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Posts posted by rachandben

  1. We were in our house (didn’t really look like the house we live in right now). It was at night and we were getting ready to go to bed. I got into a desagreement with my husband about him letting our 4 year-old watch tv while I am trying to get him ready for bed. Suddenly we heard some noise outside (front of the house). I went to look through the window to see what it was. I was a little nervous. I told my husband to turn off the light inside so I can clearly see outside. There were a group of people but I couldn’t really see who there were. I kind of banged on the window glass to see if these people outside would respond. They did respond letting me know that they were there. So I asked them why they’re sitting in front of my house. They said something like “they are seeking protection” I asked them "protection from what?" and they said “their cell phone company cut the service off and the only place they could find the service was in front of our house.” I told them I don’t mind them staying there as long as they don’t make noise because I am putting the kids to bed. Some gave me their bags to keep in our house.
    I hat money, some in my purse, some in my bathroom cabinet that I was hiding? Not really sure. When I saw all these people, I went to get the money in the bathroom and put it in my purse because I didn’t want anybody to find it there.

    Please let me know what the Spirit lays in your heart about this dream.


  2. Hello everyone,
    I am posting this dream for my husband. Thanks for helping with the interpretation.
    God bless you all.

    It starts as I am in a current day Jewish Temple. I’m preparing to raise a dead man, Melchisedek, to prove that the (Mashua) has come. Everyone is seated in seats or pews like in a church. I am standing in the rear left corner of the room in a doorway looking into the room. In the right front corner of the room is what looks like a big black box that almost goes to the ceiling. Part of it is textured as if fabric is over it, like on a stereo speaker, but it’s all the same color black. In the front left corner is the dead man sitting on a high chair with a crown of leaves on his head. He looked like a roman with the long toga. He had spots of blood on his left hand and was slumped to the left. I went towards him when the time was right and was about to touch his hand and woke up and was confused. And assistant and I pulled out steps from the front of the platform that his chair was on, but it was more like a ramp that was flexible. The ramp collapsed when he stepped onto it and Melchizedek stumble a little while grabbing my shoulder. He ran out the doorway that I was standing in at the beginning and I followed him. He was trying to move fast but kept stumbling and falling. I called to him “can I help you?” He said “no”. I said, “Let me know if you need any help.” He stumbled off down the hall. I went back into the sanctuary as people where getting up to leave. An old Jewish lady said, “How did you do that? With actors?” I said “No, that man was dead.” I was thinking “You know he was dead, you know him.” I said, “It was Mashuah”. She said, “But the (unknown Jewis word m---- meaning coming of the messiah) never happened” I disagreed with her. As I looked over her head to the top of the black box, I saw gears and a worm drive turning, like in a clock and I thought, “that’s how it works”

  3. Hi everyone,
    For 2 days in a row, I am dreaming about shopping.
    In the first dream: we (my husband and I) went shopping for windows. The store we went to has double entrances where you go through one entrance first and to the next before getting inside. On the left side of the first entrance when you walk in, there is this woman who is there to find discount prices for people who come in the store to buy things. She finds a discount of $8 for us on windows. It seems like now we are only going to pay $104. I say thank you to her as we are waking toward the next door to get in the store. At first, I didn’t realize it, but when we get in, I start to feel guilty thinking; she certainly expects to be paid when she finds discount for people and we didn’t pay her anything. Then I woke up.

    The next dream is about my husband’s cousin, I’ll call her T: T, (16yr old girl) was sitting at the doorstep of a building with her friends also girls. I went to talk to her and she was really mean to me. I told her “I was nice to you when you came to my house!” she didn’t like it and she started following me, like trying to attack me. I started flying and ran away from her. Next, I saw my husband's Stepmother; I told her how T. was mean to me. My husband's stepmother wanted to go and ask T about her behavior. I told her, “it’s ok; it was just a dream”. Next we (husband step mom and I) are shopping for a wig for T. T is either going to graduate or get married, I don’t remember. There is an other girl with us who is about T's age. We are trying different wigs on this girl's head to have an idea on how they will look on T. I remember in the dream telling my husband’s step mom to pick a wig that matches T’s hair color or T’s mom will not like it. The dream ended as the lady at the hair store was showing us different blond wigs.

    The same night I dreamed about shopping in a store. I don't remember what I was shopping for.

    Any insight will be appreciated.


  4. Thanks Jodi,
    Pat Robertson is the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network and about a year ago, he stepped down as the CEO and his son Gordon is the new CEO. I do not have any physical contact with either of them but we (my husband and I) do partner with the ministry of cbn by sending part of my tithes and praying for them. Even after Pat stepped down as the ceo, we kept our partnership with cbn and we actually like Gordon's way of doing things better.

  5. In this dream, my mother in law dropped me up in front of a big warehouse full of food. All the food there was free. I started carrying bags of food and putting them in the pick-up truck that my mother in law was driving. There was all kind of food. I specifically remember seeing bags of Peanut, plantain, sweet potatoes (IRL those are some of my favorite foods) There was a lot more but I don’t remember all of it.

