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Delightful soul

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Posts posted by Delightful soul

  1. Hi folks,

    I'm currently in prayer for myself and wanting confirmation about something.

    PLease just lift me up in prayer. I don't wish to speak about it, but know that if you are praying for me, things will become clearer.


  2. Hi all,

    Just wondering, I had this exciting dream last night where I was jumping down a forest of trees and when I got to the bottom I landed in the city of all places!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just wondering what this could mean. It was a real adventure and there were waterfalls and trees everywhere before I finally decided to climb down the forest to the bottom by jumping from tree to tree. There was a path I remembered where I was following a guide who looked like an aztec and he knew where he was going and I was very nervous about following him but I knew i had to cross this narrow path to get to where I was going.

    I felt from the dream that some exciting things are coming up where I may have to tread prayerfully so to speak. But an adventure nevertheless.

    Hope I get some responses!!! nerd

  3. It really meant alot to hear what you said. I have often experienced skeptics and alot of my friends don't believe there is a gift of interpretation so I often get the interp but they don't want to hear it. For these people I have just resorted to giving them clues about symbology etc and don't even cast my pearls as they say.

    I really have come to believe that a prophet isn't welcome in his home town as Jesus said. When we try to give interps to those around us, they often think we are just plain nutty for trying and the old saying "familiarity breeds contempt" comes into play.

    I really want to be used of God in this area and somehow am not sure what to do..........MOVE AGAIN? lol maybe not as yet although I have moved half an hour away from my home town, see if this works.

    What you said Mia about giving help with symbols in a dream interp was helpful to know cause I thought I was disobeying God by not giving the whole interp. Sometimes people want to find out for themselves.

    I guess I want to be used of God in interpreting dreams, but there seems to be a lack of faith or rather lack of teaching around dream interpretation that really needs to be addressed in the church today.

    More and more people outside of the church ( and some in it might I add) are turning to the occult for answers to their dreams. There are myriad books on the subject on dreams with freudian symbology and various other psychoanalytic based interps which are usually around sex, and fleshly desires, although some are helpful, although I really do not trust them and feel there is such a distrust by the church cause of these books.

    I often think about such characters as Joseph for example and how God spoke to many people throughout the bible in dreams and visions. This ought to encourage us in the faith on dreams as there are real skeptics in the church moreso than out right now in our spiritual climate in today's world.

  4. HI Everyone!

    Just wanted to say Hi and to say, I haven't been dreaming much in my sleep but things are coming to pass in the real realm so to speak.

    I miss you all so drop me a line (PM) if you want and I will gladly reply. Hope all is well with you all.

    GOd has been so good to me the past coming year. I have moved into a new place about a block from the ocean and live in the best country (ok so im biased) in Australia. The temperature is pretty good hear, although we had a heat wave the past few weeks of temperatures up to 36 degrees which is hot for here. Some parts of Australia go to 50 degrees (you can google it in farenheit).

    God has got me in some interesting places of late and Im excited about the year ahead of 2012. All the films and media point to this year being a bad year but I believe what the devil means for evil, God will turn for good.

    Anyhow, just want you all to know that I love yas (most of yas hehe) and that all is going well in the land down under and that I hope and pray this year be a year of happy dreaming, but mostly that all our good dreams in Him COME TRUE!!!

    God bless all! woo hoo

  5. Sometimes we want a clear cut "fix it" answer but sometimes the Lord is waiting for us to move into line with His perfect will for us before the door is opened for us to find that miracle.

    Maybe this sounds like I am saying God is teaching you something in this, but I am NOT. I think that we need to align ourselves with His word and constantly speak that truth in obedience. Faith is the evidence of things unseen of things hoped for.

    Dearest Deborah, do not despair. Get into your prayer closet and ask Jesus what He wants, what He is saying to you personally about this.

    Jesus has a way of wanting all of us you know.

    I hope this helps. Keep your focus on Him, not the infirmity. The enemy wants that of us. You know I know about sickness, so please trust Him and focus on HIM at this crucial time for you husband doesn't need your worries, He needs your faith in Jesus to perfect that which He started and His healing WILL happen.

