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lola21st last won the day on December 5 2023

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About lola21st

  • Birthday October 1

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  1. Standing in agreement with you and praying that you will be exalted among the admissions board, that they see in you that that the Lord sees in you, and that they "just know" that you should be admitted to the next class of students.
  2. Hi exo152 - Will they be at your home for a few days again or is this a day visit? If the latter, is there a way for you to arrange activities or a visit to other relatives/friends/neighbors for your sone while they are visiting so that they aren't around your son but are able to see your parents and are able to drop off the items? I've not been on the site for a while so don't know the details of your situation but if it is new in that the wounds are fresh, having them around your son might also do more damage than good for him. When we forgive, we leave the other party in the hands of the Lord and we move forward BUT that doesn't mean that we have to make ourselves vulnerable again to the party who caused us harm, especially if they haven't accepted responsibility for causing the pain and/or if they haven't demonstrated a heart of repentance. It's appropriate that you are still dealing with trust issues, please balance being hospitable with being discerning. You have the right to protect your home and family, while it is appropriate to be hospitable while they are at your home visiting your parents, you should not feel obligated to have them in your home for an extended period nor should you feel obligated to have the children play together - that does indeed feel like opening the door to snakes, i.e., spirits of divisiveness, conflict, control, etc. You set the new boundaries of what an acceptable visit looks like, please don't feel obligated to allow it to occur in the manner it has in the past....
  3. Just seeing this now. Congratulations, Jasmine!
  4. Hi Connie - I'm just seeing this post. I'm so sorry to hear the news. I pray the Lord will continue to comfort and protect you and your family during this tragic time.
  5. Hi Lara - I would encourage you to remain in prayer. Sometimes when we're fasting and praying about something, an option will present itself but we need to assess whether it's really from God. In this case, I don't think the Lord would place you in a roommate situation with a male rock musician who has Krishna books unless. I don't mean to judge the fellow, I just see more things that could have gone awry in this situation than could have gone well. What does stand out in your post is the lack of peace you felt regarding this situation. You mentioned a few things in your post that you felt were weird or just didn't sit right in your spirit. When God has blessed us or instructed us, we should feel His peace. When I'm praying/fasting, that's the sign I'm looking for to know when the prayer/fasting can cease or if a decision is from Him. The other way you'll know it's from God is that everything falls together effortlessly. Things that would normally be barriers aren't, obstacles are no more. So keep praying/fasting until you receive His guidance and instruction. God is able and He will be faithful in your situation. I will pray for you as well. Please keep us posted on how things turn out, ok?
  6. Hi - It's been a while, my apologies for my absence... Thank you all so much for your prayers and PMs! My brother's condition has stabilized but he's still very weak. He's home but my SIL intends to take him to the MD for a follow up exam. The stroke appears to have impacted his speech - he's slurring a little bit but more noticably just isn't talking as much as he typically does. Not sure whether this is by his own doing or if it's because there's damage, hoping the MD will speak to this as well... Please continue to keep him in your prayers, please!
  7. Hi - I'm requesting prayers for my brother who had a mild stroke a few days ago. We noticed he wasn't himself and insisted that he see a MD. The MD diagnosed him as having a mild stroke and sent him home because his vitals appeared ok but wanted him to come in the next day so that they could do further testing. He wasn't able to leave his home yesterday because he was too weak and my SIL didn't have anyone else to help her transport him. In the meantime, his condition appears to be getting worse and IMHO, he's not getting the medical care that he needs quickly enough (the medical system in Jamaica is a bit different than in the US). My prayer is that the Lord's hand be on him as he goes through this process, that the MD's will admit him to the hospital today and complete the tests that need to be completed so that they have the information that they need to complete the healing that the Lord has put forth. I also raise up prayers for his wife for comfort and strength during this trial because they live alone and she's dependent on him, e.g., she doesn't drive so she's a bit unnerved.
  8. Praise God!! Thanks for sharing your testimony, it's very encouraging!
  9. I have to remember tht the way god loves us, is the complete opposite of how we love each other... Isn't it wonderful that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts?
  10. Sorry to hear of Elsie's passing. May the Lord comfort you as you grieve your loss.
  11. hi Daisy - Yes, iPhones work although there is one feature that I can't do or don't view in the same way as from my pc. I can't remember what it is but don't consider it a deal breaker....when I'm able to remember it, I'll post it....
  12. Praying for Elsie's speedy recovery!
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