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Posts posted by Jordanriver8

  1. This was a vision. I saw myself in this white gown which flowed when you spin. In my hand was this beautiful silver sword encrusted with all kinds of gems on the handle. On the blade was etched the Fruit of the Spirit , love, joy, peace, etc. I remember I spun round and round like a top with the sword and then I struck the sword to the ground and made a huge circle. As I did that flames were coming out of the ground where I struck it with the sword and I was inside this circle of fire with my sword on the ground.

  2. In this dream a poisonous snake bit my left arm (the fleshy part between my elbow and wrist). As soon as it bit me and it removed its mouth from my arm, a small bottle containing an antidote appeared and was applied to the bitten area. Once that was completed again the snake bit me in the exact same spot and the small bottle antidote appeared in the same area. End of dream

  3. In this dream I was at home and I opened a door near our basement and noticed that our home was being renovated. Various rooms were under construction which my husband and I were unaware. We kept walking through our house in awe of all the various large rooms. We opened the door to one room and lo and behold this massive gym fully built to play basketball. It also had a stage on the other end but the green curtain was closed. At the corner of my eye I saw maybe 5 or 7 teenagers sneaking in to play basketball in our gym. It appeared that they've been sneaking quite a few times. We went outside to check where they were coming from, I couldn't get in through the passage way, but my young daughter could. End of dream.

  4. We've been trying for many years to find out what the answer is to no avail. And sadly this type of thing is not discussed in main stream churches so they suffer. Yes I do believe it is generational. They both went through deliverance counselling about three years ago somethings they are definitely free in, but this particular area still plagues them.

  5. For the last few years I have been watching my mother and brother suffer by the hands of evil s*xual spirits that attack them all day and all night long for the past few years. They are believers they love the Lord they are spirit filled but yet they are being tormented to the point where these things are flushing their toilet, they see dark shadows moving around in their rooms, lights go on and off, etc. My mother has resounded herself that God knows the reason and entry point, but she will not be moved by what is occurring to her she believes she will be free, but yet she is being attacked and tormented. My brother on the other hand struggles for the last 17 years. Everytime he tries to move forward he feels like he is tied up and can't move forward or even sometimes out of his bed. There is an internal war in his mind and he has been hospitalized before and has ran away, but he realizes it is a spiritual problem. A few years ago in the middle of the night he asked me to help him I prayed and all of a sudden he started to manifest, demons upon demons were exiting out of him. I saw the POWER of GOD move in a mighty way that night and yet he struggles.... Enough is Enough and I want breakthrough for them. Help.

  6. In the dream Kirk Cameron was teaching a class a writing assignment about God. He wanted to hear from the kids about their thoughts about God. He shared about his relationship with Christ and people were grumbling and complaining about it.

    I remember a little japanese girl coming to me wanting to tell me what she thought. She was overcome with emotion. She shared how she was born and raised in the mountains in Japan and her village was all she had known but she believed in Jesus. One day a huge black bear came into her village and destroyed it and she was the only survivor. She said the bear stood right in front of her and his nose was almost touching her nose and he was breathing heavily at her ready to destroy her. And she looked right into the bear's eyes and said "JESUS". The bear grunted and huffed at her and she kept saying over and over "JESUS" the bear huffed and grunted raised its paw to strike her. But he stopped turned around and left. He went back up the mountains. As she was sharing this she was crying, she was 14 years old.

    Some how the scene changed and I saw the bible opened to Psalm 12. And the first few words I saw was "righteousness" then something after that then like period and then praise to conclude the sentence. This what Psalm 12 says:

    Psalm 12:1-8
    Help, Lord , for no one is faithful anymore;
    those who are loyal have vanished from the human race. Everyone lies to their neighbor; they flatter with their lips but harbor deception in their hearts. May the Lord silence all flattering lips and every boastful tongue— those who say,
    "By our tongues we will prevail; our own lips will defend us—who is lord over us?" "Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise," says the Lord .

    "I will protect them from those who malign them." And the words of the Lord are flawless, like silver purified in a crucible, like gold refined seven times. You, Lord , will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked, who freely strut about when what is vile is honored by the human race.

  7. In this dream I was an orchestra conductor of a rather large performance. I remember the hall being full of people and they were all seatened in darkness waiting for the music to begin. Then all of a sudden the music started and it began to swell with highs and lows, it was absolutely beautiful. Various instruments playing as one. And I remember being beside the stage almost like a dressing room, but the door was open and I could see the musicians in the orchestra pit, the stage, the velet red curtains and part of the first row of people. I was in the dressing room with only a couple of lights in front of a mirror just conducting my heart out. I remember hearing my mom say, "Look at her go! She is giving it all she has." And I remember just closing my eyes and conducting as the music was playing. End of dream.

    I found it odd that I wasn't on stage conducting the orchestra but on the side doing so. Interesting dream.

