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Posts posted by HisLightbeam

  1. Ok, Daphnie, that's right...neither of them are afraid of them. It's really like the father had conceived the idea of the dragon in the first place, and he was smiling in his sleep. Did I tell you that the little boy felt safe when he came into the house where the father and mother were, and that they both had the same hair color? It was like, you look at one, and you could see him in the other, so i will wait on you. Thank you is not good enough. i wish I could talk to you.

  2. I have had this happen several times as well. I couldn't move, I couldn't cry out...I was calling on the name of Jesus, and a hand covered my mouth. Finally, I began to cry out, Jesus, save your servant!!! And the spirit crawled off of me and out of the house. That's what I am going through now. A spirit is following me, and I need ya'll to pray to bind that spirit. He is very strong, and is like in the heavenlies. I have been struggling with him for three months. Three long, painful, praying every second months. Help me please, Daphne, Jeanie, Mia. I do not want to fail in my faith.

  3. No prob, Rachel. It is just my personal experience (emphasis on my) that whenever I dream of guns and shooting, it is actually a confrontational situation that evokes feelings of alarm and fright, because the person confronting you is so volatile and threatening in their speech and their demeanor as the dream comes to pass in our waking state.

  4. Yes. We all have work that has been assigned to us, and God was really impressing on me holiness, so that His Name would be held in honor among the nations. Not that eerie, I am human, but my feet don't touch the ground concept of holiness. Rather, the attributes
    of integrity, honesty, and a cleanness of heart. He has been very graphic about it. I feel like a plane waiting to land because all my gear's not ready, and a lot of the trial I am going through pertains to refinement. It still hurts, though.

  5. Thanks for the interpretation, BJK. I know that there is a partial truth in what you are saying, but I am going through some really hard times, with things that are going on which only God can deliver me from, which has nothing to do with any of my friends, so I am pretty much isolated. Right now, I am not around any of them or in contact with them. I am just about cut off by my situation. But thanks for that.

  6. Lola21st, hi, lady...I am concerned for your sister. I think the man shooting at your sister may be an attack on her character, explosive anger against her that was done unjustly, hopefully, rather than a real gun. It may be someone that you have been telling her is no good for her, and she is not listening. The car is the direction that she is moving in in life. Can you tell me what color the car is or if it is her actual car?

  7. There are many things that are not spoken of specifically in the bible. That's why we have to try the spirits (things that are said, things that are experienced, things that are seen, people that come our way) to see whether or not they be from God. If it don't line up with His word, or who we know God to be from His Word, it's not of God. There are only two choices. God or the world, and we know who rules this world for this present time. I hope that helps some. flower

  8. Well, I had a dream of an evil face with these eyes just staring at me out of the dark, and it was so full of hate, so uncomfortable...ladies and gentlemen, I could not sleep for literally days. I knew the dream was one of intimidation, to give me a spirit of fear. Fear is incapacitating. It makes you unable to go forward in the things of God. Now, we know that the battlefield starts with what you think. It's why we have to cast down evil imaginations. And we know that evil imaginations come from earthly wisdom, which the bible says is of hell. The devil doesn't have the ability to make dreams, but the suggestions that he tries to imply are what we would be concerned with. Just like if I watch something on TV, and it influences my dreams. Now, that is not in the bible, but a lot of things are not in the bible. Don't think that I am adding anything, but the bible says that -

    John 21:25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

  9. Dear Butterfly,

    Sometimes giants mean opposition towards God's plans for you. Something bigger than yourself that you cannot get past. ie, Numbers 13:30-33
    30 Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it."
    31 But the men who had gone up with him said, "We can't attack those people; they are stronger than we are." 32 And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size. 33 We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."
    They don't have to be mean to be giants. Opposition can come in many forms, such as not believing in a dream that God has given you for your life. Trying to persuade you to go in a different way that God would have you go in. Hope that helps.

  10. I believe, beauty4ashes, that the man that showed you the little girl is a watcher, an angel, and that this may be a real event. That you saw that girl in the spirit, and maybe she is trying to give the other little girl some help that would not be effective because it is not a protection against what will happen...the bombing. She is trying to help, but it is not the right kind of help, and that maybe you are being called to intercede for both of them. She might have asked God for help and you are it through prayer. She obviously does not know what to do, but is willing to get involved, even to her own hurt. So she is willing but not equipped. The bombing may be a heavy spiritual attack. Either way, you have definitely been assigned, dearest.

  11. A couple of years ago, I dreamed that I was an older married lady with a teenaged son. In the dream, I had my hair up in a french roll, my hairs were speckled with gray. I had on a pearl necklace. I had on a full apron, and was holding a large cooking spoon in my hand. My son and I were at this building with all sorts of people who seemed to be staying there. It was warm, and the day was sunny. The sky was clear. As I was talking with my son, we heard multiple booms, like thunder. We looked into the sky and saw missiles falling. I got scared and called my husband, and told him to come home. He asked me where his brother was, and I told him that his brother was with us. I could not understand why I heard the sounds before I saw the missiles hit. They were far away, and I saw in the dream a map of California, followed by the face of a man named Vladimir, who was Russian. He had dark cruel eyes, and deep frown lines in his forehead and at the sides of his mouth. He had gray hair, and black and gray eyebrows, and a widow's peak. Then the dream came back to the faces of the people fleeing from California. They were coming in hordes from west to east, and I had the feeling that I was in the bible belt, like Texas. The people had on all sorts of different clothes and you could see the cultural and social differences. But most of all, you could see their fear, dirtiness and fatigue. That's the whole dream, and then I woke up.

  12. Hi, all. This is my first time on this site...and I have never had anyone interpret anything for me but the Spirit. I have so much going on in the way of attack, I cannot get the message clearly from this dream. I dreamed of two little boys who went to visit this dragon that was encaged by four fence walls. One little boy had black hair and the other one had red hair. The little boy with black hair was afraid of the dragon, but the little red haired boy said, "We are friends...he won't hurt me." Suddenly, the dragon reared back his head and spewed fire towards the two little boys. The little black haired boy ran to his right, and a man, who was not there previously took out running with him. The red haired boy went to the left and ran home. The dragon was pursuing him to the door. The boy was thinking that if he could just get in the house, he would be safe. When he got inside, there was a man and a woman in bed. They were sleeping. The woman had black hair, and the man had red hair. The man had been dreaming of the dragon, and was smiling in his sleep, because it seemed like him had control of the dragon, or had subdued him or something. The little boy went to his room. The whole house, outside and inside was white. The sheets and everything was white. White everywhere. When the boy laid down, first, one black cat came out. Then another, and another until there were four black cats. There was a calico tom cat that also appeared. The Tom cat began to mate one of the black cats. The boy tried to stop him by throwing another cat at them, but they would not stop. The cat that was being mated, her tail fell off, and turned into five spiders...The little boy stepped on two of them...he was going to step on the rest, but a noise woke me up. So, I had five people in this dream, one fiery dragon, five cats, and five spiders. What does this mean?
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