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Posts posted by malcorn

  1. Hi I have 2 dreams I will be posting today.

    The first dream occured about 2 weeks or so ago.

    Dream 1: I dreamed that I walked up to my computer screen. I opened my business account (my wife and I in real life are trying to get a business going.) and I saw that there was 180.00 in the account. I was relieved and I turned to my wife and said, "See babe." I felt relieved that we were finally starting to see some action in that account.

    Dream 2: This dream started out I was back at my home town where my dad is for real on the town counsel there. I was in the meeting room with my dad and there other people in there like it was some sort of meeting.
    I remember looking down at the other side of the room and as I saw a woman who looked like Jackie Sharp character in House of Cards. She was really getting angry with someone there and was being really harsh with someone there. In the dream I was not on the counsel at this point. My dad was, I was not. (ps I no longer even live in that state so in real life I would have nothing to do with the counsel.) Some guy began to heckle me about stuff and at first I took it as a joke but after a while it started getting on my nerves and then I look at him and said, "Keep in mind that my dad is on the town board, and that translates into we know people from all over the United States." I took my words in the dream as a clear veiled threat to that guy. I just wanted him to stop.

    The dream changed and I was now on the counsel. My dad was on the counsel for a while but I somehow ended up on the counsel. We were in a different room, like a general public room. I was sitting at a bench table like you would see in a Burger King or McDonalds. My dad was with some others in the back of the room and I was just sitting at that table. A guy starts approaching the door. Walks in and I said, " Hi, what can we do for you?" He said, trying to say it in a professional manner, "Hey thats a question you may be careful asking me because you may not like what I have to say. 3 board members voted to Repremand you. Next time be a little more professional." He wrote out this paper and handed it to me." I looked at it and I really didn't understand what was written on it but it didn't seem to matter to me. I said back to him, "This is just a repremand right? Not a fine? " He said, "Yes." I then wadded it up in front of him and threw it in the trash and then got really angry and said in the dream, "F you. (sorry for the indication of profanity but I said it in the dream and including it for the purpose of accuracy of the dream.) I don't live here anymore. I lived here for many years and I loved this town. I been seeing for many years that this place has been ran by a bunch of political hacks. I quit." I was no longer on the board at that point. My dad seeing what happened walked up to the same guy, flipped him off said the same profanity, "F you, I quit." I was then at my mom and dads house. I said to my dad in a joking manner, " I lasted on the board what, a week?" My dad chuckled. The board in real life pays there board members 107.00 a month. In the dream, I was thinking irritatingly, "Where is my 107.00 at?" I also remember thinking in the dream, " What was I on the board for anyway, I don't live here anymore. Then I woke from that dream.

  2. daughterofgod1023 wrote:

    There is a place in the Bible that states as they stood, their eyes melted in ther sockets and their tongues melted in theri mouths........When you do enough research you will find that only a nuclear warhead is the only thing that could do that to people in an instance. I paraphrased that some, as soon as I find it again i will post the scripture.

    But it's like that night vision I had about in the last days the dead shall walk the earth....I sincerly belive that it is literal. Because destruction is surely coming upon the land and water...That is something God has revealed to me while reading His word.

    While praying ask Him what does he want you to do with it....It just may be a warning to tell everyone to get ready for His return....

    Zachariah 14:12

  3. Within the last year especially, I have been having a series of dreams about the Russians invading our country and nuclear war unfolding on America. I probably should have posted this when they first occurred so that I didn't miss details but I will try to remember everything.

    Dream 1 : My wife and I were standing in our mobile home. (we no longer live there but we did when I had the dream) We looked outside the window and I saw this missile go over the house and was heading toward the Grissom AFB. I looked at my wife and said, " It was time." We then gone into the closet and grab a gun. We went running in the opposite direction of the missile was flying. We just barely got out of the blast zone when the bomb went off. We saw the nuke clearly hit the AFB.

    Dream 2: I was standing in the park in front of my parents house. I saw ICBM's flying in the sky. There was a US military IV roll up and soldiers hollering, "get in!" I refused to get in for I felt fear to get into the truck. The truck then speeds off and I saw the detonation toward Indianapolis. As it hit it kept rewinding and playing out again and again. I then saw Vladimir Putin watching it on a screen in what appeared to be an office, he was laughing and said, " I can't get enough of watching that."

    Dream 3: This one started off I was in this restroom with someone in a white coat. They looked like a doctor but I was in a prison. I was not an inmate but a worker. There was a water leak that sprang from the wall and I was supposed to tell my boss (in whom was really my boss when I worked at the prison on the very base that I have had several dreams of nuclear attack on.) That doctor dressed type of guy didn't seem to care about the leak on the wall. Water was getting on and in the dry paper towel dispenser and wetting the towels. The towels when I rolled them out where partly wet and partly dry. When I went to go tell my boss about the problem in the bathroom, I ended up going outside. There were a large crowd of Americans watching something, like an event of some sort. The dream didn't depict what the event was. I personally recognised all these Russians in civilian clothing and were coming into America by use of treaties in order to attack America. The American's were gathered together as if they would watch an outdoor event or an outdoor concert or something like that. I remember walking up to the first American I came to which happened to be this big ganster looking guy with a bushy beard and with leather vest on but no shirt and I wispered to him, "America is under attack." It then began to go on like the telephone game and he whispered into the next guys ear and so on. At the end of the dream, I shot a Russian spy in the head and killed him.