  6. Last night, I had this dream that I was in the car with Pat Robertson (founder of CBN). Pat was on the driver seat and I was on the passenger seat. Then Pat parked the car in front of a building that looked like a warehouse and stepped down to go get something inside the building. When he left, I also got out of the car. And after I got out the car started rolling, so I tried keeping it from going to crash with the help of other people who were around. While we were trying to keep the car stable, I was thinking, “glad I go out, this car would’ve gone and crash with me inside. Next, I was behind this building. There was a door and Gordon Robertson (Pat Robertson's son) and many other people were there. Gordon gave me something, I don’t remember exactly what it was, but as soon as I took it from him, I got nauseous and started throwing up. The dream went on but I don’t remember what happened next. (IRL I've been partnering with cbn for over 3 years, I don't know if the dream has something to do with it)

  7. Hi everyone,
    I had this dream last night.
    I was with my 3 sisters and my brother. First we are in a house with a lot rooms and beds, apparently it’s my sister Jacky’s (she is the oldest in the family IRL) house because she is in control of showing everybody were they are to sleep. I see my brother lying on the floor and I ask why he is laying on the floor when there is a bedroom with a bed unoccupied. Jacky says she asked him to lie there, something like she just didn’t want to use that bedroom. My brother doesn’t look happy. There is an other bedroom with a bigger bed and Jacky asks me and and my other sister to go sleep there.
    Next, I am getting married; don’t know who I am getting married to. I am wearing a bright white and long dress. I am sitting and waiting for the family to come (same 3 sisters and brother) When they arrive, they are amazed how beautiful the dress looks. This time, my brother's whife is with them. I don’t seem to be excited about getting married. I join them and we walk to the church where I am supposed to meet with the groom. There are a lot of people on the way to the church. As I am walking in the middle of all these people, somehow I know they are all from the devil. I think in my heart, if I can say the name of Jesus, I know the devil doesn’t like it. So I start calling Jesus and all these people get angry and start fighting with me. When I see that they react to the name of Jesus, I get loud, pleading the blood of Jesus. The more I call the name of Jesus and pleading His blood, the more these people disappear.
    Next I get to the church. There is a small group of people there Worshiping Jesus. They keep the door close like they are hiding. When they see me, they get suspicious (thinking that I am from the enemy camp). So I tell them that it’s because of my prayers that they are able to worship Jesus. I tell one of the girls that “even when you can’t talk, you can call Jesus in your heart).
    Alot more happened but I can 't remember all of it.

  8. In our back yard, someone was sowing seeds and there were growing right away. The plants that grew looked like broccoli, onion and more that I can remember, I remember that it was all green. About ¾ of my back yard was covered with this green and at the corner of the ¼ that was left, there was a stack of firewood. So I asked this person who was sowing: “how do you do that? How do you sow and have it grow right away? He told me it’s a secret. :huh: And other person came by and told me “the firewood has the same effect”. Then I woke up.
    Please help! I am confused.!

  9. I am babysitting 4 kids. The mothers of 2 of the kids are widows. The 2 other kids belong to a couple. I asked the 2 widows to each pay $8.5/hour for their kids. And to the couple, I ask that they pay $12.5/hour for their 2 kids. The father thinks $12.5 an hour is too much. So I tell him that if he does research he will find that it’s a good price. In the dream I am thinking, if I ask him to pay $8.5 for each kid like the widows are paying, he will end up paying $17 an hour for the 2 kids. In the dream I am enjoying babysitting a lot more than I would in real life (IRL I have 2 boys). I was actually surprised when I woke up, how comfortable I was with these 4 boys. IRL babysitting would be the last thing I want to do right now.
    Any insight?

  10. I had this dream last night.
    My family and I were coming from somewhere and we stopped by my friend's house. When they saw us, my friend's husband said he is going to let his parents know that we were there. We told him not to , because we were just stopping for a few minutes, we didn’t want him to bother his parents. Meanwhile, we were taken inside their house. They said my friend had a lot of harvest this year. I could see a lot of bundles of garlic and grapes(green). I asked them if they didn’t have an other vegetable that I particularly like, they said they did but it dried.
    I went back to sleep and had an other dream where we just got in these same friends house. I could remember the previous dream about being in their house and the garlic. So I asked someone who where there. “do you have garlic?” The person said yes, he took me inside the house to show me the garlic. He took a bag that was full of peanut in the shells and started to dig in to find garlic. All over the room, there were peanuts in the shells spread on the floor. They said, my friend had harvested 8 sacs of peanut and had to harvest 6 more but for some reason, she didn't want to harvest anymore, she was just going to let that spoil.

  11. marykmath2 wrote:
    Lola21st, hi, lady...I am concerned for your sister. I think the man shooting at your sister may be an attack on her character, explosive anger against her that was done unjustly, hopefully, rather than a real gun. It may be someone that you have been telling her is no good for her, and she is not listening. The car is the direction that she is moving in in life. Can you tell me what color the car is or if it is her actual car?

    Hi marykmath2,
    This is rachandben, thanks for replying to my post. To answer your questions, I can't remember exactly the color of the car, but I think it was a color similar to burgundy. my sister doesn't own a car right now. And it wasn't my car. Also, can you please explain what you meant in this sentence? "an attack on her character, explosive anger against her that was done unjustly"


  12. lola21st wrote:
    rachalandben -

    Does your sister live close to you? Are you and she on good terms? Are you two involved in something together like a project/business/ministry?



    Hi Lurdys,
    Yes, my sister lives about 30 minutes from me and we are in very good terms. I can't say we are involved in any specific project together but she is young in faith and in a situation right now where she relies on me allot.

  13. For over a month now, about 90 per cent of dreams I have, my sister is in it.
    Circumstances are different. I don't remember some of the dreams but I just remember her being there. In the last 2 dreams, I am in the car with her and she is driving. I posted one these 2 dreams in the “dream and vision to be interpreted” with the title “a man shooting at me”.
    In the next dream, I was in the car with her. She was driving and I was giving her driving directions. First I thought it's a call to pray for her but it seems like it's more than that.
    Has anyone have that kind of experience? Any insight will be very appreciated.
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