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Posts posted by nicky

  1. hi
    Just a few thoughts - The high school thing - could mean - a test your having to re-take - because somewhere along the line you may not have passed. Not a literal test - but in God's school of tests or trials we never fail - but rather - we keep getting tested till we pass and move to the next level. It's like Joyce Meyer always says - YOU JUST GONNA GO AROUND THE MOUNTAIN AGAIN. The fire engines - flying - I sought of get the idea like they were gonna put the fire out but then announced that u wud have to re-take the test. FIRE is what re-fines us - purges and purifies us. Can you think what test this is - what may God be trying to teach you that may require you to be purified. Three people that were there may be a hint as to what the test is? anyways just sharing -

  2. HI all
    When we were finishing off last year - their were many questions as to what God was preparing us for and why he had ended all we were busy with - only to find out that our family had to move far away from where we were staying - because GOD said GO - no wonder he ended everything off - which brings me to a dream that my brother had when we were asking GOD questions.

    HE dreamt me and my baby had to go to a clinic - at this clinic were many children - it was built on a church and had a theme park on the top of it. It was in a terrible neighbourhood. When family wanted to come visit me - they were told I was IN WARD 3 - room 27. Then an old friend called my brother in the dream -this friend is worldy and from the past - and asked him where I was - because they had heard about me and needed to come and see.

    I beleive its got to do with the ministry GOD is preparing. If God gives you any revelation, kindly share with me - I am trurning 27 next month and that may be where the 27 comes in.

  3. Had a dream last night that we were on holiday - and their were three mountains - each mountain had construction going on. We were on top of the mountains, there was a man there behind a desk and I asked him if he would be coming to the primary school and he said NO - then I asked if he would be coming to the high school and he said yes. I got the idea that he was famous, well trained and was going to present something.
    Scripture I got was Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. MAT 7:7

    I have a feeling this has to do with our business we are starting - their are three currently in a baby form - however the one I am responsible for needs a couple things to be put into place - help maybe from the more experienced in this field. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE GUY SAYING HE WONT APPEAR IN THE PRIMARY SCHOOL BUT RATHER THE HIGH SCHOOL _ I was wondering about that really?

  4. Depression is a nasty business. I discovered it has a lot to do with the way you think and the thoughts you entertain. Positive thinking is a key - but also to get to the roots of what thought pattern are triggering the depression off. We often have deep rooted strongholds(thought patterns) that need to be dealt with and they are normally a result of childhood issues - circumstances thru life. Pay attention to what keeps on bringing you down. Get a journal and write down what you are thinking and ask the Lord to renew all the thought patterns that are not of him -and healing in areas that need healing. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds. TRY turn everything into something good - just as GOD does with us.

    Rom 8V 28 – And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. NLT

    The verse above says that God turns all situations and circumstances into something positive for His children. I want to swing this around and say the ball in now in your court. Lets take a character trait of God – and work towards becoming like Him. Finding the positive in everything – and turning the negative into something worthwhile. You can either be in survival mode IN YOUR circumstances/life – or you can be like father God and turn it into something beautiful to enjoy, seeking ways to make it GOOD. Let me give you and example; My baby developed a habit – whilst I had a lack of support and sleep – husband was not around – to wake up at 4 in the morning. This was not happening before and you can expect to get added pressure in circumstances when it feels like you can’t take anymore. So I would tediously try and get him to fall asleep again – holding him, trying everything so I could get more sleep – this did not work and by the time he fell asleep I had to wake up for my day to begin anyway. The result – wasted time – fustration. So I decided to turn it into something poistive and I said to the Lord that clearly I’m being woken for a reason – I’m going to use it for more time in prayer. This produced such good fruit at the time It really helped me in the situation to be victrious like only prayer can. And so I continued to find the silver lining – I searched for ways to turn everything into GOOD – as my Father does in my life. This helps us to keep a positive attitude and keeps circumstances from predicting how we should be feeling. YOUR ATTITUDE DETERMINES YOUR ALTITUDE – so fly high everyone – look beyond the window pain – there is a beautiful sky above with open air.

  5. I will pray for you, it's tough, no easy fixes, but God will be there with you through it all. I honestly have wanted to give up a couple times, when I take my eyes off Jesus and put it on the circumstances. Me and my hubby have a special calling that requires both of us to be in unity that is why our marriage was and is still being restored, therefore I have had to keep a kingdom mind set about it - I'm doing it for the greater good of God's Kingdom and his higher calling and purpose. Don't do it if ur not 100% co mmitted to giving your all!!!!in the tough times I'm always able to go back to my first moments and be reminded that God knows whats best - and therefor whateva pain I face will be turned into the greater good Rom 8v28. I'm here for support...