  8. I believe bay view would be like a bay window...I saw this definition

    A bay window is commonly used to provide the illusion of a larger room. They are used to increase the flow of natural light into a building as well as provide views of the outside that would be unavailable with an ordinary window.

    A city bus - Transport of groups of ministry for the church or the City of
    Left - Spirit // spiritual change.....hmmm...

  9. Hmm...i've been praying about a ministry opportunity that really is something outside the scope of the norm and want clear direction. So yes I've been seeking God for an answer....so purple would represent, what then? I guess that is where I need to go back and ask Him? 'royalty, authority,leadership, trustworthiness, leadership. I wonder if this is my answer that what was coming of me is something that has been instilled in me for such a time. Lot's of praying back here...Thank you TheWhiteShadow

  10. I have been watching and praying. What was interesting in this vision was that the churches were unaware. And why water? Water is to cleanse, purify and wash away. This would be something a demon would avoid, do you think? And the windows were those double windows you couldn't see into it, because it looked like an ordinary mirror, but from the other side you could see everything so plainly. Interesting vision that is for sure...

  11. Yes amen, there are many churches that are sleeping and time has run out. It's time to wake up and take our place as the Bride of Christ. I recently read a statement made by Francis Frangipane - The devil doesn’t fear the church because the church doesn’t fear the Lord. Oh Lord forgive us for not seeking first your kingdom and allowing our fleshy desires to control us. Forgive us Oh Lord.

  12. I had a vision, but i'm not entirely sure... if it was felt so real...

    I was wearing the Full Armour of God and I had two angels on either side of me going down this dark staircase..not even sure, but I know I was walking and descending and I saw skeletons against the wall. There arms were in shackles and their bodies was just hanging there. Each one had a name, I saw bitterness, angry, sexual lust, greediness, etc. Those are the ones that I remembered and so as I was walking I noticed that there were several windows looking into various churches and in front of the window was this stoned wall (kind of reminded me of stones from a castle) were in a semi circle and it contained water. And I would see a demon flick the water into the church through the window and you could see people falling asleep and being complacent. Some churches you could see was basically dead as there were no one there, just a hand full. I could see this demon flicking water at my church and I remember raising my sword and it fled. The water was doing the reverse of what Christ is the Living Water....hmmm...vision ended.

  13. In this dream I was in a rather large hotel that contained lots and lots of families all from various churches and denominations. There were several floors with rooms and I remember leaning over a balcony (the balcony was not on the outside but inside the hotel that over looked a Great Hall or Great Room) and seeing a woman (Heather) in the middle of this huge courtyard calling out for families to come in the centre of the hotel to worship.

    There were a lot of people looking over the balcony listening to her shout out for the people to come below and worship. As she was saying this I saw high above her some clouds starting to swirl in a circular motion and the more she asked the people to worship the darker the clouds were getting and I could tell a tornado was starting to form. I remember running back to my hotel room and pleading with my family to come out and worship as she needed everyone. And I remember running back out and now in front of her was this extremely large pumpkin and high above the pumpkin was even darker clouds and it was swirling even faster it was a tornado but it didn't touch the ground, it swirled above this rather large pumpkin. I remember Heather shouting I need everyone to come out an worship our Lord. We need to praise so it will go into the pumpkin. I remember running back to my family in the hotel room asking them with urgency that we needed to get out and help by worshipping. End of Dream

  14. I think this is a postive dream, as memory serves me I was sitting on the bed reading with the covers over my legs and he was at the foot of the bed facing our window and then he did a back flip....I was quite shocked that he could do this and was capable of doing it. I told him about the next morning and we had a good chuckle as every so often he complains about pains in his back. Interesting dream for me.

  15. Last weekend I actually went back to this place where my dream was irl as I was visiting family for my March Break. I still don't have a concrete answer, but the Lord told me to look at the school name and I totally forgot about it. WOW...The school is called Corpus Christi Elementary Catholic School. But the name Corpus Christi laid heavily on my heart.....the name means "Body of Christ" shocked

  16. Wow...thanks so much for this....At first I thought it was a situation that presented itself and then today I received an email with regards to an opportunity. Definitely prayer is in order for this, but it does make sense the way it is broken down. Thank you so much. May our Lord bless you continually.

  17. In this dream I was driving a car travelling on the highway and I was suppose to merge to the left to go up higher, but instead I ended up going right and in front of me there were so many roads to travel I didn't know which one to take to get back to my original destination. End of dream.

  18. Thank you so much for this. Yes, definitely spiritual warfare and yes you are correct about the dogs. I didn't sense they were demons but people and I realized something after reading your interpretation that the particular dogs I was seeing, was actually one of their pets. WOW.... Didn't realize that until after your interp. Lot's of things to pray about these two individuals, especially the scripture verse. All I want to do is have the same attitude of Christ. Thannk you Mark/The White Shadow..GBU
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