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Posts posted by christmaidservant

  1. Ok my brothers and sisters, I have always had tornado dreams, since I was 13 and they have always been symbolic and true. Always symbolic because I grew up in California, I recently moved to NC. This dream, I do not feel is about me, but about members in my family, but I could be wrong. Typically when I dream of me, my husband is in the dream, but this was regarding my siblings & mother. Usually I can interpret tornado dreams because I've had them for years, however, this one is perplexing. So I just want some conformation.

    In this dream, I was at my family's home, (mother, sisters, etc) and it was extremely dark inside. In the living room, I can recall my mother sitting there, and there was a bed in the middle of the living room. She was sitting on a chair, and one of my younger sisters was on the bed, another girl was on the bed as well, but it was a celebrity's youngest sister, (which I think is representative of my youngest sister, who still lives at home.) Then I ended up being my sister, (which I could see, because she and I are more similar in ways, more so than my other sisters.) I was wiping my bottom because I guess I had poop on me. I was going to throw it away in the kitchen, but was too scared to because it was sooo dark, and windy, but I threw it in there anyhow. I knew it was a tornado then.

    The scene switched, and one of my cousins was driving on the freeway. It was so dark outside, that I didn't think she could see. It was dark clouds everywhere and dark patches. Then she started to drive on the onramp, and that is when I saw the tornado. It was huge, moving, and lit up with different colors. I believe it was lightning inside of the tornado, (which was the only light on the road). Nobody could drive anywhere because of the tornado, so it was like traffic, and no vehicle had headlights on. Every person in there car was at a standstill, and the roads were broken.

    The scene switched back to my family's garage, and they were getting dressed to leave to go to their various destinations. I said wait, and looked outside to see if the tornado had passed and it did, but the weather changed significantly. I remember saying, "ya'll weather is bipolar,". It was raining with slush snow as well. There were significant water puddles on the ground with snow and broken tree branches. I remember seeing a tree with broken branches. One of my sisters was grabbing a pair of flats to put on, and I told her to change her shoes because she would get her feet cold and soaked. My mother was talking about one of my brother jackets that was in the garage, im not sure which brother. My little brother was in the garage as well, but he was just in the midst.

    That is it, but I know that this is a warning and it is defintely not good. I am still praying on this.

  2. A dove represents the Holy Spirit.

    "And Jesus, when he was baptized, went straightway out of the water: and lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God decending like a dove, and lighting upon him." Matt 3:16

    It could mean that the Lord is letting you know that He is with you throughout this journey that you are taking and He is pleased with you. Keep Him with you, where ever you go.

  3. Wow, interesting, I just asked him that question....what he would think about me moving in ministry? I know my ministry is being born in a few months.

    Also thanks for that, because yes it is tough. As soon as our honeymoon was over, here she came, and it has been hard since. But, if I am doing something wrong, I need to be convicted too and change my heart. So I will ask God to reveal to me, all of my wrongs and how to go about this situation, because I honestly do not know. However, in the dream, as the dog, she wasn't trying to bite me, but lick me, I just dislike dog licks. It could very well be my attitude toward everything. Interesting enough, the old man was sitting next to me the whole time.

  4. Unfortunately it is not temporary. She is pretty old and does not make enough money to take care of what she would need to without assistance. It is too burdensome to take care of two houses. Sending her to a home, is not an option, plus I wouldn't want to do that to her. I wouldn't mind taking care of her, it is just her spirit that I do not agree with. I had a dream about this before, but he didn't understand why.
    The living room was completely messy and a door was open. A voice said that allegators were near so to be careful. Whenthe family got into the boat, the water looked like allegator water, green, and someone kept rocking the boat, making water splash up to my neck, to the point where it went over my head a few times. I believed it was because of her, and I think he wouldn't understand that. Matter of fact, I know he doesn't.

  5. I thought it was going to be very bad. Yes my husband definitely supports my walk with Christ, he is a preacher himself. I guess in the dream I was hesitant to tell him that this old man wanted me to ride with him because it was another man. I didn't think he was going to agree with that.

    As far as in confrontation, I would have to say so. We recently married in December, and now his mother has to live with us. It would not be a problem, but her spirit and mine can conflict. I do not agree with her behavior most of the time. She gossips and causes confusion between people, i've seen it firsthand. She can be controlling as well, and I don't agree with her actions at all. I have spoken with him about it before, but he thinks she can do no wrong. But, she manipulates him to believe that. So, I just pray about it, it's all I can do.
    Is that the cat dream then too?

