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About HisLightbeam

  • Birthday 01/22/1973

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  1. I just wrote a healthy, hearty, har-harty christian encouragement book entitled, The Apple of His Eye Mentality. It is available on Amazon and Kindle and FREE for Prime users of the Amazon Service. You can still preview a good chunk of it without a subscription. Be encouraged, and keep up with me on Facebook under TheOtherMary Green. Believe me, I know the prayers of the saints have held me up in place! While writing this book, I have gone through a lot. Health, finances, house gone, etc. But glory to God, I am so happy and full of unfathomable joy. But I consider it all joy. I consider it a season of maturity, so that I might taste better. When God passes me out as bread to the eater, I don't want to be spit out because I am bitter. I love you family. Still PM me, Daphne, Mia, Dreamy One, and the rest of the gang . http://www.amazon.com/Apple-His-Eye-Mentality-ebook/dp/B00OMOV76G What happens when believers begin to experience the dry and broken bones of faith, question their destiny or even believe that destiny will never be realized? Every believer fears the unknown, especially when they feel they are moving in the unchartered territory of a waiting destiny. The author of The Apple of His Eye Mentality, Marion Green, asserts that believers need to understand that every portion of their destiny is in God’s hands. Though we sometimes may believe that we are alone on that pathway, the reality is that God could never be closer and He has us centered safely in His line of sight. Moreover, He has already prepared a unique journey that ensures our safe arrival. It’s easy to follow a path that is already created, but when a believer has to make his own path, he may not necessarily know what the next step is. The reason why pursuing destiny is so challenging is because plans aren’t just laid out for the believer. The walk of faith involves the believer’s placing each foot in a place while trusting that God can provide for, take care of and illuminate the next step in the journey.
  2. Tumor is still enclosed, but I feel fine.
  3. The Lord had me write a book entitled The Apple of His Eye Mentality: Encouragement for the Olive Tree and Fruitful Vine and I need to clearly understand what He wants me to do so that it can be published and distributed. I mean, I really need to understand what to do. I need clarity in this season about a lot of things, ya'll. I have been quiet on this page, only reading posts as a guest because I have been going through so much this last year. But I need your prayers, wisdom and discernment.
  4. ya'll let me update you....I am now fighting to get another appointment with my neurosurgeon, as they lost my appointment and now no one is returning my calls. my HR person is looking into this. But i am undaunted. I recognize the fear tactic of the enemy for what it is...! I know that I am healed. I really do. they have got my MRI and i cannot see it, but I know it...
  5. IF YOU ARE FEELING DRY DUE TO TRIAL OR PERSECUTION, READ THIS, I PROMISE IT WILL BLESS YOU. THIS ILLUSTRATION IS JUST FOR YOUThe Vine and the Branches 15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes[a] so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. 9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit —fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. 17 This is my command: Love each other. ARE YOU READY FOR SPRING? In the winter of 2008, I planted three grape seeds. It was just a very strong impulse, a very powerful unction in my spirit to do so, and I wanted to see where this unction was leading me. I didn’t really question it; I just did it. I felt that the Spirit was leading me to a set up for an illustration. Usually, when that happens, I know it is going to be a while before I get the answer to why I was supposed to do something that at the time didn’t seemingly make sense. Possibly years. I said to myself, ‘Don’t you think you need to go on and get started?” So I bought some really good growing soil, and carefully pressed each seed in, and watered the dirt. I left the planting pot outside through the winter, and in the spring, I was delighted to see that all three of them yielded a plant. For the next year, I read up on the cultivation of the grape vine. I learned that you had to post them into the ground, so that the vines could climb and produce fruit. You had to build an arbor so that the leaves would be protected from the sun and keep them from burning. You had to treat them with something to discourage fungus from growing and insects from attacking. You had to prune them to encourage quality growth and fruit bunches. You had to net them to keep birds and other creatures from eating the fruit. Not that my little plants were ready to have any of that done to them. They were too small. So they spent the year beside my porch herb garden. In the fall, their leaves were still green, so I thought, ‘Good going, but I am taking you guys inside.” Over the course of the second winter, two of the grape vines died away. They didn’t have any leaves, and their new