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Posts posted by usemeLord

  1. Father we thank you that we can trust in you for our safety and the safety of our families. I ask you to keep Raven and her family under the shadow of your wings and keep them in peace and safety forever in Jesus name.

    Keep Psalm 17:7-9 in your heart and on your tongue, confess it out loud and pray for your enemies that they be blessed and saved in Jesus name.

  2. usually my dreams relate to the volcano= emotional outburst and tornadoes=upheavel or trouble in my life, but I think this was different, cause I had no clue where I was, even if I was in this country (USA) It was almost comical the way the tornado only touched the top of each mountain top then skipped to the next mountain top, there was about 4 mountains in a row. I shall ask God for insight, I hate when I can't understand my dreams.

  3. Bill (my husband) and I were spraying this high powered hose to the ceiling it would freeze on the ceilings and walls and it would look like the sides of a freezer inside. Next scene was outside there was a row of mountains and I saw tornadoes jump from peak to peak, then saw steam come from another peak so zoomed in and saw the bowl of the mountain was sloshing with water like a volcanic eruption was about to happen, I said we need to get out of there went to tell Bill saw someone named Russell and my brother Dane, I was trying to crawl over the first kid and Russell to get to Dane and tell him, then I realized it wasn't who I thought it was and that they were strangers and I didn’t know any of them so left to my car and started driving, saw Angelina Jolie was crouching down with a child so as not to be seen. End

    I have the feeling this means something but not a clue what I know the names mean

    Dane=God is my judge or someone from Denmark
    Russell = Red or little red one
    Angelina = messenger of God or pretty little angel
    Bill could represent God my husband or his name which is defender

  4. There was more to the dream in the begining, but I can't remember it, I was sitting with two people and I was feeling comforable around them like I could tell them. I just blurted out to them "I know how to figure out my dreams, I just search the bible and it tells me". After I said that I felt they thought I was a little weird.

    In real life that is what I do when I have a strange dream is look in the bible for whatever the dream was about.

  5. This verse just came to me

    2 Corinthians 4:4
    The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

    This sounds like how muslims are blind to the truth of the gospel, but.... the veil does need to come up sometime so the groom can kiss his bride. Maybe then they will stop killing each other in the name of their god. Although this verse popped into my head the latter is my thoughts. I pray God Almighty gives you the understanding of this dream
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