    Dream 4 : I was again in the center of a small town just outside of the same base. I saw 2 missiles headed for that base, and one appeared to go further away as if it targeted the michigan area. I was then pulled up above in the air and I saw seven nuclear explosions acrossed America. I clearly heard a voice boom from above, " Seven cities." That was that entire dream.

    Dream 5: Back in December I had one final dream on the issue. This dream started out with my family, my brother and a couple of our church members walking along these mountains. There were puddles of water up there and it was cold outside. We all had coats on. At that moment I heard a voice from heaven say, "in 20 days, nuclear war." (Obviously the 20 days did not mean 20 literal days) I then saw members of our church calling relatives on the phone warning them of the news. The dream returned to the mountains again. My son saw a gate that was an electric gate that was shut. He bent the gate from the bottom and climbed under and said, " Dad come on! under here." At first I was skeptical, but then I felt good about going under the gate. Then I woke up.

  4. I want to say thank you very much for all of your input. I was praying that God reveal it to you guys so that I would know wether I was right or wrong in my interpretation. I can assure you God has His hand on me and on us. When I say us, I mean all of us. May God bless all of you as well. Im sure all of you have been watching the world scene and watching Mathew 24 come to pass before our very eyes. I will add the entire body of this website to my prayer list and will visit here frequently. Thanks again and God bless you!

  5. Heleadsme wrote:
    Not sure where this scripture is, forgive me for that but, there was the time when the men of God were given only vegtables when the others were feasting...and they came out better and stronger then all the rest.
    So onions could speak of fasting...
    Prayer and fasting for the president and his wife...
    Does this help at all?
    Lord bless!

    This scripture is in the book of Daniel when Daniel requested to eat fruits and vegitables rather then the sinful foods that the rest of the wise men were eating. Daniel convinced the person in charge over them to go along with this and then by the end of the 10 days the guard agreed with Daniel and took all of the sinful food away and gave everyone else the fruits and vegitables.

  6. Ok here is the dream:

    I was standing at this garage with a bunch of old junk cars in its drive way. Then I seen the devil there, Im very positive it was the devil, and i rebuked him. He fled the place i was standing at. I then became supernatural. Like I knew on the inside of me I had 2 sides split down the middle of my spirit. On the right side, I had all the destructive power, the power of judgement, the power to destroy supernaturally. On the left side, I had all the powers of healing, miracles, resurrecting of the dead, all kinds of things like that. I remember in the dream that I knew how to perform all those things but yet now that im awake in real life I dont remember how i knew how or any of that. At that garage I remember I was using the destructive forces to supernaturally push dents in one of the old vehichles. Now the dream clearly depicted this old truck as one of my old friends mom and dads truck. I remember thinking "oh yeah i better knock that off!"

    Well then the dream changed. I was in the spirit and not present in a physical body watching my brother preach a message to a congregation. (my brother is an ordained pastor although has not started his church yet.) I seen clearly that God took my brothers spirit out of his body and took him somewhere. I was unaware the place he went with God but I knew God took him to go meet someone. The congregation was watching as my brothers body hits the floor and not moving. They eventually draw the conclusion that he was dead or dying and had him wisked away to the hospital. The doctors did shock treatment and everything to revive him.

    The third part of the dream I was then preaching a message at the place i currently work. I was walking to couple of people and I said these exact words "it was at that time I knew I should have been there to support him" In the dream It seemed as if i was supposed to be there and use my supernatural power to reserrect my brother on the stage. I was there but only in the spirit, it seemed like i was supposed to be there in the flesh but for some reason unknown in the dream i was only there in the spirit.

    the 4th part of the dream was my brother was trying to describe his encounter with God and who he took my brother to meet. My brother in real life is an artist, and there was a chalk board in front of me, but in behind him. He was facing me trying to describe this person to me and i remember saying " Joe, dont describe him, you are an artist. Draw him!" So my brother turns around and begins to draw him and i asked these very words "Is it moses?" Right after I asked him that the face came alive. and my brother was no longer in the dream but i was facing Jesus in the most glorious form I have ever seen. In the dream I did not know it was Christ, but after waking from the dream I knew it was Jesus I seen, that was the same person that God took my brother to go see.

    The last part of the dream was that my brother and I was standing together. I was the one preaching this time. I was preaching about finances. I do clearly remember that. There was a pastor I know in real life that was persecuting me. I ignored him and continued my message. However another guy was also interrupting my message and i remember telling him to be silenced or leave. Not sure where this fits into the whole thing.

    That is the dream. There is alot of detail and I have not pieced it altogether yet. I have some ideas but i wanted to see what God puts in you to interpret.
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