growth died back, until they just had some old twisted parts of the vine at the base. I snapped one and there wasn’t any sap inside. I checked the roots, and they were mealy, root rot. I thought, well, there isn’t anymore use for you guys. So I tossed them. The third one still had a leaf or two, so I left it alone, occasionally tossing a cup of water into the pot to keep the soil moist. In the next spring of 2011, I place the pot outside. By this time, I there were no leaves, but I thought maybe it had just gone dormant. I really didn’t have much experience with grape growing, but California makes it looks so easy….The plant quickly gained more vines and big, pretty, green, large-vein leaves. I left it on the corner of the porch and fertilized it occasionally. It really thrived with the heat and the watering too. Then the winter came again, and I forgot to take it in before a cold snap. It was ironic, because that was the only truly cold snap that we had for the year. When I got home from work the next morning, the leaves looked dead, and frozen. I was disappointed, and decided not to even bother with removing it from its place. I had really worked hard with that plant. Through the winter, I would every once in a while look at the pot it was in, thinking that I could use it for an avocado seed or a mango plant, but I left it alone. Imagine my surprise when, in the spring of this year, 2012, I looked out of the office window, and saw it growing, almost wildly with an abundance of new tendrils and big fleshy leaves. Yes! I was thrilled! So later that week, I went to a local nursery and bought three more grapevines, the seedless variety. I staked out a great spot in the yard, where poled them 6 feet apart, a place that didn’t hold too much water when it rained, and where the water would soak in if I had to hose them, when it didn’t rain. They are right under a tree that allows them to get maximum sunlight in the morning, but which gives them shade in the heat of the day, so that the leaves don’t burn. I have been monitoring them. Even though they are all the same age, my vine, which I grew, is four times bigger, and seems healthier, though I am giving them the same care and attention. So, this is where the unction lead me. I know you may be thinking, this was a long illustration! I thought so myself, but I am going somewhere with this. Sometimes, when a Christian experiences a particularly difficult trial or spiritual attack from the enemy, which may come through people, situations, finances, health, etc., it dries them up so much so, that they may think that they have nothing left to give. How can all the dreams in them possibly come out of someone so dried out; they don’t feel like they have any sap left in them. How can they possibly now even grow fruit? Where is their usefulness in the body of Christ. Where do they fit? Their spiritual leaves even feel as if they have fallen off, and they don’t feel the Son shining on them. They don’t feel anything. In fact, the progress that they have made in their lives may even seem as if it has fallen away with the winter of the trial. It feels like they have grown backwards and not forward. All they literally have left are their foundation, their spiritual roots. But that’s good. That means, when the winter is over, you are going to bloom again. God has something to build on, to build you up, to get you going. You are going to start growing again. Right now, in the winter of your trial, you might feel reclusive, and out of touch with the walk in Christ that you are used to walking. But all that energy that you were giving to one season of your life, well, you need all that energy that is stored in your roots to make the transition into spring. Some of your growth has to be trimmed away, but when your spiritual spring comes again, you will come out stronger and have more growth and more fruit than when you went into your trial winter. And right now, you don’t even need to grow anyway. Yes, it is good to do the work of the Lord right where you are, but it is way better to do it and bloom where He is going to transplant you after your winter is over. And you know what? Even if you are trying to do a force ripe on some fruit that you are working with now, please tell yourself the truth-it is a good work, it is right, but it doesn’t feel right. You know why? Because you aren’t in your spring, you aren’t in your place of destiny. So don’t beat yourself up too hard. Look, every chosen person in the bible had their winters, and then their spring came and they were able to do some mighty works, but it was in SEASON! Don’t try to force your season. You cannot be transplanted now, because the place that you will be planted in may not be ready, the condition of the soil may be in a stage of preparation. The climate may be in a transition of change. Maybe, your roots might even get damaged if you are transplanted too soon. Just wait on your spring. Now, none of that feels good, but remember, AND please believe me when I say that the Lord is going to use all the things that caused you pain and aggravation if you just don’t faint, and don’t let your foundation get corrupted, and obey Him in this season.
