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Traci 1125

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Posts posted by Traci 1125

  1. NeWine,
    Thanks for posting this Word. It is easy to jump on the bandwagon when what the Lord is saying is sweet to the ear. It is harder when that Word is harsh, cutting inwardly and outwardly. This is very timely. We don't have time to play around any longer. God's message to us is for our benefit...never to tear us down. If we truly want to please God, we will recieve it. And if we truly believe it we will live it. The end result is that we are overcomers in our Almighty Savior! All the glory is to You, Lord!

    Thanks for your courage in the Lord!
    Traci 1125

  2. ...also...take a bottle of annointing oil, representative of the Holy Ghost, walk your house praying and annointing the door posts, windows, your bed...anything and everything that God leads you to touch with it. Periodically, we do this in my home. And when it has been awhile, we know it is time to do it again! We were just talking yesterday about doing this around our entire property. There are no magical things going on here but in our faith, we do this in sybolic reference that we are trusting in the Holy Ghost to protect us and our home and our family. One more thing, pray and go through your house and make sure there is nothing there that any evil spirit can attach itself to. Any symbols, music, movies etc. Anything the Lord wants you to get rid of in your house. This may also help you.
    In Him,

  3. Whewww!!!
    Judah, what an out of this world dream!!!! I would like to comment on the "hem" This brings to mind the story of the woman with an issue of blood in the 9th chap of Matthew. Jesus had on a Jewish prayer shawl. Study this if you are not familiar with the prayer shawl. The corners represented healing in the shelter of the wings of the Almighty. The tassles represented one's personality or status. By stooping to touch the hem of His garment she was expressing her faith in Jesus as the Son of Righteousness with healing in His wings and declaring her faith in Him as God's prophesied Messiah. How blessed to have such a WONDERFUL, AWESOME dream are you??!!!!!!!
    I am blessed just because you posted it. Thank you so much!!!!!

  4. Hey Karen
    I had a dream about 3 weeks ago. It involved a white mother. She was pregnant. My dream was definitely a ministry dream. I actually saw some of the items from the dream at the place where my husband and I were considering ministering. Then, a few days ago, my husband has a dream. When he recited it to me we both burst out into tears because it was a confirmation of my dream. But in his dream, everyone in it, including the baby was black. The man in his dream who represented God was also black. In my instance, it was not significant (the race of the characters). Just a little insight from my own experience.


  5. Hey Jen,
    It's nice to meet you. I identify with you already because I was also saved as a little girl. I was 5 yrs old and I remember it like it just happened. I am 41 next month. I also have been having dreams all of my life. I rarely run into people who were saved at such a young age. For me, I know that the Lord captured me at that time because of a rough childhood that escalated just after my encounter with the Lord. I would not be here if He had not reached His hand of a "Daddy" out to me so many times. It is nice to have you here.

    This is just an idea. Alligators are one of the last breeds of animals that are considered prehistoric. Is there something in your past that is nagging you? Is there some sort of "dinosaur" in your life? Whatever reason that you are dreaming this...you seem to know what to do in the dream. You rebuke and fight in the name of Jesus. I will pray with you about this and hopefully you can get the interpretation. Girl, you must be tired in the morning!
    Wish I could help you more. Just keep praying. It will come. The Lord holds to His Word always! We are His sheep. We hear His voice and we know Him.


  6. Maybe the Lord is warning you of something that might happen for real so you can head it off and prevent it. It wouldn't hurt to have an eye exam with glaucoma test. Have you ruled out that this could be a Warning dream?

  7. Hello Rex,
    Your childhood home is the biblical foundational truths of Jesus Christ. The color green is representative of new life. See 2 Corinthians 5:17. In Christ, old things are passed away and ALL things become new. The fabric is shiny and new. You said you had never seen this fabric before. Are you (or have you felt the call of God) involved in an evangelistic or deliverance ministry? Jesus came to set the captives free! What a lovely dream! Please pray and seek the Lord on what I have said.

    God Bless You

  8. Ooooohhh! I will post one too. This is a poem that is more like a song. I was just dying to hear from the Lord. This was my cry on 4-19-03. I love to write too. It is like a release to me.


    Oh, brush your presence across my soul
    Lord align my will with Yours
    Hold me so that I won't fail
    To hear Your passionate voice
    And make me a vessel fit for You
    Make me a vessel fit for You

    Jesus, I'm pleading for a break in this silence
    My soul is craving to hear Your voice
    These earthly things seem to crowd You out Lord
    In this long and lonesome sea of noise

    Oh, glance Your Word across my ear
    Build my faith in You
    Reminded of inward desires Lord
    I wanna be just like You
    You are the only Faithful and True

    I have tons of writings but this one was not even in a style that I would normally write in. This was a prayer and a plea for that time from my heartfelt distress.

    Ladies, your stuff is so beautiful! Don't you just love how the Lord just puts a song (psalm) on our lips even (more often than not for me!) when things look so dark?


