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Everything posted by kbrooks72

  1. I have been out of depression now for about two weeks, I need advice on how not to let myself slip back into it.
  2. I am getting counseling from my pastor, but she refuses to see a christian marriage counselor with me. She is not getting any help at this time. We have talked and she has even invited me to come and see her and my little ones. The next day she was depressed again and said still has no feelings for me. All i can do now is pray. My pastor and myself cannot figure out these visions or dream. They are still a mystery.
  3. I am new to this please bear with me. My wife left me as of 02-25-10, taking my two stepchildren and other things. I suffer from depression. I was not myself for a long time. I was in denial that I even had it. I became hateful, wanted to argue, and just basically lost myself. It has been over a month and I am taking medication for it. God worked one miracle in my life already. He brought me out of my depression by his grace. I have two sons from a previous marriage where my wife at that time she committed adultery and allowed my sons to be hurt. I met my wife at church we have been together for six years. She has two children as well, and I have raised them as my own. I love them as my own. On that day she moved about 45 miles away. We have been talking some we both do not believe in divorce. We both are christians, but i feel it is over with. She says she can't get past the resentment she has for me. She says she is trying but not getting anywhere. I know and have faith that my lord and savior Jesus can help her. I am so hurt inside. I can now feel the pain that I caused her. I know Jesus has forgiven me. I now pray that she can. Over the past month I have started seeing visions. I have seen where she cries almost every night. I have seen where god is dealing with her heart. I have had one dream as well. she is watching me every day waiting on a sign from god when she gets this sign she will come home. Also in this dream I see something evil following her, and trying to get into where she is at, i yell for saftey but she ignores me. then i see a feather resting on a crystal pure puddle of water in the middle of a sea of angels. i also dreamed that she will have to have peace in her heart, silence in her head, and her eyes must not bleed anymore. Can anyone please pray for my marrage and help me with these visions and dreams thank you.
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