  7. Isaiah 6:1 King Uzziah has just died, and it has left Isaiah and the rest of the kingdom in disquiet. Then he receives this staggering vision of the Lord, that would really have left me stuttering... Look around you, look inside you, look in the mirror...God is in control of all you see and hear, good and bad: have faith. God says, don't let the situation of having to watch something die out of your life keep you low. I will give you a vision. I invite you to come up higher. Come up higher in the Spirit. Just watch and pray, and act upon the word which He shall answer. Research whether you have done the first instructions that He has instructed. If you have not, ie, stopped smoking or something else that makes you spiritually unclean, then He will not give you the next steps. He wants you to come out from under what holds you down, so He can take you higher. I am not talking about God taking care of our needs. He takes care of the just and the unjust. I am talking about going higher. God uses logic, like math. Except He is infinitely more complex than math. But unlike math, if you seek and desire a true answer, He will give you one that you can understand. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He reveals more of Himself to us with each step we follow through on. ***I am not saying I know every reason, but I am only giving a summary of the personal experiences of silence that I have gone through. If He is silent, you may just be in a test, or He may be waiting on you to complete a step, especially if what you are praying about will be answered through the step, or involves that step of obedience. If you refuse to turn from sin, (I am not talking about the person who is actively struggling against temptation) you break communication. God doesn’t turn away from us. God always communicates, even sends other to do so on His behalf, that He knows we will listen to. Also, it may be that you cannot hear Him over other voices, ie self-talk, friend talk, social media, entertainment, desires, etc. He uses a steal small voice to speak with us gently. Quiet, very calm and quiet; He doesn’t need to yell to make a point. He knows He is all-powerful. So meditate often in the Spirit, because His voice comes on the wind of the Spirit. Come up higher. Above all, realize that God is over all governments, all wealth and resources, all peoples-God the Creator is in control. That applies to all elections, stock markets, job situations, wars and times of peace. All friends, family, and foes. BUT He makes decisions based upon the spiritual condition of the people for the governing bodies. HE RAISES UP AND PUTS DOWN KINGS. All His decisions factor in our prayers, attitude, and obedience. God is a great God. Trust God. He is in control. Do you believe and receive this truth. He says, don't depend on man to help you in a crisis, don't depend on your wealth, but call on Him in the day of Trouble and He will answer and show you great and mighty things. God is in control. Do you believe, and receive this truth?
  8. Isaiah 6:1 King Uzziah has just died, and it has left Isaiah and the rest of the kingdom in disquiet. Then he receives this staggering vision of the Lord, that would really have left me stuttering... Look around you, look inside you, look in the mirror...God is in control of all you see and hear, good and bad: have faith. God says, don't let the situation of having to watch something die out of your life keep you low. I will give you a vision. I invite you to come up higher. Come up higher in the Spirit. Just watch and pray, and act upon the word which He shall answer. Research whether you have done the first instructions that He has instructed. If you have not, ie, stopped smoking or something else that makes you spiritually unclean, then He will not give you the next steps. He wants you to come out from under what holds you down, so He can take you higher. I am not talking about God taking care of our needs. He takes care of the just and the unjust. I am talking about going higher. God uses logic, like math. Except He is infinitely more complex than math. But unlike math, if you seek and desire a true answer, He will give you one that you can understand. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He reveals more of Himself to us with each step we follow through on. ***I am not saying I know every reason, but I am only giving a summary of the personal experiences of silence that I have gone through. If He is silent, you may just be in a test, or He may be waiting on you to complete a step, especially if what you are praying about will be answered through the step, or involves that step of obedience. If you refuse to turn from sin, (I am not talking about the person who is actively struggling against temptation) you break communication. God doesn’t turn away from us. God always communicates, even sends other to do so on His behalf, that He knows we will listen to. Also, it may be that you cannot hear Him over other voices, ie self-talk, friend talk, social media, entertainment, desires, etc. He uses a steal small voice to speak with us gently. Quiet, very calm and quiet; He doesn’t need to yell to make a point. He knows He is all-powerful. So meditate often in the Spirit, because His voice comes on the wind of the Spirit. Come up higher. Above all, realize that God is over all governments, all wealth and resources, all peoples-God the Creator is in control. That applies to all elections, stock markets, job situations, wars and times of peace. All friends, family, and foes. BUT He makes decisions based upon the spiritual condition of the people for the governing bodies. HE RAISES UP AND PUTS DOWN KINGS. All His decisions factor in our prayers, attitude, and obedience. God is a great God. Trust God. He is in control. Do you believe and receive this truth. He says, don't depend on man to help you in a crisis, don't depend on your wealth, but call on Him in the day of Trouble and He will answer and show you great and mighty things. God is in control. Do you believe, and receive this truth?
  9. I am trolling the bible studies and prayers, just looking for encouragement, and I am finding it. I think I am being tested before my own personal word comes to pass...
  10. Linda, I am praying for you. I am interceding for you. I promise, Linda. I am doing warfare for you.
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