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Songs of Seashells

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Posts posted by Songs of Seashells

  1. Greetings

    I do Connie, have this to say for the moment, then, on the heels of this, one more item, (then I will quit buggin you) but first I shall post this:

    Hbr 13:20 Now the
    God of peace, who brought up from the dead the
    great Shepherd of the sheep through [fn] the blood of the eternal covenant, even Jesus our Lord,

    Hbr 13:21 equip you
    in every good thing to do His will, working in us
    that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus
    Christ, to whom be the
    glory forever and ever. Amen.

    Hbr 13:22 But I urge
    you, brethren, bear [fn] with
    this [fn] word of exhortation, for I have written to
    you briefly.

    Love ya darlin darlin


  2. Greetings Connie

    I believe your dream was the unveiling of the spirit world and it's supernatural activities that we can't see going on during our waking moments, with the purpose of revelatory preparation, training and awareness.
    You were being shown what was happening behind the veil of this world in terms and images.

    If this were my dream, I believe this would be a dream given to me also for the purpose to pray! We KNOW that prayer MOVES THE HAND OF GOD

    MAY I ask a few questions? IF so, scroll down.

    Is there a part of you you're trying to run away from?

    Is there something the Lord has shown/given you to do and you're running from it/Him?

    How do you "feel" operating in these gifts? Are you excited about them and embrace them, or do you acknowledge them, operating in them with gratitude but sometimes wish you weren't blessed with these burdens?

    Perhaps I have overstepped the welcome mat to participate here, and if that is true, please forgive me. Sometimes the Lord gives me a burden for a dream and I go too far. I shall pray and hope that a qualified interpretor will come along and bless you with great insight to this wonderful dream.

    Many and most rich blessings to you dear heart.

    Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this.


    P.S. Shadows are very important in dreams. I wish I knew more, but the little I know is interesting.

  3. Songs here..... Hello Connie

    WOW!!! Awesome dream, to say the least. There are SO MANY things wrapped up into this, and I certainly understand your reasoning for wanting help with it. It's laced with tons of good stuff. It may seem to you that I am all over the map with this, but eventially, I'll land this thing lol.

    I will say that these are simply thoughts that dance around in the ballroom of my mind, so this is NOT an interp, just things I feel strongly about. And as with anything else beloved, PLEASE, if anything has a ring to it, go to the Lord for confirmation. One other thing, these are NOT in order, just the things that stood out to me initially.

    The name "Mark" means "war-like" Does Mark have fears that cause him to be irritated?
    "Linda" '' " Pretty"
    "Rhonda" " " Grand- noisy"
    "Connie" " " Constant, firm, BRAVE counsel

    (just throwing this in because I noticed you liked Lucille Ball....... Lucille means light, or light bringer)

    Smoking to me indicates bitterness, pride, envy, jealousy, unforgiveness and self-righteousness.

    I am wondering with the "family", if there isn't some, either outward OR secret underlying issues that need to be resolved in your family, ie your siblings.

    Perhaps one of them is holding a grudge against you, and they're feeling self righteous about it. Seeing Jesus reflected in you shows up their downfalls. Perhaps there is a difference between you and your siblings such as night from day.

    The enemy loves to use our family against us, even if it's on a minor scale. Sometimes issues take a little time to build up thus they blow WAY OUT OF Proportion once manifested and seems much worse than what they really are. The mind goes to funny places coming up with untruths.

    The number two I see as separation, judgment and discernment. I believe I see this wrapped up in your name and that the Lord is calling you to a higher calling and this is a test for you. However, BECAUSE He gave you this dream, I believe there is much He has revealed to you through this dream.

    It will require discernment on your part, but He has made provisions for you through that yellow seed found nestled in the snow.

    The number 5 I see here as grace, I see you as a gracious person AND I see the hand of God's grace in this throughout as he ALLOWS you to escape.

    Because you didn't have your lap top, I saw that as the Lord "setting you apart" You are to be USED and seen as God's child. A child of THE KING..... there is royalty there, you are His daughter. Much has been given to you, much will be expected.

    The yellow seed made me think of a Word of God coming to you of great significance...Psalm 68:13 comes to mind as well.

