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realative going to psychics

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asking about me! and my kids!
she says she hates me and her 'psychic' says i am not a good mom and have health issues
she is not in our lives now but is there anything you would do.
I have asked God if there is any truth in it to reveal it to me to change and am focusing on being a good mom not on job etc re health issues that scared me.asking God to help me be strong and healthy!

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Hi justblueskies -

I'm sorry that this is happening to you, your relative has issues! lol!

Seriously, remember that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Your fight right now is not with your cousin, it's against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. (Ephesians 6:12-13)

This is your assignment, to stand against the schemes of the enemy who is working through your relative. Our God is bigger than your relative and bigger than her 'psychic', no weapon formed against you can prosper and every word that rises up against you in judgement you shall condemn. Be strengthened by the Word and remember Whose you are - she can't do anything to harm you. Pray for her - by being so focused on you there's likely something within her that needs examining but she's avoiding it....

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larf at the devil ,,,god does,,u have the creater of the universe wivin u, to which everythang will bow the knee,, ,,end of story,, D

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The Lord calls us to pray for those who are not following Him. She is seeking out answers but going to the wrong source. I would bless her each day and pray for her. The Lord is calling you to pray for her. I pray this is of help to you. I also agree with Lola's comments.

Love in Jesus


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I agree with all of the above. The devil has gone crazy, however we already KNOW he's a liar.

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thank you guys!
You are the best Im not going to let this nonsense upset me I amjust gonna love my family and trust Jesus

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Touching on what was said above: Your relative wasn't seeking truth. You can NOT base any of your feelings, worth or decisions on what was said to you because it didn't come from a place of truth. The devil's scheme worked against you didn't it? Took away your confidence? Made you second guess yourself? Discouraged/frightened you? Ah, but you KNOW who you are. You are a precious child of the King Most High. NOTHING can seperate you from His love. And, if you are leading and teaching your children to know Him the way you do, then you are a GREAT mom.

Heavenly Father, please open this daughter's eyes to see the truth in the what the devil has done against her through this interaction. Give her the confidence she needs to stand strong, tall and proud based on your love and your definition of who she is in you. May she use this moment to strengthen her walk with you and grow closer to you. Bless her in her mothering. Speak to her fears and doubts and silence them as she draws to your side. Amen.

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Amen, RnestseekR! I stand in agreement with that prayer!

(BTW, it's great to see you! flower )

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