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Posts posted by daughterofgod1023

  1. yeah,

    everytime I see a lion I go back to the Lion of the tribe of Judah.....Revelation used to scare me, but now it really intrigues me....Because of the things to come. I look forward to the Lord's return...I am so homesick to go....

    I want to go on and be in a place that there are no worries, no dying, just love, peace, joy and praising God....I long for Jesus to return... To be honest if everyone was saved I would really wish Jesus would return tonight....But I have to keep praying and witnessing, testifying and giving people what I am given until the Father says it's time to for Jesus to return.

  2. Have you sat down with your pastor and told mewhat God has been showing you and speaking through you?

    Because in one part I was hearing a literal warning for the church body. but the Holy Ghost warns me that you ask them to leave and they lie to the pastor to stay. He is telling you, so I would diffently bring it to the pastor's attention immediately.

    Good Luck on this one...I have confidence God will bring you through with deeper knowledge and understanding of what's going on in these dreams and visions and also in the prophectic realm....

  3. I was letting you know that a similar thing happened to me with this spirit of rebellion that was following me.

    Anyway, when I saw that demon God took me to His word and gave me a book and chpater to look up. He was showing me what I saw was the spirit of rebellion. He was teaching me discernment of the spirits.

    That what I was trying to tell you. It sounds like He is teaching you discernment of spirits.

  4. it does sound like a warning pertaining to some legal documents. However, What came to my mind when I read your title is" This too Shall Pass"

    seems to me that you are going through a trial, a test that you must pass. Hang on to God's hand. It will pass and you shall be victorious in this matter. Trust in God to pull you through.

    I hope this sheds some light into what you are feeling...

  5. Trustin,

    What you saw was a demon....why it was there and not attacking you can only mean 1 thing that I know of....I had a similar thing happened to me but I was taking a shower and knew a demon was there. However, later the Lord lead me to His word and showed me that it was the spirit of rebellion. It didn't attack me and it didn't really bother me, it just followed me for a couple of days.

    If you hear a particular book and chapter go right then and read it, to me it sounds like God is teaching you discernment of the different spirits.
    I think that this is something God is using to take you deeper in His word.

  6. unaday,
    what I am getting is, that your household is being demonically attacked. But the pwoer and authority is within you through the name and blood of Jesus. Also, I see you had the gift of miracles that has been given to you. I would do some indepth study on the gift of miracles. Because I sense that you have this calling within you.

    I hope this helps you in some way....

    Sister Bobbie

  7. I didn't mention him because I was really trying to type quickly. I had to go somewhere. In both of these dreams he never left my side. He was there until i woke up.

    He is that way in real life as well. My husband has only left me 1 time in 7 yrs for about 2 1/2 days. Because we both were frustrated. Then I made him leave and he stayed gone for about 4 days 2 weeks ago.
    I am sorry i failed to mention he was still in the dream....Thank You for replying to it...

  8. Father,
    in the name of Jesus I pray. Father, I ask you to heal this gentleman and I ask you to move as you see fit. Father, I don't feel a need to bind and loose things but I feel like amongst he and his congregation there is deliverance that is much needed here. Father, I am reminded that your word says first remove the beam out of your eye then help your brother remove the speck out of his eye so that you can clearly see. I have no doubt that You are working in the midst of this situation already. Father, I ask you to move in a way that will reveal your glory to each and everyone in the congregation. Father, I lift up the pastor, you know his heart, mind, body and soul. I ask you to bring healing spiritually, mentally, physically to all those in need of healing. Father, I thank you for always hearing my prayers and I thank you for moving in these matters. Thank you Father for allowing me to pray tonight.I n Jesus' name I pray amen.

  9. Tamara,

    just throwing a word of caution your way, the Bible states not to say anything is hopeless. I thought that once then God gave me a dream and that lead to a heavy 3 month burden for the pastor and the whole church. I just graduated from that just a few nights ago.

    I don't believe anything or anyone is hopeless, I just ask God to let me see things differently than I do. You will find ignorance is the greatest thing in people that causes a lot of stumbling and falling. Keep them in your most sacred and fervent prayers before the Lord, stand and watch the salvation of the Lord.

    God Bless,

  10. Father God,
    In the name of Jesus I come before you today in agreement with Michele. I absolutely refuse for the devil to try to put something upon Michele and I speak healings. I bind this calcification or anything else in the name of Jesus and I loose Your healing powers and strength. Michele is made whole according to Your word Father. Not mine, Michele's or anyone elses. But Your word, you said Your word does not return to you void. I believe that with all my heart. I declare healing, I declare strength in the name of Jesus. We are raising a standard against this and we refuse any report unless it is a good report. We are going to be able to look back and say, My God, look what God has done. Thank you Father for always hearing my prayers and for moving on them. I thank you on behalf of Michele and myself for being here tonight. Thank you Father for the opprotunity to pray with and for Michele. In the name of Jesus I pray amen.

  11. I was sitting at my dining table and had a vision of a friend's face....later on I went to bed (about 3 hrs later) and had a dream of the same woman sitting in a kitchen window looking out at me with the look on her face like "I don't know" then I woke up.

    Of course I do pray for her but there is something I am not seeing and I hope someone on here can help me...This lady is a prophet of God, and she tries very hard to always do what God tells her to do. Even if you have a word of knowledge or wisdom would be of some help right now,

    Thank you

  12. hisflagbearer,

    this is something that I wanted to ask you but I had forgotten...Have you asked the Lord to send you a spouse? It is something I will elaborate on when you reply back. Until then I speak strength and courage upon you in the name of Jesus....you shall prevail in this matter....

  13. dreams deal with 3 major things,

    and deep hidden feelings in ourselves....

    I was seeing a longing within you to be in a relationship that was lasting, full of compassion, serving God with your spouse as one, But I also saw, you uniting with the Heavenly Father, him being your husband and the comassion and love that flows from Him to you.

    That's how it fits in about you....I felt like you have been asking God to place the man He wants for you in your life. I felt like you have specified this man to be Godly, loving, caring, compassionate, hard working but most of all on fire for God.....

    I hope this insight helps you some...

  14. hisflagbearer,

    I also got strong feelings about this dream. I am sorry but there is simply no easier way to say this, you do still have deep feelings for her but if you are not careful it will cause you to fall with the Lord because that leads straight to a lustful heart. That is why she was naked, in the tub bathing and you were glancing. The church members that was trying to distract you would have been a word from the Lord letting you know not to do that.

    I don't mean to offend you because I have to say what I hear or see....
    I hope that this will help you understand..

  15. jeanie,

    do you have built up frustration about a group of people or someone close to you? That is what I was seeing when I read this dream. It seems like you have hostility that has been building up for a while now and God wants you to come to Him. He showed you in your dream that He would gladly help you.
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