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Posts posted by Gissy2

  1. it really does depend I know in my dreams my mother sometimes rep God and in others my former boss rep God but most of the time I know it's God because in the dream I have a sense it's Him, for me there's no doubting I know it's Him but it maybe different for others.

  2. This weekend I had a very unpleasant transaction with a service, on the surface, they seem kind and loving but in the end they verbally attacked me and cost me alot of money for a service I really don't need!!! When it happened, I thought to myself, didn't I dream something like this and I thought back and remembered this dream but it was too late

  3. jwhita, I agree with you I have had dreams while it just "clicks" sometimes years after I dreamt them. I do believe God has a perfect timing for everything under the sun including dream interpretation, whether it's instant or not. And I do think this is a good topic (like lola said), I do wonder why some dreams are interpretated quickly and others are not but it all boils down to God's timing and His perfect plan.

  4. Jwhita and Timothy I believe both of ya'll are right....you don't want to rush the interpretation but then again you don't want to spent too long on it. I could see how in both cases you can have the wrong interpretation but at the same time I see where it can be right, that's why I do believe in what jwhita said....the interpretation is within the dreamer. Afterall, it's their dream, God spoke to them and the meaning is there, it sometimes takes a bit of guidance. And He prompts our spirit when the true meaning is reveal whether it is a quick revelation or a slow one.

  5. ok deception and gossip, both interpret makes sense...recently the Holy Spirit has been warning me about gossip esp at work!!! Also, I been praying about if I should approach a friend about a mutual friend we have....that might not be a good idea....what looks innocent my cause lots of damage, like you said lola!! I will watch what words I say and pray for discernment esp with my co-workers and friends, thank you ladies.

  6. Good observation! I never thought of that, mainly because I am not gifted in interpretating dreams. Now, that I think of it I know an older person, he said he was gifted and if you told him your dream before you finished your sentence, he was telling you what it meant!!! And he was right!!! I guess the decrease in hesitation comes with age???

  7. I dreamt that this bee looking like a bird flies right onto my left index finger, biting a huge hole into my finger. I saw it coming but it attacked so fast I couldn't stop it until it was too late. I tried to shake it off but it held on as it teared my finger up, the bee/bird was small but left alot of damage. I woke up thinking, how I needed to be careful with this finger, I didn't even realize I was dreaming until a few seconds later! What could this mean? What could a bee represent?

  8. hey daphanie

    i read what you said about fish meaning pregnancy and i remembered ppl do say that and i have an example of fish meaning pregnancy IRL.....when i was younger i dreamt my sister was telling me how many fish she wanted, she counted out 3 and to this day she has 3 kids

  9. Lola you are right on target I feel!! I think you are right!!! I felt that the fire might be some kind of change and I did think of God's Powers! In real life I don't know, how it relates to me. However, there is this one person at work who I barely know but I believe God has told me in another dream this person will be saved.

    You see last year I dreamt about this person at work I barely know, I saw his face in the dream. I dreamt God told me He would "change his profession" I woke up like "ok why did I need to know that ok so he is going to change careers???", it was real weird but I kept thinking about the dream for days, it was on my mind I couldn't shake it so then I decided to look at it careful esp the spoken words eg "profession" I looked it up in the dictionary and the FIRST definition was to profess one's faith. Then it dawn on me, this person isn't changing careers he is changing his life, his faith, his acknowledge of God, he is going to proclaim God to many!

    So, I started to pray that he becomes saved (a stranger! I have never done that before). Months goes by and I have the lobster dream I thought of that person! I was thinking "is that person's life going to be caught on fire for God" how awesome is that!! Now, the oven and the fish has me lost, I have no clue, I will need the Holy Spirit to guide me on that one. But so far, I don't know if this person has accept Christ as yet but I continue to pray.

  10. thanks lola,

    after reading the link i can totally see how lobsters can be unclean, I am hoping my dream was a good one though. In the dream I was in a market place and this vendor gave me this huge lobster, I mean like life size huge, I was excited because I was like whoo hoo I didn't have to pay for this one!!! Then all of a sudden this flame comes and sets the lobster's antenna on fire. The flame traveled down part of the body causing the lobster to boil to the point where it was overflowing. The vendor and I decided to put the lobster in an oven to slow cook, in the oven there was a fish the same size as the lobster. I wasn't sure about the lobster but I know the fire was a good sign.

  11. traveller wrote:
    Hi Angelwings,
    No, nothing significant happened then but that was also because I never wrote my dreams down before last year, so never acted/prayed over those unknown people either. Now, I document the dreams I remember and pray over them/and those people if I feel it's a call for prayer..but also I'll be able to look back at them when I'll meet some of these people in the future..(if they're literal).
    Sometimes in my dreams I have literal conversations with some of these people too, so I guess that will help to recognize the situation too, when it happens. I also know a lady who saw (in her dream/vision) the top half of a man's head that she didn't know, when she'd been praying about her future husband, and when she saw his picture in an article of a church magazine, she knew that he was the man she'd seen in her dream. They got married.

    traveller, thanks for sharing this. i have a friend also, who dreamt that she will marry a man with the name beginning with S, she doesn't dream much but she remembered that, a few months later she met and married a guy whose name begin with an S, it wasn't until afterwards she remembered the dream! It's amazing how God speaks to us individually, what may work for you may not work for another! i guess if that "unknown" person weighs heavy on you play attention because they maybe very known in the future!!

  12. Mia,

    I thought it was weird as well and I noticed it because over the past year as I started to play attention to my dreams, whenever I was being attacked (either verbally or physically) it was always on my left side. Normally, I would not think anything of it however, just like how God does not waste any details in His Word, I think He does the same in dreams.

  13. I dreamt I was visiting someone's house and the two dogs that lived there came up to my left foot and bit into it twice (each of them). The first time they attacked there wasn't much damage, the second time, the bite went through my foot! There was nothing I could do to stop them it happened so quickly. The thing is the first dog was the leader and he was stronger than the second dog. The second dog was just a follower and he bit me the exact spot as the first as if to make certain I was wounded!!! I ended up with a bandage across my foot and the owner of the dog seem not to care as if it wasn't a big deal, however, they didn't have a problem with paying the medical bill because they had insurance!!!! All in all I got bitten four times. I find in my dreams if I would get hurt it would be on my LEFT side does that have any special meaning? Anyone have any interpretation?
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