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Posts posted by motheroffour

  1. Good Day All,

    A couple of nights back I dreamed that I walked into an operating room to do restock as I normally do every night but on this particular night there is a surgeon in the room and he tells me to lean my head over the table that he needs to remove the wax from my ears and I agreed for some reason during the process I told him 'this hurts' and he told me 'it may hurt but just for a little while we must remove the wax it is time'. As he removes the wax from both of my ears I could literally feel the pain and when I looked at the wax it didn't look like normal wax build-up in the ear how it would normally come out..this was in the shape of worms. Too weird.

    My only interpretation that I could get is that the Lord is about to let me hear the truth about things that have been lied about....

    If anyone of you have any interpretation please share.

    God bless and have a wonderful day.

  2. Yesterday when I went to check my mail I had a piece of mail from my mortgage company and I was dreading opening it but to my surprise it was a refund check!! Too much money had been paid into my escrow account. God is so faithful...I've come to realize that sometimes the things you pray for you don't get right when you want them you get them right when you need them!

  3. Any thoughts:

    Last night in my dream I was visiting a dear friend who is pregnant, she, another friend and I were all sitting around talking and the other friend who isn't pregnant states 'he is coming back sooner than you think' I ask 'who' and she replied "JB" and I turned around only to see JB standing there. He reaches out for my hand and kisses it. Then he and I are on an airplane and we are delivering shoes to different locations, almost like it was a shoe mission! We would land the plane and women would come aboard get the shoes they wanted then leave. At the end of the dream I look over didn't see him but heard him tell me "I love you" then I woke up. Insight on this dream JB is my ex husband.

  4. I keep sensing that I am walking into a new season, last season I heard in the spirit 'Summer is going out with a bang' meaning something life changing was going to occur. It sure did, my brother was sentenced to 15 years in prison and a member of my daughter's church died in a freak car accident.

    As I was driving home one morning from work I heard in the spirit 'new love this fall' and I also had a memory rush of things from my past that the Lord had showed me, told me, or that I had prayed. Not sure what is going on but I keep sensing things or people from my past near me.

  5. Hello again, I'm in need of some insight and felt led to post the topic.

    There are actually two dreams from two different nights and most dreams I just chalk up to nothing but these two have captured my thoughts but yet I can't reach an interpretation.

    In the first dream I simply have a gold rash??? How strange....

    Second dream...There is what seems to be an older gentleman that approaches me dressed in military attire, he puts his hands on my face to hold my face and tells me "It's about over between she and I" and I ask who and he just repeats himself. Then a young boy maybe 7 or 8 yrs in age approaches me and says "He's coming back soon" I ask who and he repeats himself and smiles and is gone.

    Any input would greatly be appreciated.

  6. Palmira,

    My ex walked away from me and is remarried but makes comments referencing our relationship or what once was our relationship. He told a mutual friend that his heart is still with me he just made a stupid choice. From that point on I just continued to walk forward that is all that I can do. Yes I am a Christian, up until a few months ago I was part of a prayer team until it dispersed. I still love my ex but know that since he is married that I must respect his vows that he made to his wife. Sometimes I feel him so close almost like I can touch him.

    Ultimately for me God is my husband, my everything and I haven't pressed in as much as I have in the past, I slacked if you want to call it that. There are so many times that God has told me things and they have come to pass but many many years ago when my ex and I married the Lord told me the day of our marriage " The way it begins will be the way it ends" and when my ex left me the Lord told me " It has to end in order to truly begin"

    Here lately these two things have stuck out in my mind so strong. I feel so strong that someone from my past is coming back into my future and that has even been spoke to me. I'm uncertain of what to think, no confused just waiting anxiously and wanting to know what is about to unfold.

  7. What sort of background information would you need? I am more than willing to give the information since this man is in over 80% of my dreams. For some reason for the past couple of weeks I have had strange feelings that someone from my past is coming back. Also this is strange, I keep on hearing my cell phone ring when it is not ringing at all and Sunday my little girl (our daughter) told me to answer my cell phone and I looked at her confused because my cell phone wasn't ringing and she said to me "Mom don't you hear your phone" I had to hand her the phone because she just knew she heard it ring. THis is the second time something such as this has happened. A year before I got pregnant with my little girl I heard a baby crying and no one else could hear it and once I gave birth and heard her cry the cry was the same that I had been hearing for a year before conception. I'm just not understanding why she is hearing the things I hear and I'm seeking for a way to describe to her what is going on.

  8. Two nights ago I dreamed that my ex husband was standing in front of me with his arms leaned up on something not sure what but when I looked at his arms he had a watch on both arms, one watch was very fancy and the other was plain and simple. I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead and walked away but for some reason I looked back and he was smiling at me.

    I know that watches represent time but I'm needing some insight on this dream.

