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Posts posted by HopeTaylor

  1. Greetings my friends,

    I have just returned from a 10 day tour of the Holy Land in Israel, and what an amazing experience I had with the Lord. So much was deposited in my spirit that I can't even begin to fathom it all. I know that G-d did an awesome work within me as He lead me and guided me in the paths where Jesus walked. All the stories in the Holy scriptures came to life and my eyes were enlightened to deeper understanding where everything took place.
    G-d in His infinite wisdom brought to life His written words that were engraved in my heart. I will be forever changed and thankful for what He is about to do in my life. I know my purpose and calling and it is to do the will of my Father.
    What a blessing it was to be baptized in the Jordan River. Follow your dreams that the Almighty G-d has given to you. He will lead you and guide you into all truths. What an awesome G-d we serve.
    Tikvah (Hope)

  2. Thank you all for your warm welcomes. Just wanted to let everyone know I will leaving for Israel tomorrow morning for 10 days. My Mom and Dad will be traveling along also. We will be with a tour group.
    Please keep us in your prayers for a safe return. I'm so excited because I know this is part of a dream that I shared not to long ago about John The Baptist saying to me "I send you" I can't wait to see what the Jordan River has for me, I'm expecting God to do many awesome things in my life.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember Yahweh, always.
    G-d bless you,
    Tikvah- (Hope in Hebrew)

  3. The reason this dream gets to me is because ever since I've dreamed it, I eat it, sleep it, walk it, and talk it. It is so in my spirit that it just follows me everywhere I go. I had a second dream just like since and I just have this yearning so deep within that consumes me. I'm leaving for a trip to Isreal in a few weeks can anyone give me some insight? Thank you. I'm not sure if I sent this already I'm trying to figure out how to send this so I pray it goes through.

    I had a dream on January 4, 2007. John The
    Baptist appeared to me in this dream. I was walking with him in a place that
    appeared to be a market place. There were several people in this place that kind
    of resembled a shopping mall. John The Baptist took me to several stores in
    the market place and we could communicate by reading each others thoughts. As we
    approached people who were looking around shopping we would walk up to them
    and say things to them but they acted as if they were annoyed and just walked
    away from us. We made several attempts to stop and talk to people but no body
    were interested about what we had to say. I went to different levels in this
    shopping area as John The Baptist took me on different floors in an elevator. On
    one floor we got off it was like a gigantic kitchen. It looked like the people
    were shopping for refrigerators but the refrigerators were real huge. Still
    everyone we approached ignored us and walked away. Later I could hear John The
    Baptist, ask me a question. He asked me if I wanted the harvest of the John The
    Baptist? I shook my head yes, then He said; "Say I want the Harvest of John The
    Baptist," I repeated out loud; "I want the harvest of John The Baptist"
    then He says; "I send you". I woke up repeating over and over, "I want
    the harvest of John The Baptist."
    Then a few weeks later I had the
    same dream with John The Baptist. Except this time I was having a dream within a
    dream but John The Baptist was repeating back to me the same dream I had earlier
    with him because I was telling this person the dream I had with John The Baptist
    and John The Baptist himself was telling me the dream I had had so I could relay
    it back to him and the person was John Bevere.

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