  9. Hey StumblinMama,
    I'm overjoyed here. I am hearing so many dreams pertaining to evangelism. I don't know if your husband realizes it, but if there is one voice the enemy wants to squelch it is the voice of evangelism. Gettin' knocked and beat down comes with the territory. But ya'll (I'm from the South, too) have to keep pressing on. I am not speaking about something that I have no experience with. My husband also is called to evangelism. I lean more towards worship and intercessory ministries. It goes hand and hand. When he goes out I'm praying. Against evil, for the harvest..the souls that are meandering into hell while the church is standing in the corner playing or argueing. We have been knocked down so many times it is unreal! But the Lord always comes and gets us up. I'm praying that the offenses inflicted on your husband so many years ago will settle in his spirit. God is calling him back!!! This apparent by your dream. The church, as a whole, is not saved. But what we have is that remnant working through God's established venue. It is His way. There aren't many that are willing to fulfil God's calling when it comes to this area. There is strength in numbers and Satan knows this...therefore he loves to try to stamp out the joy of those with this calling. Encourage your husband to forget about those old circumstances. I'm praying that he will again recapture his joy and all of this will be healed by our Heavenly Father. He will return to His First Love. The righteous fall 70x7 (that represents innumerable times!) but God always comes to retrieve us!!!! I'm already believing that your husband is on his way back!!!! I'm praying for ya'll.

    Remember, the enemy already lost the battle. Jesus smacked him down at Calvary. Just wanted to encourage you to keep believing and praying for your man and what God is doing in the supernatural concerning this.


  10. I agree. The ocean is the sea of peoples or the world. The church is in it but not of it. The struggle represents the working with the Lord that you will do in praying that the blinders from the enemy will be removed so they can see the bait...JESUS. Girl, get prepared and go fishin'....The Lord's reeling in the last harvest.

  11. okay, I have been in this line of thinking since you first posted this. The book that I used as a study source, measured against scripture of course, was called "Revelation" by Tim Lahaye. Are you familiar with Tim and Beverly Lahaye? I feel certain that this book is still available. He is still ministering and writing. I also was using a Scofield KJV bible at that time. Now Scofield's notes on the gifts of the Spirit as in the sign gifts are way off. But his notes on dispensational truth are great. You know how that goes...when using things or others notes, you have to eat the meat and spit out the bones. I know that there are others who also have good teachings on the subject but that is just what I used. Yes, it is deep but it is not waaaaayy over your head. Dispensational Truth is based on the scripture that says that one day is as a thousand years to the Lord. It works in 7s. Here they are:

    1. Innocency < not guilty before God>

    Garden Of Eden Covenant

    2. Conscience

    The Adamic Covenant

    3. Human Government

    The Noahic Covenant

    4. Promise

    The Abrahamic Covenant

    5. Law <10 Commandments etc.>

    The Mosaic Covenant

    6. Grace

    The New Covenant

    7. Millennial Kingdom

    The Davidic Covenant

    Side Bar:


    We are currently in the 6th. The age of grace...the church age. In looking at the 7 churches you have to look this way:

    It was written to the actual people in that church

    They each are parallel to a certain time period

    And they each still hold a word for us today as born again believers

    So, your analogy of the churches is correct. This waaaayyyy deep thought pattern is why I feel you might get something by studying about Thytira. It lines up with your dates.

    I'm going to study too. If run up on anything else, I will let you know. Happy hunting! Traci

  12. Hey Nuwine,
    You have some really interesting dreams. I feel like this is one of those that is for everyone. Have you thought about studying this from a church history view? The point of liftoff being the 7 churches? For instance, Thyatira being from about 606 to the Tribulation. This would be the church of the Dark Ages. (actual years:500-1500AD)
    What I'm trying to say is to look from the view of the dispensations of time. Many doctrines that have roots in paganism were added to the church during this time. A doctrine is a pillar of the faith. A martyr of that time would be John Wycliffe, for instance, because he refused to adhere to anything other than the true Word of God and Jesus Christ being Lord. I am thinking this because the pope or some reference to him is mentioned by the man against the pillar at the 600AD line. Twenty years ago,(man am I really that old?) I was really into studying the scriptures according to the dispensations of time. This dream has caused me to start digging out old notes. Does this seem like it may pertain to the dream? Let me know if I can help you in any way. I am very excited to see the outcome of this dream!

    In anticipation,

  13. Earlier this week, I dreamed that my husband and I were coming home from a Spirit filled church service. I began coughing (dry, hard cough). My chest was rattling (like sticky phlegm in there). I coughed until this stuff spewed up into my mouth. It consisted of all these little BB sized balls in a phlemy base. They were colorless, odorless and tasteless. I had no tissue so I frantically began to spit and fling my hands into the wind out of the window rushing by the vehicle. I REALLY wanted this off of me.

    When I woke up, I was coughing and had a horrible feeling of DISGUST! I reached to my night stand and grabbed a tissue and wiped my mouth out. Of course, there was nothing there.

    In real life, a sickness has gone through our household. Does it have something to do with this? Or is there a deeper meaning?

    I feel that there is a deeper meaning but I do not want to "read into" it.

    Any interpretations or ideas?
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