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Posts posted by rachandben

  1. I had this dream.
    I was pregnant and was ready to give birth, it was supposed to be by c-section but I didn’t want it. Suddenly, the baby popped out by the left side of my tummy. He was developed with some kind of blanket that looked like a big block of ice. All his body was covered with this “iced blanket”. All I could see was his head. I thought, baby was dead but someone standing by took him in his hands and baby started to cry.
    Any though wat that could mean?

  2. I had a very weird dream:
    Someone committed some sort of crime and was going to be punished. I can't remember who he was, and what the crime was. The person decided to kill himself by taking pills. Instate of that person dying, I was the one feeling the effect of the pills. I started to agonize, vomiting, passing tools, and just dying.
    Next, I found myself in a place called “hell” were everything was just dark and ugly with people being tortured and working very hard labors days and nights. Next, I was flying over a place called “heaven”. Everything was very bright and colorful and I was singing a praise song that I don’t remember.

    I am very disturbed, I don't understand what the dream means. Can anyone help?

  3. Thank you so much Jeanie and Daph.
    The ride has been rough so far, I hope it's not going to get any rougher, but if it does, may the name of the Lord be glorified.
    Right now, I am searching Him more than ever before.
    To answer your question Daph, I felt total peace about the woman in the dream. I was just nervous about being so high. I normally feel that way every time I travel in an airplane.

    Again, thank you both and God bless,

  4. I had a dream where I was in a rocket ship with my husband. The outside of the ship is all white and the inside totaly orange. I am sitting and my husband is standing , holding my hand. There is an other person standing near my husband, it's a woman but I don't know her, I can't describe her, I just know she is there. I am nervous (In life, I am always nervous in the airplaine, if I'm with my husband, he always holds my hand).

  5. I don't know if this mean anything but I thought I'll post and maybe someone will know what it means.

    I had two dreams about one of our presidential candidate.
    I went in my father-in-law's house and in his dining room; he was sitting and chatting with Barack obama. I do not know what they were talking about. I just remember there was a book on the table where they were sitting, that book look like the bible.

    In an other dream, I am in my African village walking on the street with Senator Obama. I feel very good being around him. Next, I take him to my home office where there were two computers and a bed. The office in my dream looks like my actual home office only in my office there is one computer. He sits in front of one the computers and starts typing and I sit in front of the other computer. Then, he writes a note in a piece of paper and gives it to me. In the note he is making me a lot of compliments about how well I speak . And before he leaves, he gives me a website “capromets.com” and I tell him "I hope to see you in the white house soon" (I have to say that in real life, I don't hope to see him the white house at all)
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