    Though you lie down among the
    sheepfolds, [You will be] like the wings of a dove covered with silver,
    And her feathers with yellow gold."

    SNOW: something that is PURE..... something that is DRIVEN there is a gift wrapped up in this seed. Also, a plant had to die for that seed to be a seed.

    Christ died that you might have life and have it more abundantly. Snow, once melted provides water for a thirsty soul.

    Do you believe you operate in the prophetic? I have a reason for asking this.

    I hope you're not offended by any of my thoughts here beloved.


  4. Here are a few more thoughts dear heart

    Take a look at this. 3x549=1647
    One thousand
    six hundred
    forty and

    1000 = a timing mechanism of prophetic activity, propositions and purposes

    600 = warfare, death... like the years of Noah's life before the flood

    forty= tribulation, trial, a season predisposed to natural disasters and calamities, judgment of disbelief, the elongated act of the Almighty!!! This cycle will be completed by preparing one (some people) for God's service. These MUST take place. For God is not man that HE could lie. His mercy shall be in indescribable proportions.

    seven= completeness, perfection etc.

    I believe the Lord has "set you aside" for maturing processes to occur. You will be given a heavy load. You got this number 549 THREE times. Obey, what He has given you to do AND do ALL THINGS as unto the Lord. You will find great strength in that and a joy.

    Wow, this is really loaded with things and I only get a smattering here and there.

    Bless you dear one. I praise God for the provision of the patch. Not having it would be awful.
    How deep a love HE has lavished on you.

    more to come later.


  5. Greetings beloved

    There are some additional thoughts that I have and would like to share them with you.
    The Lord brought this to my mind......

    Eze 4:1

    "Now you son of man, get yourself a brick, place it before you and inscribe a city on
    it, Jerusalem.

    Eze 4:2

    "Then lay
    siege against it, build a siege wall, raise [fn] up a
    ramp, pitch camps and place battering rams against it all around.

    Eze 4:3

    "Then get yourself an iron
    plate and set it up as an iron wall between you and the city, and set
    your face toward it so that it is under siege, and
    besiege it. This is a sign to the house of Israel.

    Eze 4:4

    "As for you, lie down on your
    left side and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel on it; you shall
    bear their iniquity for the number of days that you
    lie on it.

    Eze 4:5

    "For I have assigned you a
    number of days corresponding to the years of their iniquity, three
    hundred and ninety days; thus you shall bear the
    iniquity of the house of Israel.

    Eze 4:6 "When you have completed these,
    you shall lie down a second time, but on
    your right side and bear the iniquity of the house of Judah; I have
    assigned it to you for forty days, a day for each

    Eze 4:7 "Then you shall set your face
    toward the siege of Jerusalem with your arm bared and prophesy against it.

    Eze 4:8 "Now behold, I will put ropes on you so that you cannot turn from one side to the
    other until you have completed the days of your siege.

    Eze 4:9 "But as for you, take wheat,
    barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt, put them
    in one vessel and make them into bread for yourself; you shall eat it
    according to the number of the days that you lie on your side, three
    hundred and ninety days.

    Eze 4:10 "Your food which you eat shall be twenty shekels a
    day by weight; you shall eat it from time to time..

    Eze 4:11 "The water you drink shall be
    the sixth part of a hin by measure; you shall drink it from time to

    Eze 4:12 "You shall eat it as a barley
    cake, having baked it in their sight over
    human dung."

    Eze 4:13 Then the LORD said, "Thus will the sons of Israel eat
    their bread unclean among the nations where I will
    banish them."

    Eze 4:14 But I said, "Ah, Lord GOD [fn] !
    Behold, I have never been defiled; for from my
    youth until now I have never eaten what died of
    itself or was torn by beasts, nor has any unclean
    meat ever entered my mouth."

    Eze 4:15 Then He said to me, "See, I
    will give you cow's dung in place of human dung over which you will
    prepare your bread."

    Eze 4:16 Moreover, He said to me, "Son
    of man, behold, I am going to break the staff of
    bread in Jerusalem, and they will eat bread by weight and with anxiety, and drink water by measure and in horror,

    Eze 4:17 because bread and water will be
    scarce; and they will be appalled with one another and waste away in their iniquity.

