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Sister's Friend Had A Stroke

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Hello, All -

I'm not really connected to this woman, aside from the fact that she's a high-school friend of my sister's. My sister told me, yesterday, that this friend is visiting France. That morning she awoke and could not use one side of her body. She's in the hospital at this time and is recovering from what I understand. She's a young lady, like 30, and isn't unhealthy aside from having diabetes. I did pray for this situation once I was informed, but I'm thinking that God may want others to pray as well.

Last night I had a dream that I'll briefly share. Basically, my plans were interrupted because my vehicle (in the dream, not real life) had two flat tires - both on the passenger side. I didn't make the connection to this lady until later this morning. In the dream, I drove the vehicle with the flat tires to various air hoses - like what you'd find at a gas station or car wash. I visited quite a few, actually. I'm not certain, but in the end I think I found one that I was able or willing to use.

I think that the search for different air hoses is seeking prayer from others for this woman. Her name is Erin, for those of you who want to put a name to a situation.

I appreciate your help.

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Thanks to anyone who prayed!

I have not had any contact with this person (nor do I expect to), but I have heard that she's returned to the States and is much better. My sister is supposed to see her at a gathering this weekend. The fact that she plans to attend is especially encouraging.

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Praise the Lord! I thought I responded to this before. Anyway, I did pray... woo hoo

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