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Posts posted by rachandben

  1. I was in the car with 2 little boys, I believe it was my two little boys (1 and 4yrs old), my sister was driving. We were driving in a small road in the middle of tall trees. We got to a place where the road was dividing in two, one way on the right and one way going straight. First we took the road on the right but that road was leading in to a big and very deep hole. We just missed falling into the hole by a very little. We backed the car up to take the other road, but that one was leading into a deep valley that we also almost fell in to. So we went back where we came from originaly. While we were going back, we saw another car there, had two people inside, a man (young) and woman (a lot older). I thought maybe they knew a way to avoid these big valleys and get where we are going. So I got out of our car to ask them. As soon as the man saw me, he got a gun out to shoot at me. I said something like “you are not shooting at me in the name of Jesus”. He started to shoot at me anyway but none of the bullets touched me. My sister and the kids were still in the car with the door open. I tried warning her to drive away but she couldn’t understand me. When the man who was shooting at me ran out of bullets, he started to drive toward the car where my sister and the kids were, hitting and trying to push her car to flip over. I could hear the kids crying. After a while, I saw the man coming out of his totally destroyed car. My sister’s car was still in good condition, but I woke up before I could see how they were all doing. In the dream I new they are ok but I woke up all shaky.

  2. I these 2 dreams. Don't know if they are related at all or not.

    Dream #1: my husband's brother and their mom were in our house. I was standing in my kitchen looking through the back window. I saw an animal walking outside the fence. First I thought it was a bear. I called my mother in law who was in the living room to come and see the bear. She came with one of our boys. When the animal turned around and faced us, it was a lion, not a bear. This lion stood there looking at us and it seemed as if it was as big as the house because we could see its eyes so closely. There was some kind of piece of wood there, the lion tried to bite it but didn't go through cutting it. I was nervous and I was thinking of going to get a gun but I never actually decided to go get it. Meanwhile, my husband's brother was in our (husband and I). He never came out to come and see this lion. My husband wasn’t home; I think he was at work.

    Dream #2: I was in my home office talking on the phone with a lady that in real life I am supposed to meet today. I looked through the window and there were two very long snakes and one baby snake on my front yard, very close to the house. These snakes were all black, just like a snake I saw about a year ago (IRL) at this same front yard but they were unusually long.
    I kept talking trying to ignore them, and then I asked this lady; “have you seen snakes before?” a few seconds later, the snakes moved toward the house and I think went under the house (there is some empty space under my house).

  3. We (My husband, our 2 boys and I) are together with my father in-law. Don't know exactly where we are. My father in law shaves our 2 boys heads. He shaves just the sides of the head and live hair on top (Mau hock style).
    Next we are in their house (father in law and his wife who is my husband's step-mother) and there are a few groups of women sitting at each corner of the room (living room). Each group is whispering things, I can't understand what they are saying but I am very uncomfortable about it. So I get angry and start yelling at my stepmother in law. I don’t remember exactly what I was saying. After I finish to yell, the whispering stops and the groups disappear. But my stepmother in law and her husband (father in law) are still whispering to each other. After a while, my stepmother in law brings dinner to the table. I can’t remember everything that she made but I remember that there was ginger pealed and cut, served in a bowl, there was pickled ginger served in a big jar and there was bier.
    Yum or yuck?!

  4. It started that I am in my office and my husband and I are arguing, don’t know about what. Then my husband tells me “I am going to start beating you”. In my head, I want to say, “if you beat me I will leave” but I don’t say it. I just walk out of my office to go out. When I am about at the front door, he stands on the way trying to keep me from going out, and then he says something ugly to our 4-year-old son about me. I tell him “that’s what you are teaching him”. (In real life my husband would never try to hit me).
    Next, I don’t know what happened, my husband is now at work, my sister is in our house and we are watching tv. Then my husband calls from work, my sister picks up the phone because apparently I am still not talking to him. She has the phone on speaker. my husband tells her that he just got stunk by something and now he is feeling so cold, it’s like it’s raining on him. Then I take the phone from my sister's hand and I ask him, “Where are you right now”? He tries to give me the address but I can only hear the first two numbers 68 and I can’t hear what he is saying next. I can hear in his voice that he isn’t feeling well. Someone else takes the phone from him and tries to give me the address but again, I can only hear the first two numbers, 68. He tries to give me direction and I tell, him "just give me the address and I will mapquest it”. He is talking and I can’t hear, I keep saying “hello, hello” and nobody is talking back to me. I can hear one lady in the background saying, “He left his bag here". Then I woke up very shaky.
    Any insight?

  5. I was in a room with people, men and woman. We were sitting at the table ready to share something or story, I don’t remember. Two girls sitting on my right started to cry saying that they see a shadow on the wall and that it’s the spirit of death. I started to pray in tongue while these girls were praying with their intelligence. They were 2 young men standing there, somehow, the crying girls somehow knew the spirit of death was coming for these two young men. As they were talking, I went to the young men and told them to plead with God; He can change His mind like He did with the king Isekiah who cried to Him after he learned from the prophet that he was going to die. The young men didn’t seem to want to listen to me. They both went out to do something. Seemed too busy to listen. A few minutes later, someone knocked at the door ( door was half close) and came in. This person had a long white dress and a big beard. He looked like some of the pictures of Jesus. I was very scared and started to pray out loud, but that didn’t stop this person from coming and going in to the bedroom (where a few people were sleeping on the floor) looking for something or someone. Then I woke up, still in fear.

