    SingtotheKing: Be encouraged; there are two bright spots to this dream. 1.) God loves you enough to pay attention to all of you, even the stuff we wish wasn't there or that keeps us from being all that we can be. He doesn't want to just leave you alone. He loves you! 2.) In comparison, this thing in the mouth isn't as bad as something that requires surgery or antibiotics or amputation. A sore in the mouth is the best place to have a sore. It's a moist environment w/ saliva that has a pH perfectly balanced for healing. God provides his gentle washing via the Holy Spirit. He has a plan and a purpose for you! Believe it! Your name is being called by the Most high King! Does it get any more exciting than that????

  12. This is not an interpretation, but a bit of knowledge to help you as you ponder over this dream with the Lord. In real life, you are probably aware that the problem you actually described is real. This can happen for a couple of reasons, namely infection or injury. If it's infection, it's b/c bacteria have breached a line of defense, found a place to harbor and grow. If it's injury, not only do you have a localized wound with resulting inflammation, but you again have a place for potential infection because the body's primary defense (skin/gums) have been breached. And of course, the rinsing with water alone can flush out bacteria. If you add salt, then you are changing a number of factors in the wound environment making it less bacteria friendly. Finally - the molars are teeth you get at ages 6 and 12 (roughly) and then the third molar is the wisdom tooth. Their function is to chew.
    OK - so now you've got the science. The nuts and bolts. A couple of questions to pose back to you:
    Do you have a wound or injury that's been left to inflame, grow, or fester?
    Is there anything that's keeping you from "chewing" or "feeding" on the Word of God?
    Is there a cleansing God would like to do? You may or may not even know an answer to that question. That's the grace of our God. He's never harsh! Sometimes I don't even know that something needed to be cleansed.
    By all means, do NOT post a reply to these questions. These are for your own personal, prayerful reflection with God. The answer may be "no" on all these. None the less, they are great questions for all of us to pose in prayer from time to time, are they not?

    I have not done the accuracy test. I am an RN - the above information is factual as far as science knows it to be today. Blessings to you!

  13. Touching on what was said above: Your relative wasn't seeking truth. You can NOT base any of your feelings, worth or decisions on what was said to you because it didn't come from a place of truth. The devil's scheme worked against you didn't it? Took away your confidence? Made you second guess yourself? Discouraged/frightened you? Ah, but you KNOW who you are. You are a precious child of the King Most High. NOTHING can seperate you from His love. And, if you are leading and teaching your children to know Him the way you do, then you are a GREAT mom.

    Heavenly Father, please open this daughter's eyes to see the truth in the what the devil has done against her through this interaction. Give her the confidence she needs to stand strong, tall and proud based on your love and your definition of who she is in you. May she use this moment to strengthen her walk with you and grow closer to you. Bless her in her mothering. Speak to her fears and doubts and silence them as she draws to your side. Amen.

  14. This is an initial impression, not an interpretation, OK? My initial impression is that perhaps you have a perfectionistic personality? And/or a fear of failure. I don't know a whole lot about gymnastics, but my daughter takes gymnastics and as a mother, there have been many times that my heart has been overcome when they advance my daughter on an apparatus that I do not think she is ready for. But even though she is not ready to conquer that apparatus, she is developing muscles and becoming stronger when she falls and pulls herself back up. She learns to keep her balance by losing her balance.
    OK, apply that to your life. Are you being asked to take on a new role that you feel completely uncomfortable in? Do you need to learn competence by failing? Or at least trying even though you are uncomfortable. We don't know based on the end of the dream what the outcome will be of you stepping out into this uncharted territory. Perhaps it is something (teaching a Sunday School class, leading a bible study, setting up a food pantry ministry, etc) that has caught your interest in some way but been a fleeting idea and dismissed. Just like gymnastics were something you thought about as a child but did not actually do. So even though you do not know the outcome, you do know that coaches will stand by, they will teach you and then release you to try on your own. God never sends us out on our own. He goes with us. He also usually sends physical, tangible help and teachers. You won't know how well you can do until you try!

  15. You say that "the desire to have these things overtook me." This alludes to the state of the heart and not being under the control of the Holy Spirit for the moment.
    Are your sisters someone you trust? Have they given you godly counsel in the past? What is your relationship with them? Do they usually condemn you and put you down? Or do they genuinely look out for your best concern? I think examining that will be the best means of unlocking the end of the dream - as to whether they are accusing you falsely for something you should have done and was yours for the taking, or are genuinely reminder of a natural consequence of sin.

  16. Halo - HELP! I am not sure I fully grasped what you were saying. Are you saying stepping up in leadership of our church? Or stepping up in teaching? Leadership - maybe. My husband has 1:1 mentoring w/ our pastor in RE: to leadership training. In fact, he just finished that year-long mentoring this past week. But I don't really see formal leadership except in our small group. Can you try again - I got lost in the scripture jumps. I will go back and flesh out in my bible the string of these scriptures and see what else comes to light. Thank you again!

  17. I had this dream this last thursday night:

    I dreamed I had breast cancer. I looked down and noticed my R upper breast was puckered. When I touched where it was puckered, it split open and I told my husband - I have breast cancer. We need to get to the doctor. For whatever reason, we detoured and went to Minesota instead of going to the doctor. I looked down at my breast again and saw that it was cut open and dissected into many slices. The cancer had grown - out towards my arm pit and was quite large. I said again, "I have breast cancer. It has grown. We need to get to a doctor." The dream ended with me roller skating with a childhood friend of mine but we were both adults.

    In real life:
    The next day, Friday, I went to a PTA function at the kids school. I ran into someone I had met in early October. At that time, she had a new baby and had just quit her job to stay at home. She expressed concern at that time about making friends, so I made a point to stop and talk with her. Guess what?!?! She has breast cancer! In the right upper part of the breast. She's had a double mastectomy and 2 rounds of 6 of chemo. Then radiation. Then hysterectomy. The cancer had spread to the lymph nodes (located in the arm pit) and she had an advanced stage 3A breast cancer. I had no idea she had been through all of this.

    I am now hoping to get a chance to serve her in some way. She has my e-mail and phone number. I am going to call her soon to just to check in. Because of the dream, my senses were hyper-alert as she shared her news with me. I can see how scared she is. I want to share Christ with her. Please pray that her heart will be open to receiving him - her and her whole family.

    As for me, the dream has given me confidence to move forward in claiming this friend for Christ. We will see how the Spirit opens doors and works to make that happen. At the very least, I am praying for her. I am hoping, though, to be able to show Christ's love to her and I pray that she will be open to accepting that display of love. For me, I would have served her anyways, I would have prayed for her anyways, but there is a burn and a confidence in me that I would not have had otherwise.

    Why do I continue to be amazed when God tells or shows me something that I had no way of knowing on my own??? I fully believe He knows the future and yet when He tells me the future or tells me something I could not have known in any other way, I am still struck with awe. Silly me! Amazing Him!!! I will post again when she is saved!!!
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