    Have you taken a look at Strongs 549? http://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G549&t=NASB&sf=5

    Look through 2nd Chronicles also


  6. Hello Steady.....

    I have several THOUGHTS on your post here. PLEASE simply look at them as my thoughts. IF anything seems to ring true in your spirit then great, I praise the Lord. If not, then simply excuse this reply. Blessings to you!

    The first thing I saw right off the bat was 5+4=9
    5 as in the hand of God, virtue, grace grace is a gift that cannot be paid for
    This involves often times sacrifice

    Just wondering if you have had to do some major sacrificing recently.

    Question: Are you or have you been called into one of the 5 fold ministry settings such as prophet, evangelist, or teacher? Has the Lord been working with you on this for sometime?

    I was just wondering if you have been going through a dry spell where there have been many trials and bouts with wilderness, a season of purification perhaps.

    Do you feel that the Lord has called you to something on a grand scale? Something where you would certainly "see" His Divine intervention?

    Are you wondering if your fruit is developed and mature?

    Do you believe we are soon going to see a harvest or, the wrath of God?

    Like I said, these are just thoughts.

    Blessings to you.



    I think there is something going on spiritually here, just not sure what. Hub and I have very open communication and I asked him if the enemy was taunting him with anything and he said no. I believe him.

    We are in the process for looking for a new church. We found out November last yr. that the pastor we were sitting under DOES NOT WALK WHAT he preaches. When we showed him in the scriptures ( laced with tons of love and mercy) he wrote 7 families a letter telling us NOT to bother ever coming back to the church. We haven't been back. Some of these people were 20 year old friends with this man. THAT was an eye opener. The Lord had shone the light very bright and it was obvious God did NOT want us there sitting under false teaching.
    Some have found a new place to attend. We on the other hand are watching a precept series done by Kay Arthur called "prepare to meet your God" It's so good, it'll knock your socks off and blow your hair back. WE ARE though praying about where the Lord wants us to be. We are not letting this take the place of fellowship with other believers as we KNOW the scripture warns against that.
    Perhaps IN MY HUBBY'S SPIRIT, HE'S NEEDING MORE than just precepts at the moment. Hmmmmm

    The dirty water indicated that there is/was something amiss and that there may be something that is not so healthy (spiritually) in his life. DON'T EVEN KNOW if he's aware of it.

    Interesting............ I have to admit I am a little stumped.



  8. My husband and I were going to hear Lou Ann, a friend of ours
    sing. Before taking our seats, we walked along the canal.

    The canal had dirt colored water in

    When it came time to sit down, we said hello to
    kirby, her husband who was sitting at a round table next to ours.

    I turned to look for my husband and he wasn't
    there. I figured he'd be right back. When he didn't show for a considerable
    amount of time, concerned I went to look for him. Standing by and looking into
    the canal, I saw the back of my husbands head face down. ( I could tell by the
    way his hair separated away from the cowlick on the back of his

    I heard him take a breath and breath out,( while he
    was face down IN the water) then I pulled his face up out of the water first by
    grabbing his hair, then I got the rest of him out. I wondered how he could
    breath while face down in the water.


  9. Lisha........

    You said: "But I'm still thinking about them babies, ya know?" What do you mean by "babies"? Your sister and your boyfriend? Is your sister having twins? Is she pregnant now and has other children that are living?


    Does she claim to be born again?

    I will pray for DIVINE INTERVENTION for your sister and that baby. I have had an abortion and it is HELL!!! There are lies that are wrapped in the clothing of death if she goes through with it.

    She WILL NEVER be the same...... EVER!!! I don't care HOW TOUGH you "profess" to be.

    Then to KNOW (even if she doesn't now) SHE WILL STAND before the LORD and give an accounting!!!

    THEN, she'll meet that aborted baby in heaven!!!

    So much more to share here ............


  10. HI there

    Bees are actually very significant in life. There is a lot to say about them. They are industrious,diligent and have technical expertise.
    Bees are command type creatures and represent harmony. Just look at how they work together, and they all have "their own jobs" to do, their important tasks to perform. If you watch them, they are a very social creature as well. The also "bring in money"

    Deborah was the name of an Old Testament prophetess who ruled Israel during the times of the Judges.