  6. In this dream, I was watching tv, and on this show, these particular celebs were getting all these presents for Christmas and having big presents. I didn't have much of a Christmas, but I expected that, because we didn't have much money. Then I saw this older man outside, whom I've never seen before and he looked as if he was poor, but he had this amazing new car, a type of car that a young person would have. He came into my house and wanted me to ride with him, but of course my husband was not going for that. Then our front door open and a dog came inside, but she was trying to lick me. I do not like dog licks, but she was persistent and kept trying. I kept pushing her away, but she kept trying. Finally my husband, said bella stop it, leave her alone. When I looked at the dog, she was this black puppy, but she was pregnant. I woke up.

    In this dream, there was a cat in my living room, which I think cats are cute, however, I am allergic to their dander, so I would never own one. I was trying to care for it, but I could not handle the attention it required. I put out some kitty litter in this clear, long, container. However, when it had a bowel movement, it didn't know how to cover up it's own feces. It also kept running away from me, if I would get close to it, it seemed like it wanted to attack me. So I got tired of it, since I didnt want it anyway, I was about to put it out. I took the kitty litter out to dump it in the garbage. Then I went towards the backyard, maybe to grab something, however, it was so dark back there. When I went to the fence to open it, all I heard was a dog barking at me, I guess it didnt recognize who I was, so I closed the gate. I dont even own a dog either. Then I woke up.

  7. Wow that is amazing. The interpretation that God had given you, definitely sits well. I was excited by reading what you said. This dream was probably the most amazing dream that God has ever given me. The way I felt, I just cannot wait to feel that again. I knew that it was the Holy Spirit flowing, but wow, I had no idea all of that would come from this. This is so true, because God has been moving like never before, and our church is doing the Daniel fast right now. It is just beautiful to see another person go higher in the Lord, and also to be going higher ourself. I am so honored that God would even be pleased with us. This is just wonderful news.

    I will also heed to the warning as well, with others to attack my relationship with God. I will continue to pray and profess my faith and state Romans 8:35-39, because nothing will come between me and my God. I will also profess Phil 1:20, that I will never be ashamed but boldness will be brought out.

    God Bless you in abundance!!

  8. My husband and I, (recently married in Dec yay), were getting into our car to drive somewhere. Interesting enough, the car was not our original vehicle, and this was an SUV, which we do not have. I am not sure of the color, maybe red or not. Anyhow, we started driving to our destination and we had to go on this incline, but once we got there, everything changed. This incredible light came from nowhere and water was flowing everywhere. It looked like this amazing retreat. Water started flowing as we were driving on this incline. Next thing I know, we are not driving anymore but going into the water. It was so warm, and beautiful. It was so comforting and amazing. I can't explain it. People were being baptized right before our eyes. Others were just worshiping God, while some were just enjoying this water. Those that were baptizing the people were wearing white robes. We started walking up these stairs made of marble, it was so beautiful there, and water was flowing on the stairs too. We went to this next level of water, and there were only a few people there. One girl noticed that everyone there was naked, so they started to cover up. I didn't notice until she said something, and I found myself wanting to get out of the water to grab a towel. I didn't though, then I woke up.

  9. That is what I initially believed it was. I do not know much about her except that she is a very giving person. I only see her every once in a while. She said I could be her daughter too thumbs

    I was just confused on the perfume and what that represented. Maybe that is the sweet smelling sacrifices offered to God. Whatever is being imparted into me, I will be able too use it for God.

    Thanks for your help Owen, you're always a blessing.

  10. In my dream I had been fasting and praying all day, so I was tired, which I am on a consecration. I decided to take a small nap to refuel for the rest of my day. However, someone knocked on my bedroom door and it startled me. So when I went to answer my door, it was my future mother-in-law, whom I did not recognize. She looked like a weird cartoon character or some sort. I felt really weak from my consecration, so it took me a few seconds to finally see her original face. Then I said, can I help you, I am really tired and in need of a nap. She said somone had came by and left something for you. I thought it was mail, but it was a gift. I took the bag in my room and took it out, it was just a bottle of expensive lotion. Then when I set it down, it accumulated. I had received a basket of different perfumes and lotion. Some perfume was used already, but I still kindly accepted it. The person that left the gift, was my other sister-in-laws mother.

