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Boscoe Jenkins

question about prophets....

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I have a question, what exactly does a prophet do???? I heard that they come to confirm things god has already shown us.. I have a close friend ho has such a gift. Everything she's seeen in my life good & bad has come to pass. We have been true speaking recently & she told me th true t my soul is in trouble. I have problems with firgiveness & faith. Thts just to name a few. The things she'said are true. I want to change my ways so bad but I feel tht im too weak & lazy to do so. When I say Jesus died for my sins & that he loves me all I can do is say it when i dnt feel it in my heart its scaring me because im trying to build my faith, tlk to the lord, & i'll be happy & the little faith I have might just get bigger, then hearing whts going on with my soul is discouraging. I am in no way trying to make excuses for myself nor am I bashing my friend she has left a huge impact on my life & I know tht if something is wrong & ur friend doesnt tell u then they dnt care. Maybe I needed to be shaken up. But I cant shake the feeling tht something isnt right. About a week ago, I was helping a woman in the deli she said god bless u & at first I didnt say anything because I feel tht I dnt deserve anything the lord has to give me. She asked me did I believe in our lord & savior jesus christ? I told her I try. She said tht god has a big plan for me &

to stay strong. She told me to read my bible even if its just one verse a day. U have no idea how en encouraging it was to see god break through like tht. All I could say was, through all this he still loves me & I heard him say, im still here.

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The rest of tht day was perfect. & then to hear something so different from my friend who is gifted. Either im too sensitive, it was bad timing, or the devil is really busy. I cant make heads or tails of this. I dnt know too much about wht I need. Im already scared & the last thing I need is discouragement. Plz, alot of responses are needed.

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im glad u herd the say 2 u ''im still here'',. cos he is, nuthing can seperate us frm the love of god,the werds she spoke 2 u wer life giveing, an u received them,, u wer encouraged, comforted, an exhorted, which is the essence of new testiment prophcy, ,,,ur frend, may speak things that r facts, but r not the truth, we all sin,fall short etc, but it dont change our position in the lord, or our salvation,old testiment prophets moved in a time of little grace an much law, ,,so ppl 2day can speak werds of law an judgement ,,but not werds of love an grace,,u need 2 be discerning wat werds u take on board, an the ''spirit in which werds r spoken, as ther is both life an death in tung, ,,ur insides tell u sumthings not rite, thats ur spirit rejecting wats wrong, ,,ive both good an bad werds spoken 2 me ova the yrs, i sure kno wat i prefer, ,,hope this helps bj,,,,,,,, D

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It has helped. I felt like the little happiness I experienced when tht woman tlkd to me at th deli was taken. It hurt my feelings because I felt like I just cnt catch a break. I know ive made some stupid mistakes and im stubborn when it comes to change but maybe the last thing I needed was to be let down. Now I feel like ill nver be able to change.

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the devil comes 2 rob ,kill an destroy, dont allow him 2 rob u of ur joy, ,u undaestimate gods ability 2 change u in2 the image of his son, ,,,look at the 12 deciples, they went on 2 be 12 apostles that changed the werld ,,,,,,,,D

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I want to respond to this but time will not allow me to. I will try to respond this afternoon. I am just now reading this and it is time to leave for work.

Love in Jesus,


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I really believe that woman was sent by the Lord. What a divine appointment. You know, it's really not as complicated as some make it out to be. The bible says all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13

Also, you don't have do do anything special to deserve God's love...He loved you before you were born! We love him, because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

Also about faith, it's ok to start small! All it takes is the faith the size of a mustard seed. Mathew 17:20 "He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

AND I love this one......
Romans 14:1
Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. 2 One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3 The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. 4 Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.

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I would like to strt by thnkng everyone who responded to the email I sent it meanse everything to me. its like dreamster said, wht my friend has told me about myself may be fact, but its not the truth. The woman who spoke to me at the deli I held onto tht for days & the my friend to tell me the things she's seen, those are definately clashing right now. Like I said tht moment of happiness I had I felt like it was taken & it hurt my feelings so bad. I come home feeling like maybe I can do this & then read a msg & feel dwn all over again. In my mind I didnt picture a god whos pulling me off the ground & telling its alright, I got u & we'll try it again :) I seen a god who was mad & I felt like him & my friend just sat & tlkd about me. I have to remember tht the way god loves us, is the complete opposite of how we love each other... Daphnie, thnk u for those verses I will be reading them..

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The devil leaves you feelings condemned...if it's truly the Lord speaking, you will feel convicted and encouraged at the same time..rather than beat down.

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I have to remember tht the way god loves us, is the complete opposite of how we love each other...


Isn't it wonderful that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts? :praiseg-d:

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I so have to agree with Daphanie here. When you feel condemned it is not of the Lord. He did not come to condemn us but to free us from our chains. A prophet does many things but the most crucial things they do is encourage the person receiving the word of the Lord. They edify the body of Christ with the word spoken to them by God of a foretelling of future events or sometimes of past events to mention a couple of things. But when someone speaks and you feel condemned and down....that is not how our Lord will speak to you. He may convict you of something but he will leave you feeling uplifted and ready to face the trials and tribulations that sometimes await us. He will encourage you through conviction to get up and try again. I know this because he has done this with me many times.

Romans 8:1-6

1) Therefore there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. 2) For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3) For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4) That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. 5) For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirt the things of the Spirit. 6) For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

I go back to this many times. It is a good reminder. This has brought me much peace. I pray it is of help to you.

love in Jesus,


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thnk u connie for the verse tht brings u peace. I will be reading it...i needed the wake up call I will not deny tht & I appreciate my friend for being honest. but also I feel tht there wasnt enough encouragement u know? Feeling down like tht is not of the lord & now I know tht....i'l be sure to remember tht if I ever help any1 whos lost thier way. To every1 who responded & gave me these words of wisdom it is appreciated more than u know. Thnk u all & god bless.

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