    Let me ask you something. Have your feelings been hurt lately to a point where it's harmed you emotionally?
    Is there something that you have brought on yourself that has caused you to be thrown off balance and powerless?

    One other question: How is your walk with the Lord? I believe the Lord is trying to get your attention here.

    Hope this helps a little. Please toss if it does not resinnate with your spirit.

    Blessings to you beloved. Rich blessings!!!

    Songs Of Seashells

  11. Hi There

    I have a few thoughts I would like to share with you that came to my heart and mind as I was reading this.
    I want you to know I think it's a beautiful dream. I classify this as a "BLESSING" dream. Please toss if it doesn't stir your spirit.

    Peter calls Noah a preacher of righteousness. 2 Peter 2:5 Perhaps HE is saving you from a "flood" of people that HE does NOT want you to be around, a place that would have disaster looming over it, and that HE is lifting you UP setting you apart, calling you HIS "friend" knowing there is something "new" on the horizon for you, another place HE really rather you be.

    You said "please kindly pray so that i get in.going through a lot of anxiety tension n sleepless nights." I will pray beloved, I will pray! It is an honor to pray for you.
    Let me ask you something though:
    Would you want us to pray that you get in if it's NOT HIS will for you?, How about we pray HIS good and perfect will for you dear heart.

    Perhaps reading over Genesis chpts 6-9 may bring wisdom to this dream that could be applied. I'll be praying the Holy Spirit would wash over you with HIS gentleness and sooth those anxious thoughts and tension that plagues you beloved.

    I feel for you that you have this anxiety and tension. MY prayer for you is for the peace that passes all understanding to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus?

    [b]I believe the olive branch signifies God's power, His friendship and Your success

    Doves are seen as celestial messengers of WISDOM or GRACE, that mark THE ONSET of spiritual activity or intervention. In Genesis 6:8 Noah FOUND GRACE in the eyes of the LORD. I believe the same has been applied to you according to your dream. I like the scriptures that say: "By HIS grace" and OF HIS grace....

    Rom 3:24 being justified as a gift by His grace

    Eph 1:6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.

    Eph 1:7 according to the riches of His grace

    Eph 2:7He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us

    2Ti 1:9but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus

    Rev 1:4Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come

    I believe you very well could have recognized the Holy Spirit in dove form (heavenly Dove) I believe there is a PROMISE to you from the LORD regarding success.

    I will pray Psalm 37:4 for you which reads:

    "Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart."

    But also dear heart, remember:

    Mat 6:34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
    The Lord also says he wants His loved ones to get their rest also.

    I trust you have asked that your will aligns with the Fathers will for you.

    One other thing, do you have anointing oil to anoint yourself with? You may consider doing this and wait for HIS blessings to light upon you. I am excited for you.

    Expect good things!!! Seek ye first the kingdom of God AND HIS righteousness and ALL THESE OTHER THINGS shall be added unto you.

    Rich blessings to you dear heart!

    [b] Rev 1:4Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come


    Songs Of Seashells

  12. this dream shocked me since In Real Life, I DO NOT STAEL!!!

    I was in an old hotel restaurant with very tall ceilings. They were going to be shutting down.

    There were some old artifacts on the floor, leaning up along the wall wrapped in paper towels, along with a few other items. it looked like they were going to throw them away. I can't remember if I asked about them and was told I could take them or not.

    I took a round victorian broach with gold filigree around it.

    I went and told some others about it and told them there were some jade items there. I have never been a fan of jade. (even in real life) Returning with them, I picked up a few more things.

    When I went back, I noticed from another room there was a woman with long black hair who had a long black lense camera on me.

    As I was walking out of the hotel. She was standing at the door as I was walking out and still had that long lense camera on my face with the same huge smile. She said something as I walked by.

    I was taken off guard by her being there, that I couldn't tell you what she said.