  11. And you are right, ministers can do that. I am glad that you did not allow the church ministers who hurt you, to keep you away from God. Stay encouraged and be bless my friend. One of my fave scriptures is

    Rom 8:35, 37-39 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? [shall] tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?
    Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
    For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
    Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

  12. God Bless, I surely will do so. I have an uncle through marriage, who is supposed to be a prophet. However, he had led me wrong on some counters and others were just wrong, to me they were. I have watched him run people out of the church. I left his church myself. I've heard him give prophesies to people and then change what he said right after he said it. He was the reason why I had a hard time having faith and loving God in the first place.

    I had a dream that three babies were in a room and I do not know who they belong to, but I felt that I should protect them. Two were four months and the other was 9 months. He came into the room and layed on the floor, that is when I took the babies because he came in there. Something is just not right about him. I'll have to pray on that more.

  13. Owens thank you. God is good I tell you. I wasn't especting all of that. I have always been a seer, and one day I had a dream and the Lord said that he would give me utterance. That was all it was. I thought that was what God meant when he said that.

    1st dream, Almost half a year ago, I gave my heart to the Lord. I never gave it to him before, because I never knew to have a relationship with him. All I learned in church was to fear God because of judgement. I never knew to love him. Or, I just did the minimal amount of prayer and bible reading. I had a hard time with faith for the longest. I always pushed God away and blamed him for a lot of situations I was thrown into. Once I relaized he wasn't to blame, I gave my heart to him instead of going through the motions of church. It has been bliss ever since. I also am used to being in the back, that sometimes it seems scary to be upfront. I freak out at the littlest attention.

    2nd dream, I thought that dream was about an underdeveloped gift of prophecy. I just wans't to sure. I know that is a future gift, I just didn't want to try and interpret the dream because I thought I needed to work on it first.

    3rd dream, (wow) I can't wait for God to move in my life like that. He is addicting for sure. I would love to do great works for him.

    4th dream, I will definitely get back to putting more effort in my prayers and fasting and etc because I do not want to slow down the move of God. I want to humble myself and do anything He has planned.

    Thanks so much for that. Most of it was conformation and the other was beautiful. More than what I thought it was.

    God bless you

  14. This dream was like a movie

    First this womans car was attacked, someone has planted something on her car. The back part was on fire so she had to switch cars to make her break. Second back at her house, I believe the same people who attacked her car, broke into her house. The threw stuff around everywhere, only in her living room. I also got the impression that they were searching for a little girl but could not find her.
    I wanted to get the men that did this to the house, so I went after them. I followed them to this big building, it sort of resembled a hospital/airport. This other lady knew who those men were and tried to distract them by playing hurt. She pretended that she hurt her foot. People rushed to her aide, and I saw one of the men, trying to hurt her. I guess he knew her plan. As she was laying on the gurney, he went and put some small toothpick-like sticks near her face, so that once she turned her head, she would hurt herself. I saw him and removed the toothpicks and attacked him. I pinned his arms behind him and started questioning him and telling him to stop hurting people.
    I made him sit down and when he did that, he turned into a 3-yr-old kid.
    I took him with me to this house and he was trying to lay in this bed with this family, but he was literally hanging on to the sheets. So I picked him up and put him in the bed with the family and he looked at me as if she was shcoked that I cared. Then I made some chocolate chip cookies for my fiance, however a little kid came and started to eat them instead. I started to tell them that they weren't for him , but I let him eat them anyway. He said they taste amazing and I said of course because I made them. He smiled, then ran to me and gave me a hug.

    Crazy dream...........

  15. I had prayed and asked God what he wanted me to do as far as in my career, instead of going my route. I had a dream of a lawyer, just a random person. I prayed about it and left it alone. I dreamed about it again and then two other times.

    Then lastly, I said God, law school is not for me. I'm not that type of girl. I am more of a background girl. So I went to bed and had another dream.

    I walked into my house and went straight to my bathroom. My bathroom was clean, but a book was left in there. So I grabbed the book and took it to my room. I layed the book on my bed and then proceeded to look out the window. For some reason, after I looked out the window, (which outside was a beautiful sunny day), I felt that I should study from the book. I got on my bed and opened the book, It was a law book. When I looked at the name to see who left the book for me....it said Misha. When I looked Misha up, it said the name meant One who is like God...

    Is this conformation?
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