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Traci 1125

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Posts posted by Traci 1125

  1. Hey Christa,
    This is what I am getting. Iraq ie Biblical Babylon. This is representative of this world/idolatry/opposition to God.
    Madonna is repesentative of worldly lusts/idolatry (IRL she is deep into a false religion).
    Slides represent all the "fun" amusements this world has to offer. (trashy internet/ tv/ bad music/ drugs/ etc.)
    Here it is a mode of transportation. As we travel, we gain speed and slip further and further away.
    This all leads to separation from God. (Your daughter had almost forgotten you, she called you by another name)
    In the same way that you longed for your child's safe return, God yearns for His children who have been deceived and enticed away by the cares and "amusements" of this world to come back home to Him. God loves us so much that His very heart is "tortured" by all of this. Your dream is a modern day parable. The parable of the prodigle son
    is my thought. See Luke 15:11-32. In this sense, I think your dream is for everyone, not just you.

    From another point of view this may be a personal IRL call from the Lord to remember and not to faint in praying for our children. They are our first ministry and there is so much out there to distract them from Jesus. Any way that I look at this it is a serious matter. This is how I see it. I hope some of this helps you to see what the Lord is trying to tell you. As always, I would encouurage you to Seek Confirmation.

    Thanks for posting this dream and I will pray with you for a complete interpretation from the Lord.

    In Him,

  2. Hey everyone,
    Okay, I feel strange posting the interpretation of my own dream. But, hey, isn't that the best way? Turns out my very bestest friend in the whole world E-mailed me this:

    Hey Girl!
    Very wild dream indeed. I'm getting some fragments here, so maybe if you put the pieces altogether, it'll paint the whole picture. Obviously,the birth is a new thing happening in the spiritual. The fact that it appeared to be a man tells me that it's coming from a surprising, unlikely place/location/person. I kinda see it all like this...you both are looking for the Lord in the usual places (normal "church") following much of the typical crowd, and lo and behold, the church doesn't really offer what they say they do. Then, to make matters worse, they're hoarding a used up bag of "goodies" that THEY think still has worth, but you and Donny realize quickly that it doesn't, and you get out. Upon your obedience in leaving the OLD behind, God has the birth of the NEW thing waiting on you, and it appears to be one thing at first, then you realize there is something completely different goin on here (he's a man then he's a thirty yr old woman). By the way, I don't know ya'lls exact ages, but have either/both of you had a prayer/desire that God placed in you as teenagers? I find the fact that she's 30 yrs old equally signifigant. As if, the 30 yr old wait is over, she's ready to give birth to the "desire of her heart", her "baby". And I think this is all about to go down on Sunday. Well, that's what I get out of this. I pray this is accurate and of the Lord. Forgive me if I misheard. I love ya & I'm excited to see what's about to be birthed here. Keep me posted. Can't wait to hear what God has in store for ya.
    Love ya lots!

    Well folks! I'm off to the "hospital" to see what's happening with the labor process! Got a Thursday night appt. at a biker church! I welcome all comments and confirmations!


  3. Hello Iminhiswill,

    Is your husband a believer? Sounds to me like God (the Prophet) is calling your husband to preach in some capacity. You are being called to intercessory prayer concerning this matter. Something similiar happened to me when my husband was called to preach with the exception that it was a different situation. My husband and I were in different places that day. God spoke to me and told me that He was calling my husband to preach and that I would have to be on board. These were not His exact words but for lack of space, that sums it up. When my husband returned home we were so excited (talking over each other!) to get the first word in! God told each of us that this would not be a 3 pc suit preaching ministry. Today Donny (my husband) is an evangelist. He wins souls all over the place. At music festivals, gas stations, bars, anywhere god leads him. We are involved with a Biker church and witness on rides. You will have to pray for direction and keep your heart and mind open to all possibilities. In these last days, we can't box God up. I could be wrong but this came to me immediately when I read your dream. Please do not take my word for this. Seek confirmation!
    In Jesus,

  4. Sister,
    Just wanted to remind you that Satan comes as an angel of light, what could be sweeter than a new born baby in the natural realm? Could it be that an attack of some sort will come through your ministry? Hence a baby. Perhaps the ex represents something old that is trying to resurface. The Holy Spirit is definitely strongly urging me to pray for an extra helping of discernment for you. Whatever is happening, you know what to do. The power in the Name of Jesus prevails in your dream. Keep your spiritual eyes open and remember to test the spirits to see if they are of God. In the end what seemed beautiful turned out to be the epitomy of ugliness. I would encourage you to ask the Lord to examine your heart to be sure that there is nothing there that is blocking you in any way from what the Lord is trying to show you. Just wanted to encourage you to be aware, be strong, and keep your eyes on Jesus!

    Love In Christ,

    By the way, I also had a dream concerning a baby on the same day that you posted yours. If you feel led, check mine out. Thanks

  5. I had a spiritual dream Sunday Oct. 4, 2009. It consisted of several different scenes. The Lord has already given me
    interpretation on most of it but this part is driving me nuts because I was given a specific date. This has NEVER happened to me before. In the dream my husband and I went into a restaurant. We were in a resort town that was closing next month. We had been here with other family members and friends all day. He had been going around town eating in different establishments because they all had reduced their prices due to the town closing soon. As we enter he is all excited. Neither of us are even hungry. When we get inside the casheir tells us that they aren't reducing their prices. My husband is irate about this. So he says he is going to find something that they will have to reduce. He enters the fridge (with me trying to calm him before we get arrested!) and retreives a 3/4 eaten bag of chips. I convince him to put them back because neither of us is even hungry. He finally realizes how absurd he is being and agrees to leave. On the way out he begins talking to this man. He is poking at him in a joking manner as if he knows this guy. I sense that this man is a taking this in a sexual way. I step in to get my husband's attention and realize that the man is a 30 yr old pregnant woman and she is enjoying this attention. My heart goes out to her and I lead her outside. She looks miserable so I rub her back and ask her when her baby is due. She says "Next Sunday". Then I say "Do you mean Sunday Oct. 11?" I stop rubbing her back since I fear this will lead to early labor. If you guys are getting anything on this please respond....Oct 11 will be here in 5 days!!!
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