    I felt as if I had stolen these items and the next day, went to put them back.


    ewwwwww I hated this dream, it was awful

  13. im wondering if thers a rift between u an ur nieghbor,or hes in pit an cant get out,,, Since our daughter lives in our garage (remodeled into a guest house) SHE (her family) could be "the neighbor" in this dream. She and her family are at odds with my husband and I. (ie, the "rift" or "fissure")
    (see my "Bear on 2 story roof" dream, I think these two dreams go together but not sure)

    but thers gold 2 be had,, I like this idea since we would be "rich" in being reconciled to each other BUT... I didn't bring any gold up with me, or the rock that the gold was in.

    ur having 2 get down 2 his level ina sense,but not 2 dwell ther wiv him,,, I didn't see this before, but perhaps you're onto something

    hes dabbling wiv the occult perhaps,,[snakes],, This thought HAS crossed my mind and I hope it's not correct, but hopefully this isn't true. It could be, but I hope not.

    u hear a word of wisdom,, The Lord gave me Psalm 101 along with this dream as well......

    ther kood well be a confrontation wiv spirit powas,, I do have something that IS running around in my house that is floor lever, black and very fast. I had that tho before the rift. I KNOW the enemy would love to tear me apart but God will not turn me over!! PTL!!!

    um i beleave a circle is an occult symbol,,ugh,,but ur escaping ,, Yes I did!!!

    let me kno how this feels,, THANK YOU for your input.


  14. Sorry, I don't know how to post a poll at the same time posting my dream. Please read "I beg for help with this one" and my "Bear" dream.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.


    My husband and I are next door talking with our neighbor. We noticed his house was separated by a wide, deep and long ground fissure.
    As we looked down into it, we could see him tying the tails of 3 cobra snakes together, all on one long stick, I remember looking at the circles on the body of the snakes. They seemed to be dazed because they were dangling upside-down from the stick.

    We met him down inside the fissure.

    I noticed where the fissure had pulled apart from itself exposing some rock that I recognized would have gold in it.
    I went to reach my hand in there to pull some rock out when in my mind I heard "watch out for snakes!!!"
    That immediately got my attention and I told my hub we needed to get out of there right away.

    I tried to gauge which would be the quickest way out, either up the steep narrow part or run thru the wide part with the less steep incline.
    I chose the widest.

    I had to pass my neighbor who was struggling to keep the cobras from detaching from their stick, as they had been aroused to anger and were hissing loudly bearing their fangs.
    He asked me to help him and I said "NO!!!" and kept running as I was calling out to my husband to hurry. He replied back in a reassuring voice.
    I saw new short, round, fat tan colored baby snakes that blended in with the dirt as I ran. They were too newborn to cause harm but they were angry as you could see them struggle. There was a lot of hissing as I ran out.
    I woke up and didn't see my husband out there. I guess he stayed back to help our neighbor.


    I also hear the Lord give me PSALM 101
    and I also had the thought come to me "you brood of vipers" (my thought cuz of the snakes)

  15. My husband and I are next door talking with our neighbor. We noticed his house was separated by a wide, deep and long ground fissure.
    As we looked down into it, we could see him tying the tails of 3 cobra snakes together, all on one long stick, I remember looking at the circles on the body of the snakes. They seemed to be dazed because they were dangling upside-down from the stick.

    We met him down inside the fissure.

    I noticed where the fissure had pulled apart from itself exposing some rock that I recognized would have gold in it.
    I went to reach my hand in there to pull some rock out when in my mind I heard "watch out for snakes!!!"
    That immediately got my attention and I told my hub we needed to get out of there right away.

    I tried to gauge which would be the quickest way out, either up the steep narrow part or run thru the wide part with the less steep incline.
    I chose the widest.

    I had to pass my neighbor who was struggling to keep the cobras from detaching from their stick, as they had been aroused to anger and were hissing loudly bearing their fangs.
    He asked me to help him and I said "NO!!!" and kept running as I was calling out to my husband to hurry. He replied back in a reassuring voice.
    I saw new short, round, fat tan colored baby snakes that blended in with the dirt as I ran. They were too newborn to cause harm but they were angry as you could see them struggle. There was a lot of hissing as I ran out.
    I woke up and didn't see my husband out there. I guess he stayed back to help our neighbor.


    I also hear the Lord give me PSALM 101
    and I also had the thought come to me "you brood of vipers" (my thought cuz of the snakes)


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