  6. Father God, we give you all the Glory and we thank you for choosing Obama to be our president. :PTL:
    Right now, we plead the Blood of Jesus over him and over his entire family. We pray that you will give him your peace that passes all understanding and take away from him any trace of fear for fear does not come from you but from the enemy.
    Father, as you chose him to be our president, please be with him and give him wisdom so that he will lead this country the way You want and not the way he or anybody else wants.
    Please surround him with men and women of God and wake up your people to pray for him and for this country. In the name of Jesus we pray.

  7. I had this one last night
    I was in a meeting with a group of people and Obama was speaking to us. He talked about distributing the wealth. Nobody else said anything. Then I felt the urge to say something. I said “Sir, I have a question.” Then he turned to me and was listening. I said, “Why don’t you encourage the creation of charity organizations so that they would help people in need. It doesn’t sound good for the president to be talking about distributing wealth.” People around me agreed. Obama didn’t say anything back to me. He didn’t show the expression of agreement or disagreement on his face either.

  8. I had this dream 2 nights ago.

    I was with a group of people and we were meeting with obama to congratulate him. I had a t-shirt that had a picture of obama on the front side and I was standing in the middle of this crowd that came to see him. When he saw me, he came and gave me a hug crying and saying something like “I can’t do it”. I hugged him back and padding him on the back, I told him “God is with you".

  9. Before my questions I just want everybody to know that I do want to attack or criticize anybody. I am only asking because I want to know. I am new at all this and I want to understand more.

    Here are my questions:

    Many prophecies were posted in this site saying that Mccain was going to win the election. What happened? Is there a reason why God’s prophecy would not come to pass? When you receive a prophecy like that, does it depend on you praying that it would come to pass? Would it not happen if the people of God don’t pray?

    I have to say that when I turned my tv on at 2 oclock in the morning and saw that Obama has won, I was sick in my stomach. I actually spent that whole day not feeling well at all. I only got peace after I spent more time with the Lord.

    Thanks all so much for your help.

  10. Before my question, I want to say that I am married and I love mery much my husband. we have a very close and normal relationship. I gave my life to christ over 10 years ago and I did a ver deep work of seperation from the past, got rid of everything I could remember that I wasn't supposed to have.

    Here is my dream.
    I used to dream having sex with people I didn't know, then I took a fast and broke anything that may have caused that to happen. Now, every once in a while I dream that I have a very strong desire to have sex, it's so strong that I look for anybody available for my desire satisfaction. Recently,in one of the dreams, I saw my intimate part, like it was being shown to me for some reason.

    Any though what all this mean? Is there anything I am supposed to do that I am not doing?

  11. I had this dream a few days ago.

    I was like in a big church. We were waiting to receive some teaching. The light went out and we all started to leave but it was so dark I couldn’t see the hallway. I asked a man who was walking near me and who seemed to know his way out to hold my hand and he did. We all got to a different room in the same building but the power was still out but it was brighter here. And then suddenly it started to rain. I prayed in my heart and said, “I bind Satan in the name of Jesus”. But it was like I didn’t do it with authority. Somehow, in my mind I knew that it didn’t mater if we pray or not. In the other side of the room where we were, a lady prayed the same pray out lout with a lot of authority. I started to walk around the room and went to look through the window. It was very windy outside and I could see things flying (dust and dirt) because of the wind. There were also kids playing outside, they started to run to find refuge. Suddenly everything stopped. Nothing was moving. I said to the teacher (a woman) who was standing near by: “look, it’s so quiet!” She said, “It gets like that when it’s the change of season”.

    Anything God put in your heart about this dream will be very appreciated.

  12. First I want to say my sister is currently married to a man who is very mentally and verbally abusive. She is a young believer but he is not. I've been praying for her protection and for the right thing to do. Her name is Maguy.

    Here is the dream.
    Maguy has left her husband and got married to an other woman. This woman was a tv star. Maguy was wearing the same dress she had when she got married to her current husband. They got married in a church and the family was there but wasn’t very happy with the fact that she was getting married to an other woman. When her husband came home, he didn’t miss her, just was worrying about things that she took or didn’t take. He didn’t care about the fact that she left. Maguy and the woman she was married to went for the honeymoon in a cruise ship and arrived at a place where they were supposed to stay. It was a big house, like a vacation house type. Outside the house, there was a swimming pool and two people were swimming. In the house, there were a lot of rooms and the house was dirty like there was previously a party there. Maguy and the woman she got married to were very happy and they both enjoyed cleaning the room where they were going to stay.

    Please help if God put something in your heart about this dream.
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