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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Ooohh I want to go.. that sounds awesome! Had you done those exercises before? How did you do? I have heard and read about it and thought , wow that seems so hard. I wonder if God gives all prophetic gifted people this ability to quickly see things when they touch others? That would be awesome wouldn't it? I guess it has to be developed though.

    If you can.. PM me the exact name of the class.. so I can look into it myself!

  2. Not sure if this has to do with my dream, but as I sat down to watch the evening news last night, they showed a 7400 sq ft home in North Dallas that caught fire in its attic at 4:30PM yesterday. The firemen could not control the fire. I've tried to research the event on google but can't find anymore info. It was in Irving, Texas at the Cottonwood Valley golf course. I have felt no new revelations on this. I had a completely different dream last night. I had prayed that it would be made clear.. but I'm not there yet. LOL

  3. Thanks Dove Solutions!
    I really appreciate your input as I am hashing through this one.
    I will continue to pray over this. The head demon was sort of what I was getting out of the dream in the room. He was the leader of this really evil group. It felt so Evil and demonic.. give me shivers thinking on it. . I woke up with such a yucky feeling, I didn't even want to think this one through until much later.

  4. Thanks for clearing that up.. yes, maybe that will be my feeling in a future situation. I will definately be looking out for this. Sorry I misunderstood you.

    This is kind of off subject, but has God ever directed you to take action from a dream? If so in what ways did he tell you to do something? I've had dreams before about situations but never felt the direct call to do anything. I was thinking that God would probably make it abundantly clear if he wanted you to do something right? You would know without a doubt. I'd love hear your experiences relating to this.
    Thanks again for your words of wisdom.

  5. Mia,
    I will keep this in mind as I pray over it. The thing is, I have not been thinking about those sorts of things lately. I'm not focused on what people are doing wrong.. I've been more focused on getting people excited for Christ. Lately I my walk with Christ has been renewed passion and a love for people. I'm really not in a condescending mode of thinking right now. That's why your thoughts puzzled me.
    Thanks so much

  6. was it our conversaion on books? It seemed liek they moved our posting to fellowship hall.( The lighter side) It's another area of the forum.. I guess because it did not pertain to dream interps. :huh:
    I'm not sure.

  7. I've lost some of this one.. because when I woke up I remembered it being so horrible I didnt want to think on it. I later decided it might be useful and to write it in my journal anyway. I came away with a very horror film feeling, mostly by the people in the house.

    My husband and I were driving on a road near our house. We saw an injured deer on the side of the road. I felt sorry for the poor thing because it wasn't dead yet and was flopping around. Next we are in a real house on my street that I have always thought of as a mansion, but we've never actually been in and do not know the owners. In this room there are a lot of people and one "head person" the head person talks about someone named Malachi.. almost like he is there but in another room. In the meantime I am surveying the group and they are all horror movie like creatures/ humans. They are really awful looking and scary. I can think of nothing else but Satin and want to get out of there!! Next scene my husband and I are givena newspaper whose cover story shows a picture of the mansion we were in covered in flames. I have the feeling that the house and it's inhabitants were destroyed.

    I've just remembered.. before we went into the house there were women walking around in southern belle costumes/ dresses. We could see them from the road. I also remember at one point lots of emergency vehicles.

    Anybody got any info on the book of Malachi?? I've never actually read it before today. I did find a whole passage on fire and burning on the Day Of The Lord in chapter 4. It says arrogant and evildoers will be stubble and that the day is coming when they will be set on fire. Let me know if you can think of how this dream might relate to the book or the prophet.

    Love, jen

  8. Ok I think this one is already starting to unfold in my life, but I am still wondering about some of the details.

    I dreamt the other night that I was babysitting a baby (toddler age) and the lady I was babysitting for needed to go to work. First thing I noticed was her house was a mess. I made a mental note that as soon as she left I was going to clean up the toys. I said to her in the dream.. you need one of those big round barrels with rope handles to throw all the toys in. We then walked outside to her vehicle and it was a white little (truck I thought) I had the impression that it had a police symbol on the side and that she must work at the police station or something. She was having trouble saying her goodbyes and while I was waiting, her inside phone rang. When I went inside to grab the phone.. I realized she had three wall phones. By the time I figured out which one was ringing, I had missed the call. I went outside to tell her and she said here take my cell phone. (like that helped somehow) I said ok and took it.

    Real life:
    a day before I had this dream I met a new couple at a biblestudy in town. The wife was really nice and I asked her to come with me to my womens biblestudy. She did today. Today I found out that she has a toddler, a white car and she admitted to me that her house was messy. But she's a stay at home mom and doesnt work. I was blown away! So naturally I wondering what the phones represent. Got any ideas??


  9. Yes same to you I want to check out your books.
    Was john pauls class cool?
    I listened to his CD set and it was awesome!
    funny story.. I got the CD's from his Dad (who lives close by)
    because my mom was his nurse for a while. She told him
    about my dreams. He then loaned her John Paul's CD's so I could hear them. I'm so grateful, but I know it was a God thing!

    happy dance

  10. Here are some prophecy/ dream/ supepnatural books I like:
    My favorite: Dream language by James W & Michal Ann Goll
    I just read
    Developing a Supernatural Lifestyle by Kris Vallotton and it is wonderful!!!
    I also like dream stuff by John Paul with Streams ministries.. not sure his last name.
    I'm currently reading a Joyce Meyer book called Approval Addiction..
    very good!

    I'd love to here what you enjoy reading.

  11. Thanks dreamster and resolution.. thats the track I was on.. thinking I was involved with something that was not productive or active in the spirit. I'm thinking that has changed now.. my lifea has taken new direction since the dream occured.
    Thanks again,

  12. Moma T,
    I believe this calls for some serious intercessory prayer. My son developed encephalitis earlier this year after I dreamt of a snake biting him. Maybe snakes don't represent to you what they do to me.. but I now consider it an attack of the evil one when I dream of snake bites.

    I'm sorry to hear about your sister, we were extrememely fortunate to have not lost my son to that disease. I give all the glory to God for that healing. He was so very gracious to warn me and give me a promise beforehand.
    I will pray over you right now that you would come to understand if you are under attack.
    All my love,

  13. things I thought of:
    In the bible there are creatures called seraphim whose name means "burning one" They are often described as firey creatures.

    Also in Psalm 104:4 he says he makes winds his messangers and flames of fire his servants.

    Could the fire beings have been angels?? wind and fire are often
    associated with the appearance of angels.


  14. Although I don't really have any answers on the individual powers.. it is really interesting and seems as though each power pertains to the person it was assigned. I'm sure if you pray over this with God he will reveal it if he wants you to know. Either that or he will reveal it later as you are working in your gifts/ powers.
    Very cool dream!
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