    Bless you sister

  6. I haven't read the comments, however I would say this.

    Forgive her and perhaps MOVE ON.

    If she is family this may be hard, but for a friendship, it can be really simple. Get some space. If you do not wish to break off the friendship then just set some boundaries and make them clear to her that you love her as a friend and that you just want space. If you think she is that touchy I would not suggest talking to her about this as she sounds to me like she is a bit immature and therefore would "rebel" against any sound reasoning. In my opinion get some space from her.

    Hope this helps.

  7. I actually broke contact with this person. You are correct.

    I have forgiven her, but had to move on. The dream was about control and yes I was feeling as though I had become part of her life to such an extent that I felt all my dreams were being changed to suit her dreams. It was becoming very codependent and so I had to reallly cut ties. It was so messy that we were spending all out time together and then she said a few things that bothered me. One was strange was that she had said 'jokingly' that she thought I was her "other half until I got a boyfriend" even though this was said jokingly, I felt that it was a tad out of line and unhealthy to even joke about such things.

    She was also telling me I needed to lose weight in order to feel better about myself. The whole home church I was at said that if I wanted to find a nice husband then I should lose weight.

    Personally I have come to far in the Lord to put up with such tripe and really felt to leave this home fellowship and join a much healthier congregation. Since I have moved I have been trying to settle in a new church and have been sussing out new ones so hadn't really settled yet. It was strange cause the church I am going to now I had been to a couple of times and felt uncomforable in but also loved the preaching and felt God was saying to overcome my fears of being in a big congregation. It was a case of whether i wanted to take the easy road of being either a big fish in a little pond or a little fish in a big pond. Lots more freedom in a big pond.

    happy dance

  8. Um the guy actually got back in contact with me and it was the hardest thing to do to tell him I wasn't interested. God seems to be saying that the word NO is often necessary.

    This was my word for this year and it seems I have had to say no in business, in relationships and friendships. It's been a tough year.

    Thanks for everyones help tornado

  9. Gigantic Lady Warrior and the SWORD
    by Delightful soul on Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:05 am

    .Hi all,

    I dreamt this weeks ago and feel I know the interp. Just wondering what you all think?

    Dream;(in part)

    I was looking up at this gigantic warrior who was into karate. She did a huge kick towards me and hurled her big sword down to the ground and as she did I became part of the sword and it went straight down into hell. I knew I would have to go down to hell as the sword and woke up screaming in my bed!!!!!!!!!


    I used to do karate for three years as a late teenager and God told me to quit. It was really hard at the time and I received much spiritual deliverance from this type of karate I did.

    I recently met a double degree black belt in the same style karate (she no longer does it but I think she has not had the deloverance from the spirits like I had) and we had become so close we were spending time each day walking and handing out tracts along the beach.

    I have found this person to be very dominant in character even to the point of telling me how I should do my business and even criticising me for my weight to justify pushing me to walk fast when we go walking each morning to LOSE WEIGHT.

    I know this dream is about control. But would be really interested to know what peoples interps are.

    Thanks all you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .

  10. Hi all,

    I dreamt this weeks ago and feel I know the interp. Just wondering what you all think?

    Dream;(in part)

    I was looking up at this gigantic warrior who was into karate. She did a huge kick towards me and hurled her big sword down to the ground and as she did I became part of the sword and it went straight down into hell. I knew I would have to go down to hell as the sword and woke up screaming in my bed!!!!!!!!!


    I used to do karate for three years as a late teenager and God told me to quit. It was really hard at the time and I received much spiritual deliverance from this type of karate I did.

    I recently met a double degree black belt in the same style karate (she no longer does it but I think she has not had the deloverance from the spirits like I had) and we had become so close we were spending time each day walking and handing out tracts along the beach.

    I have found this person to be very dominant in character even to the point of telling me how I should do my business and even criticising me for my weight to justify pushing me to walk fast when we go walking each morning to LOSE WEIGHT.

    I know this dream is about control. But would be really interested to know what peoples interps are.

    Thanks all you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nerd
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