  6. hello there
    I posted in the christian counselling part, if I may contribute just a few thoughts. I believe after reading the dream that you may really have to let go of any way you once viewed your hubby and your old life together in order get a new husband - old hubby - but changed and reknewed by the blood of Christ. I think you may know that God wants you to do this but you are nervous - but willing to submit nontheless. You may have been praying and seeking God - "going up the stairs to the room to talk to God - but then not wanting him there with you. It's so hard to go thru this situation - but you doing well so far because at least u willing regardless of what u have been thru. This is like throwing urself off the cliff and waiting for God to catch you because you don't know what is waiting for you on the other end and I'm sure you do not want to go through a smimilar situation. Your trust in God will carry you thru. I have a similar testimony and I can say - I was also shown that I need to go back to my husband - at the time tho we did not have anew relationship I just had to trust God that he would not allow me to go back into hurt and pain and that my hubby wud change. He never let me down, AND I have a new covenant with me hubby for the last three years. It has been tough but so so so worth it. I have learnt plenty and grown because it was God's divine plan for me and hubby to be together. With all our hurt and walls and brokeness- and NO - he did not change right away - I was so pruned and grew by dealing with some of the bondage that was there. I also realised that I indeed had plenty that had to change in me in order to bring a change in him. Praise God for restoration. God once prophesied over us that "he sees us working, and He sees us working well and that He is cheering us on. If you want picture that. YOU need to know you have God's backing when going into a situation like this. just wanted to share with you - chuck out what is not relevant. lotsa Jesus love nicky

  7. Ah thanks dreamster The thoughts are appreciated and on the mark. My brother has always been like another one of my children - and he is far from the baby - I need to becareful not to be too pushy here and allow the Holy Spirit to further work in his heart and point him in the direction he needs to take. sometimes we want to do all the work - and we actually get in the way of God. God may reveal to me the appropriate direction but I can take away His opportunity to grow and hear and obey by trying to make Him see. I now just need to remain prayerful. Anways he has an awesome relationship with God and I know he will hear the whisper.
    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Be blessed.

  8. HI
    The reason people are saying you should not be in a relationship right now is because you need to be made completly whole and heal from the past relationship. SOmetimes we cover up our empty gaps and scars before God can heal and fill up those areas with him. The best thing to do when coming out of a bad relationship is not getting into another one. God needs to heal and sometimes we allow another person to come and cover all our hurt and undealt with insecurities and then - they appear at a later stage in our next relationship. Keep it to friendship - till God has established his love and security in your life. God may want to show you that HE loves you the most and you are beautiful, special and wanted by Him.

  9. Hi there
    You may have been prayed for - for rejection but that does not mean people will stop rejecting you. That will happen right through life, however God wants to restore and bring healing, so when you are rejected by people that it does not rock your world but rather that your self worth is determined by HIM and His word. When someone rejects you, you need to make sure that you are careful as to what thoughts you entertain, if they are thoughts that agree with person rejecting you or thoughts bringing yourself down or agreeing that you are not good enough - Replace those thoughts with the word of GOD and what God says you are. You don't want to be in a position where you are trying to prove you are worthy of acceptance. You are accepted, in the Kingdom of God. When we seek acceptance from anyone other than God we set ourselves up for disapointment. just a few thoughts. much Jesus love to ya

  10. HI ALL

    I had a dream that I was driving my brothers car, it was an old car and the indicator made such a noise as you used it. He was in the car with me and he was very concerned about there being no petrol in the car. I had a t shirt on, that was also my brother's and I said to him that the t shirt was very tight and I said if it is tight for me, how can you possibly wear it. He answered angrily that it does fit. THE END

    My brother is beleiving for a new job - a specific one. He did get other job offers and felt peace in taking a particular one. BUT then someone popped up and said there may be a possiblity that he may be able to get him into a large company - permanent job - a downscale really but more appropriate in his eyes as to what he needs. I think this is what the dream is about. I am concerned as to why I was driving tho? I told him about the dream and he said he was going thru emotions saying to God, why is he is this position again and he is tired of the "no money" thing. He was offerend jobs in the industry that he is trained in, I reminded him of this. He does not want to take it tho. Could this dream just be an indication of this conversation. anyways
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