Dreams that are from God, have a different flavor to them.. and you know that you know when they are from God, or at least I do, they all have either symbolic descriptions, colors and sometimes numbers that give it away.. also sometimes a still small voice that stands out in the dream for direction. There are many things in my dreams anyway.. that give this away. It isn't like a regular dream for me. Hard to explain except to say that I can just always tell the difference. The one thing that does bother me a bit, when my days are very busy and a lot going on with my children, my dreams tend to be fragmented. Also I tend to wake up and forget many of my dreams. That bothers me a bit and don't know how to stop this from happening. Any help on this?? A friend of mine told me once, not to worry about not remembering the dream... that God will bring it to remembrance when it comes to pass or you will have what is called Day Ja Vu. Anyone's thoughts on this?? Also sometimes there tends to be gap between dreams for sometimes long periods of time... when Yeshua/Jesus is having me to focus on one dream. Or when several dreams have come to pass. One of which is very personal which came to pass with my daughter. What is odd about this is, I had saved many of my dreams off to a folder of which had not been interpreted.. and my hard drive went out on my desk top and I thought I lost everything. Well I took it into have it repaired and they replaced the hard drive and were able to recover all of everything on it. So they backed it all up to an external hard drive for me. Well I wanted to make sure everything was saved.. and so I went through each of the dozen plus uninterpreted dreams that I had saved.. and as I was doing so, I ran across the dream about my daughter.. which I had back in October.. Well the dream was unfolding before us.. Some pretty major things had happened for her right at the time I got my computer back.. I had forgotten that dream. She was standing and talking to one of her brothers when I had spotted the dream going through the files to see if they had backed everything up and as I read over this dream, I almost fell over.. I had so forgotten this dream.. Well her brother/my son walked out of the room and I showed my daughter the dream.. she almost fell over herself. Now keep in mind, my daughter had walked a way from God back a few years ago, due to mostly her dad.. but it was also due to everything really and the divorce and all.. and she had very much fallen away from God.. I had asked God only several days ago.. about a week ago before all of that.. why did my hard drive go out on my new computer..??? Well I guess it was all over that one dream for me to find and for this to be a witness to my daughter.. I think she stood up and took notice.. and the fact that it had the date of October 20th for when I had the dream.. and all that came to pass was only a few days ago now. What was odd is I was driving her back to her apartment and I said to my daughter..'why don't you show your boy friend this dream, and she said, I don't want him to know that I believe in that stuff. So it was a confirmation that my daughter does believe. Wow!!! Btw, her boy friend has also fallen away from GOd. What a perfect witness if she would only share that with him. That is when you also notice when something was spoken to you via a dream.. which in essence in this case was a word of knowledge.. to a T of what was going to happen to her. It was a day or so before getting my hard drive back, that I had told her.. that God was trying to get her and her boy friends attention. Have had several dreams like this that has come to pass to a " T ". In fact before I was even able to start to have any of my dreams interpreted, God was bringing many of them to pass to let me know that I wasn't going nuts.. that these dreams were from Him.. See I didn't know that God still does this today and over the past three years I kept having so many dreams.. It all started way before that but I couldn't see or understand. I thought only very special people had such giftings, mostly people of the OT and NT.. wasn't even sure that God dealt with us today in such a way... It is staggering what God has shown to me over the course of time. Even now things that I couldn't get my head around to understand what the dream was about, I understood afterwords as God brought it to pass. Now that is amazing!!! That is the God we serve!!! Sorry for this being so long, but sensed that I was to share this with you all!!! FOR HIS GLORY AND WILL ALONE!!! Ann