    Thank you

  9. Last night I had a really weird dream I've gotten to where I can interpret some of my dreams but this one I'm struggling with any insight would be greatly appreciated:

    I was in what appeared to be a white skirt and top the location I'm not aware as to where it is. In the dream I was at this home with a white picket fence around the front yard and in the front yard was flowers and the flowers are all artificial as the day went on and night come upon me I looked up only to see different phases of the moon from full to half moon the full moon had writing on it but not sure what it read. I must of spent the night there because the next time it was daylight my daughter was there and I told her it was time to leave and as we were leaving I looked at her and told her I was tired of the artificial flowers I wanted the real things so I threw my artificial ones I had in my hand back into the picket fenced yard with all the other artificial flowers and when I looked down my white skirt and shirt was nothing more than a white slip and white camisole.

    Any thoughts..Amy

  10. You know I got on the website tonight with no intentions of sharing any of what I shared but I felt impressed to do so. God laid it on my heart for a reason, I feel it was to encourage his people. We all know God is no respector of man, I know that he is going to spare his children. There was a word given to me two Thursdays ago, the word was "what is last will become first and what is first will be last", a lot of God's children struggle while the devils children prosper. I just know that I heard the Lord tell me that his people are going to be first, he reminded me that we are to be lenders, head not the tail, blessed in the city and in the fields, well his word will not come back void. I call it as I want it to be, it doesn't happen overnight but I expect what I ask to be given because God gives us the desires of our heart if it lines up with his will. I feel that too many times we limit God, like we put him in a box, if we will take him out of the box and have high expectations I really think we could be enjoying Heaven on Earth. The Lord wants us to come to him with an expectancy. You know I'm 35 years old and it has taken me this long to realize that God wants to bless his children but we have to truly want the blessings and we have to learn how to grab a hold on to what we want and if necessary 'wrestle' with God to obtain what we want.
    My Pastor call his Jehovah Nicotime (meaning just in time).

    I can't wait to read a praise from you Jimmy.


  11. Hello All...hope you all are enjoying this night. I have a praise report, now this is going to be lengthy but I hope encouraging.

    Four years ago the love of my life began an affair and the affair won, he filed for divorce. Two years after the divorce I met what I thought was a wonderful man, I felt that God had given me another chance at love, he and I married and within a year my then husband lost control of himself in many ways and our marriage was dissolved. After the split I had to go live with my mother due to safety reasons, I have 4 children and out of those 4 only 2 of them were able to live with me. Reason being school issues, the high school in the area that I was moving to is infested with gangs and my children didn't want to attend this particular school so they went to live with their Dad. Not to mention living at my Mom's house was a crunch all she had to offer was one bedroom

    Okay I went through two divorces, two of my children had to relocate to their Dad's house(there is more but too much to mention)...oh but let me tell you when God restores, he restores. About two months ago I was riding down the road praying and asking God when are you going to do something to put the children and I back together. Within 2 hours I received a phone call from a friend asking me would I like to purchase the property they have for sale. Oh my I said yes, no deposit, no upfront money to them and then everything else fell into place. God's favor is all over my family and I. My bank account was low then and is still low but God has provided everything from a 'holy handshake' for groceries to a 'holy handshake' for gas and the list goes on and one. The people who gave me the money told me that God had laid me on their heart and I was and am so greatful. Still as I'm writing this I am being blessed, so many people are out of work but at the end of this weekend I will have 24 hours overtime. God is soooo good. I'm telling all of you it took the hard times and me showing God that I will maintain my joy and love for him and will continue to follow him and not turn back into the world that now he is pouring out his blessings all over me. I am blessed just by waking up every morning, everything I've mentioned is just a double blessing. I have three out of the four children back at home, my youngest son chose to stay at his Dad's house and I'm really okay with that, he needs his Dad also.

    I know this is lengthy but I feel that it may encourage some one. When you are down to nothing don't give up look up because baby God is up to something. Yes the economy looks bad, but I'm not looking to man I'm looking up. You know it is when all looks bad when God does something miraculous, that way it is evident that it must of be the hand of God.

    Be encouraged and of good faith, maintain your joy and speak life into your situations.

    God bless

  12. You are in my prayers, please keep me posted. Word of encouragement, I know you already know this but remember if God doesn't open up this door then there is something better for you...remember that, just as we give good gifts to our children God desires to give his children the best of the best.

    God Bless

  13. Lord I ask that you bless her, you say that you will give us the desires of our heart. Lord I ask that if this is the geographical location that you desire for her to be that you open doors that no man can shut. You say that men shall give unto our bossum so right now I call it forth. I ask that you do for her what you have done for me over the past 3 months regarding a home...new furniture, plenty of groceries, favor with man, I call forth favor, favor, favor. And I thank you in advance for what you are doing on her behalf.

    God bless you

  14. Okay this is unusual but I'm going to ask anyway. I have had some strange tingling in my toes and a friend of mine told me that the big toe mean open portal. Have any of you ever heard of this before?
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